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Full Version: Is there a proper marker for movies?
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I would like to know if there is a proper way to identify a movie in xbmc. I could not find documentation anywhere.

What is the perferred method?
"Men In Black -Movie.avi"?
found it


is there a better way?
You set content on a folder to movies. All video files found (excluding samples, trailers etc.) are then movies.
ok, is there regexp provisions for airdate in each file?

Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights (2004).ext?
Year in brackets is detected, yes.
thank you sho!
I found out how to pull year out of mythconverg. MythSExx will support exportation of MythTV recorded movies into XBMC very soon
outleradam Wrote:thank you sho!
I found out how to pull year out of mythconverg. MythSExx will support exportation of MythTV recorded movies into XBMC very soon

Question. Do you mean like scanning myth recorded movies into the movies library? XBMC can already do this with the myth:// source. You just have to set the content type of the movies folder to 'movies' and it will scrape on library update.


I guess your script (which works great for TV shows by the way) would be another way to do it, just wondering why re-invent the wheel?
I'm not re-inventing the wheel. Myth shares do not allow xbmc control over content as file shares do and rely on another computer to do the job. I run a dynamic library on a network attached storage. My files are not located on the same computer as Myth, and XBMC is not on the same computer as either of them, however Myth remains in full control of the files and XBMC remains in control of the content. Also, XBMC cannot recognize seasons and episodes without my renamer tool, so, while I'm at it, I'll add movie support.

On top of all of that, Myth does not remember the year of the movie. If you have Battlestar Gallactica, it may ask you for 1969, 1980 and 2003 and try to detect it as a series. My renamer will record the Series (year).
outleradam Wrote:I'm not re-inventing the wheel. Myth shares do not allow xbmc control over content as file shares do and rely on another computer to do the job. I run a dynamic library on a network attached storage. My files are not located on the same computer as Myth, and XBMC is not on the same computer as either of them, however Myth remains in full control of the files and XBMC remains in control of the content. Also, XBMC cannot recognize seasons and episodes without my renamer tool, so, while I'm at it, I'll add movie support.

On top of all of that, Myth does not remember the year of the movie. If you have Battlestar Gallactica, it may ask you for 1969, 1980 and 2003 and try to detect it as a series. My renamer will record the Series (year).

I'm not sure I want to know how deep the rabbit hole goes but here goes...

What does "Myth shares do not allow xbmc control over content as file shares do" mean? The myth:// integration within XBMC uses the Myth Protocol to stream content through mythbackend. It doesn't matter where the master mythbackend stores the files. Using the Protocol means that It even supports integration with slave mythbackends. And since the protocol is used shows can be deleted directly through XBMC and those are then handled by the mythbackend.

I've used XBMC on a different machine to MythTV with the myth:// integration for eons without any problems other than issues with playback due to funky new h264 specifications that ffmpeg was just getting to grasps with and some mpegts discontinuity issues.

Season and Episode support through myth:// already has a patch. I'm just waiting on one last bug to commit. http://trac.xbmc.org/ticket/7197

I'll be changing the Movies directory soon so the year marker is added to the title that is used for the internal scrapers. http://trac.xbmc.org/ticket/8425
When you use the myth:// command you're connecting to another computer which has control over the content. Before anything can get to you, it has to go through the other computer. This means it slows down and if the other computer glitches, your content glitches. It makes more sence to use mythicalLibrarian or MythSExx to rename the content so the file stays under control of mythtv, but the content comes under control of XBMC.

If I click on a networked file, it plays instantly. If I click on a myth share, it takes between 5-10 seconds to start assuming mythtv is not transcoding. Like my signature says, it's faster. MUCH faster. Also, if the Myth computer isn't running, then there is no server, but there is a NAS. Sometimes mythbackend gets hung up on a job and requres a restart. Using mythicalLibrarian gives you all of that and more. It would be nice to automatically scrape the MythTV database and associate the basename with the file though.
While I agree with some of the things you said in the above post, I think you are making some assumptions that may be true for your setup that do not apply to everyone:
1) Not everyone has a separate NAS and mythbox setup. For some people (like me) my mythtv backend is my network storage as well. It all runs on the same computer.
2) If the mythbackend is off, or hung-up; sure you won't be able to view your content, but you also won't be able to record anything. I never turn my mythbox off, because I am always scheduling shows and want to make sure they get recorded (which I think is kind of the point in having it). I can also count the number of times I've had to restart mythtv from a hang-up in the 4 years I've been using it on one hand, it is pretty reliable.
I have about 30g of recordings generated per day. I never turn my myth box off. The myth:\\ server is unreliable and slow. My myth server gets tied up on jobs and became unresponsive yesterday. A restart was required. It was still recording though
I'm not a myth expert by any means, but with 30 Gigs per day, I'm guessing you have somewhere between 15 and 20 recordings per day. Assuming they are not running multiple recordings at once (which some probably are) that is roughly one recording for every 1.5 hours in the day. Add in commercial skipping, and transcoding jobs; you may just be overworking your backend.
Have you considered adding a slave backend for the purposes of running transcoding (if you are doing this), commercial skipping, or other types of jobs only? This may help take some strain of your master backend. Since the slave wouldn't need a capture card you could even run it as VM on another computer in the house. I'm sure there is more info only at the mythtv site, just a suggestion since it seems you need to restart your machine quite frequently. I know that would bother me.
I stopped transcoding. It overworks my desktop. Comskips are generated quickly