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Full Version: Videos not added to "Movies"?
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I would like to know if there's a way to know which videos have not been added to "movies".

Sometimes the scraper doesn't find a movie, because the name is wrong, or any reason, and then I have to add it manually. It's fine, computers are not perfect, and if the name is not correct, is my fault. But I would like to know which films have not been added, in order to not to have to remember all the movies in "videos", and compare to the ones in "movies".

Also, sometimes I have movies that are not listed in the movies database, so I have to go to videos also.

Any ideas?

yes. a debug log shows the entire process.
Yes, but you would agree that checking the debug log every time you add a movie or enter the movies section is not very "user friendly" Rolleyes

It would be perfect if there was an option in library mode to have "ALL" the files, even the ones that have not been detected correctly. Maybe under a directory.

Also... is there any way, in the movies section, to see the name of the file? Because i've found that sometimes has detected incrrectly a film, and I am not sure of the correct name when I have to choose the new one (e.g: Star Wars: there are more than ten star wars films, and I could not say to which file I was assigning what movie).


file name is shown in the movie info screen.

i'm sure it would be painful, but i really can't understand the logic behind having such badly named files/directories that this is an issue.
Is not badly names, but as I have a lot of Spanish movies (normal if you live in Spain), sometimes the spanish title is not found correctly. Or, what I've found lately, is that if I have the label ".Spanish." in a movie (which is used to know that the version of the movie has the audio in spanish), the scraper doesn't find the movie. Another: recently I had the file ("Sweeny Todd", and I didn't realize it was "Sweeney" until I missed it in the movies section, and I had to go to videos, etc...

So... there are many reasons why you could end without your movies in the "movies"...

Thank you for the "info" section. I could swear I have searched for it it, and I didn't see it...

right, i can see your pain. unifying the library and the file view is on the long term todo.
OK. Good to know. By the I can live with it, but just asked, to see if I was missing something.

thank you!
