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jmarshall Wrote:You want to know the slot number, not the item number. I was thinking of Container.Position, but it works the wrong way around. As I re-think about it, it's not currently possible, as the listitem doesn't actually know where the list is when it's being rendered. Not sure of a nice way around that one.

You could probably do it if you have a static set of items (i.e. that never change) as you could fade them based on what has focus. Would be kinda icky though!


I'll have to look into all this, for now I'll just keep them all faded :p

Back to the kerning issue... I modified the metrics of the entire font (meaning the letters have less white space at the sides) and that turned up pretty good, excepts for a few pairs (for example AV). For those, I tried to modify the kerning pairs, but that had no effect on the rendering of the fonts in XBMC.

Is it possible that currently xbmc desn't support kerning pairs?
jmarshall Wrote:You want to know the slot number, not the item number. I was thinking of Container.Position, but it works the wrong way around. As I re-think about it, it's not currently possible, as the listitem doesn't actually know where the list is when it's being rendered. Not sure of a nice way around that one.

You could probably do it if you have a static set of items (i.e. that never change) as you could fade them based on what has focus. Would be kinda icky though!


jm, could itemlayout be changed (i.e., at the xbmc/developer level, not by skinning) so that a call to listitem.[property] from within itemlayout grabs the "current" unfocused item instead of the selected item? Would be a huge help for both Concrete and the Revamp list view that I am working on for Aeon.
It already does. You just can't actually set any properties, right?
jmarshall Wrote:It already does. You just can't actually set any properties, right?

No, for example, if I wanted to call substring(listitem.videoresolution,720) from within itemlayout, it will return the videoresolution of the selected item -- which is weird, because if I just make listitem.videoresolution the info for a label control, it works as it should.
it's not the listitem.xxx that doesn't work. it is the visibility conditional that doesn't work on non focused items.
That should be easy enough to fix.

EDIT: try r22183.

jmarshall Wrote:That should be easy enough to fix.

EDIT: try r22183.


could you perhaps create a label that returns what position the actual control is in relative to the focused one? Then you could do:
<animation effect="fade" start="100" end="50" time="200" condition="stringcompare(ListItem.RelativePosition,-2)">conditional</animation>

And, I think, by that means solve the problem.
Or do any of you have any other solution?
Nope, as the listitem itself doesn't know that information.
jmarshall Wrote:That should be easy enough to fix.

EDIT: try r22183.


all has been quiet in this thread.. how goes it? is there work still being done on this awesome concept?
garvani Wrote:all has been quiet in this thread.. how goes it? is there work still being done on this awesome concept?

I've been having little time lately, but have not forgotten the idea...
If I can get some things together I'll resume my work soon.
some news?
I like the look and concept and it would be great if the work goes on Nod
I read a month or two back that he was going to have another look at it now that Font kerning is possible in the skin engine.
Im keen on this skin as well. Looks damn impressive, and stands out from the crowd
Is this idea still alive, its such a good looking skin, nice to see something different.
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