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Full Version: Shade: Official Release Thread
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Update 1.0.6 --- DOWNLOAD


- Added Kiosk Mode
- Added scrollbar to Low List View (turn on in Misc. Settings)
- Added option to turn off popup on WallStream View
- Other things I cant remember at the moment

**Fodster, your view is at work in another file I forgot to bring home, I will add it on Monday**

Update 1.0.5 --- DOWNLOAD


- Added option to turn off clock
- Fixed Low List View title length
- Added border to images on home screen under recently added
- Added option to turn on clearart for TV Shows on the seekbar
- Added option to turn on posters for movies on the seekbar

Update 1.0.4 --- DOWNLOAD


- Added preview images that were missing
- New Low List View
- Breadcrumbs were incorrect in some views

1.0.4 Images:



Update 1.0.3 --- DOWNLOAD


- Added subtitle script compatibility

1.0.3 Images:


Update 1.0.2 --- DOWNLOAD

Sorry so soon but I'm shooting for compatibility.


- Added ability to change home screen backgrounds for Home, Settings, and Shutdown
- Added Addonbrowser.xml
- Added DialogAddonInfo.xml
- Added DialogAddonSettings.xml
- Added DialogTextViewer.xml
- Added addon button to home screen

Update: 1.0.1 --- DOWNLOAD


Added ability to change backgrounds on home screen
Added a button under Skin Settings to get all logos for TV Shows
Added icon.png, and addon.xml for new build compatibility

BETA thread with screenshots: Link

Credits: (If I forget anyone, my apologies)

Design: Djeglin
Coding/Design: Myself
Assistance: Hitcher, Mcborzu, Jezz_x, ppic
Beta Testing: Everyone with a special thanks to Maddog and Mark Taunton

Notice: Anyone who is planning on designing/coding an entire skin, make sure you are up for it, it is no easy task. Smile
Thank god for that Shade is now offical Smile Well done for your excellent work, now mods, can we actually have a Shade thread now please in the Skin section?
awesome work
NiceBig Grin
Couple of bugs that I have noticed so far, I shall do a full run down when I have the time to have a proper play.

The home screen when you are playing music takes too long to go into screen saver if stationary, or seemed too long for me anyway.

Also you have removed the film strips for genres? I'm not sure why this has happened as it was sexy as hell, having bog standard folder icons are just too boring.

There are a couple of squashed issues when I tried Shade on my monitor, rather that on my home screen, but when I have more time, I shall have more of a play.

Congrats on release.
Is there any chance of getting the files necessary to make this skin work with the latest SVN i.e. addon.xml and icon.png?
Killer skin man! Big Grin Thanks 4 all your hard work!

I'm using 9.11 at the moment. In Welo movie view, the plot wasn't showing up. I don't know the distinction between what <outline> and <plot> is Huh in the .nfo files. My .nfo's are not perfect to begin with, but I fixed my view by changing line 9907 in ViewsVideoLibrary.xml from $INFO[ListItem.PlotOutline] to


in case anyone else had a similar issue.

Also, you can only view actors by going through the actor sub menu off the home page? Sad So when you pull the video info screen the actor list is static?

MarkTaunton Wrote:Also you have removed the film strips for genres? I'm not sure why this has happened as it was sexy as hell, having bog standard folder icons are just too boring.

I still see the genres like this if that is what you are talking about, with some blank spaces here and there since for me <genre> in my .nfos have never been edited and have ~gazillion different entries Laugh

psyomega Wrote:Killer skin man! Big Grin Thanks 4 all your hard work!

I'm using 9.11 at the moment. In Welo movie view, the plot wasn't showing up. I don't know the distinction between what <outline> and <plot> is Huh in the .nfo files. My .nfo's are not perfect to begin with, but I fixed my view by changing line 9907 in ViewsVideoLibrary.xml from $INFO[ListItem.PlotOutline] to


in case anyone else had a similar issue.

Also, you can only view actors by going through the actor sub menu off the home page? Sad So when you pull the video info screen the actor list is static?

I still see the genres like this if that is what you are talking about, with some blank spaces here and there since for me <genre> in my .nfos have never been edited and have ~gazillion different entries Laugh


1. Plot.Outline is used for Welo view b/c it needs less information to look better.

2. Cast is not accessible in the info screen by design, it messes up the smoothness of the navigation in my opinion.

3. To Mark, Is the view you were looking for the Genre view above? I didnt take anything out.

PsyberOne Wrote:Is there any chance of getting the files necessary to make this skin work with the latest SVN i.e. addon.xml and icon.png?

I normally stay a little behind new features and releases as they tend to give me trouble. I havent even installed a new enough version to test the new features. I do plan on doing it but it is by no means at the top of my priority list.
igotdvds Wrote:2. Cast is not accessible in the info screen by design, it messes up the smoothness of the navigation in my opinion.

No problem man Cool
I changed it back 4 my own use by inserting that cast/plot button and using an actor thumb image, but that's just my preference Laugh

Thanks again for this nice skin SHADE! Nod
Fantastic skin - Great work
only issue is the recently added isnt working any way
of sorting this ??
other than that what a skin !!!!!
fodster Wrote:Fantastic skin - Great work
only issue is the recently added isnt working any way
of sorting this ??
other than that what a skin !!!!!

I am on build 28256 and no beta tester ever reported it not working, check another version.

psyomega Wrote:No problem man Cool
I changed it back 4 my own use by inserting that cast/plot button and using an actor thumb image, but that's just my preference Laugh

Thanks again for this nice skin SHADE! Nod

Can I see how that looks?
igotdvds Wrote:Can I see how that looks?

My monitor is 4:3 at the moment so my dimensions may be wacky. I need to adjust the flags and layout a bit so it doesn't get cut off.



Thinking about it a little more after looking at the info screen,


I wonder Huh if one could also keep the layout the same showing both plot or outline + cast and either just shift it to the left to add the actor thumb or truncate the cast list and place the thumb beneath, using something like Waffa's MiniMeediaWaffa vertical layout for the actor list.

Anyway, thks again Laugh for the good work! This and MiniMeediaWaffa are up in my top fav skins!
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