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Full Version: Now Playing in Music Library Mode?
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I am doing something very wrong, I think. This *must* be simple.

I am in my music library, and navigate to an album... I right-click and choose "Queue Item". The album starts playing.

I press the space bar to bring up "Now Playing". But I see a VERY different list of songs... stuff my wife played last night. The album I just queued (that is currently playing) is not listed here.

So, where is my album queued? Am I correct in thinking that if I queue an item that it should go to the Now Playing list, at the end of the list?

My second question is, how do I bring up Now Playing without pressing the spacebar? The manual says its available from the context menu, but I think that only applies if you are in file mode (not library mode) because I do not see a "Now Playing..." option on any of my context menus in my music library.

Please tell me I am not going crazy!
If there are items in the NP playlist and you press queue, we don't clear the list, regardless the player state. Your newly queued items should be appended to the list and playback started with the first new queued track. I just tested at HEAD and it worked as expected. If it's indeed not working for you we'll need a debug log on pastebin where you replicate the situation. As for the accessing the now playing playlist, the item only appears in the context menu if the playlist actually has tracks queued. Nothing much to do there otherwise. There's only one context menu, that you say "not in any of mine" leads me to believe you don't know which that is. Press "c" on the keyboard to bring it up. Where it is on your remote or other device you'll have to check in the keymap files. You can find the locations of them on your platform in the wiki.
Thank you for your quick reply.

I think there is something amiss with my xbmc installation maybe... I understand what you are saying- I would certainly expect to see the newly added tracks at the end of the now playing list.... alas, I do not. Even if I open the left-hand pane and choose "Clear" I see the same items in Now Playing.

Here's what's really weird- clicking one of the tracks in the Now Playing list actually plays a different track- one of the tracks on the album I queued...
Here's a screenshot: http://screencast.com/t/MzZhZWNlZDIt

Regarding the context menu... I was referring to whether I was in the artist list or album list (thinking they might be two different menus)... but I AM seeing the Now Playing item there, now... Huh maybe I was able to clear the list and that's why I was unable to originally see the menu items...

I am going to reboot and see if that fixes anything. I will post a debug log to pastebin, but the wiki says to press X and Y when starting xbmc... I will see if I can find some Windows instructions.

Thanks again!
I rebooted and it appears that problem is resolved. I am wondering if it perhaps has to do with hibernating my system.

If I encounter the issue again I will submit a debug log as suggested.