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Full Version: Only sound with DVD
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I'm Dutch, apologizes for my poor English. :o

In a few days I'm going to recieve the parts needed for my new HTPC. I want to install Windows Seven and XBMC on it. I'm very curious so I tried the software on my XP machine. I have a lot of DVD's backed up as ISO and VIDEO_TS on my PC. I configured the XBMC library, set scrapers and did things like that. I really like XBMC, but there is 1 major problem. When I want to play a DVD from an ISO or just VOB's I only get sound. I get this when I'm in the DVD menu:


Uploaded with ImageShack.us

That's the DVD menu of Sherlock Holmes


Uploaded with ImageShack.us

That's the DVD menu of The Bourne Ultimatum

When I click on something in the menu, the movie starts to play but I only hear sound. The screen stays white after that. :confused2:


Can somebody help me with this?

Thanks in advance! Smile
Moved to Windows subforum.

Include a debug log.

Host it on pastebin.com and post the link here.
Here it is! Is this right?

I would be happy if you can fix it! Smile
Listening in here - i seem to have the same problem.
seems to be everything non-dxva2 for me.