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Full Version: PM3.HD - Adding "DVD Thumb" View to Music Category
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I've tried to do this but i can't quiet figure it out, this are the changes i've made to usr/share/xbmc/skin/pm3.hd/720p

MyMusicSongs.xml (Bold are modified code)
<window id="501">
    <defaultcontrol always="true">50</defaultcontrol>
        <include>3d_CoverView_Music</include> <!-- view id = 500 -->
        <control type="group">
            <control type="group">
                <animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="970,-100" time="300" tween="quadratic" easing="out" condition="Control.IsVisible(500)">Conditional</animation>
                <include>CommonRootView</include> <!-- view id = 50 -->
                <include>CommonListView</include> <!-- view id = 51 -->
                <include>SongInfoListView</include> <!-- view id = 59 -->
                <include>ThumbnailView</include> <!-- view id = 53 -->
[b]                [size=large]<include>MovieDVDView</include> <!-- view id = 57 -->[/size][/b]

MyMusicNav.xml (Bold are modified code)
<window id="502">
    <defaultcontrol always="true">50</defaultcontrol>
        <control type="largeimage">
            <aspectratio scalediffuse="false">scale</aspectratio>
            <texture diffuse="Fanart_Diffuse.png" fallback="background-music.jpg">$INFO[Fanart.Image]</texture>
        <control type="largeimage">
            <aspectratio scalediffuse="false">scale</aspectratio>
            <texture diffuse="Fanart_Diffuse.png" fallback="background-music.jpg">$INFO[ListItem.Property(Fanart_Image)]</texture>
        <include>3d_CoverView_Music</include> <!-- view id = 500 -->
        <control type="group">
            <control type="group">
                <animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="970,-100" time="300" tween="quadratic" easing="out" condition="Control.IsVisible(500)">Conditional</animation>
                <animation effect="slide" start="0,0" end="560,0" time="300" tween="quadratic" easing="out" condition="[Control.IsVisible(55) | Control.IsVisible(56)]">Conditional</animation>
                <include>CommonRootView</include> <!-- view id = 50 -->
                <include>CommonListView</include> <!-- view id = 51 -->
                <include>SongInfoListView</include> <!-- view id = 59 -->
                <include>ThumbnailView</include> <!-- view id = 53 -->
                <include>ArtistFanartView</include> <!-- view id = 56 -->
                <include>AlbumSongsFanartView</include> <!-- view id = 55 -->
[b]                [size=large]<include>MovieDVDView</include> <!-- view id = 57 -->[/size][/b]

Nothing happens, what have i missed?

Thanks for the support.
you'll also have to change the <visible> condition for the MovieDVDView wraplist in ViewsVideoLibrary.xml

note, in this view all images are stretched to dvd cover format, so it won't look good for artist and album thumbs.
Alright so i added

<visible>Container.Content(Movies) | Window.IsVisible(VideoFiles) | Container.Content(Albums) | Container.Content(Artists)</visible>

Still won't work, probably added the code wrong or something?
Got it, changed code to:

Container.Content(Movies) | Window.IsVisible(VideoFiles) | Window.IsVisible(MusicFiles) | Window.IsVisible(MusicPlaylist) | Container.Content(Songs) | Container.Content(Albums) | Container.Content(Artists)

thanks for the help!