2010-05-22, 14:18
2010-05-22, 20:39
2010-05-24, 08:34
Maybe I'm not using the right program to do the scraping. I use Media Compaion. Do you know if that puts a flag in the nfo file for dts?
2010-05-24, 09:11
from the nfo file exported by XBMC
Quote: <streamdetails>
2010-05-24, 09:45
Jezz_X Wrote:from the nfo file exported by XBMC
thanks! that did it. i was putting in "dts" for the audio codec. Now I just have to find a way to make media companion automatically get the info for VOB files with dts audio.
btw, why would you have to put in "dca" and not "dts"?