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Full Version: Fanart NOT WORKING
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Im running the current XBMC and using IMDB as a scraper but when i try to get fanart for my movies, it takes forever to load, no images pop up, and each caption says "remote thumb" if I click cancel or anything it just locks up the screen for a minute or two... anyone else have this issue or am i doing something wrong?
A side note: all of my TV Shows work fine right away and pull fanart no problem.
unfortunately there appears to be a problem with http://www.themoviedb.org at present, which is where fanart is pulled from by default, nothing to do with xbmc

tv shows fanart comes from a different site (http://www.thetvdb.com/) which is why that is still working...
Ah ok, thank you much. I thought I had done something to mess that up. Is that the same place it pulls Posters from? For some reason when I refreshed my content it took away posters as well.
Actually I must have messed something up. I deleted the IMDB.xml file that was in my scraper folder and replaced it with what i thought was the most current IMDB.xml file and whenever i refresh a film it will not pull posters or let me download them, i can only upload my own. How could I fix this?