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igotdvds Wrote:Could you do me a favor and draw on a screenshot where the watched tick would go? I cant find a suitable place for it.

Also, I try to use as much metadata as I can. What view is missing it?

I apologize for my hideous image editing skills... I'm more of a photographer. I chose one of the cover views and one of the list views to give my thoughts. The coloring and sizes should probably be changed (especially on the non-selected items). The same could then easily be transfered to the other movie and tv show views.


My thoughts on the metadata on views...
TV Shows:
The only view showing "Total/Unwatched" is Big Posters. Scroll is the only one showing the plot. The others are just season X and a poster with, IMO, plenty of room.

These have more metadata than I thought. Although for MPAA: I'd probably prefer the little ratings icons on all views, they're easier to glance at and when you have guests/kids it's one of the more important items.

The list views could probably have the little icons below the time as well. The 720p/format/aspect/etc. Actually there are several views missing these. Scroll View as well...

The fanart view looks nice, but having a timeout then popup the rest of the information (plot/ratings/format/etc./etc.) is always a nice touch. A couple of skins do that, and it really makes the fanart view nice to use.

I really dig "Poster View 2" but it's missing the MPAA rating and the metadata icons as well.

The show current playing info on the track views thing I already mentioned is wanted... Even a simple highlight of the playing track is better than nothing, but a little box with play info would be even better.

Album year shown on all album views. I like the fanart view so much that I probably still won't use the other ones, but the year is very handy for albums...

Overall the skin is my favorite. Those few things (it looks like a lot, but it's not... Smile ) The flat text style (as seen on Windows Mobile 7) is really growing on me and this skin does it very well.

Keep up the good work... I've already converted 4 friends to this skin, one of em loves your panel view for movies.
dan1son Wrote:The coloring and sizes should probably be changed (especially on the non-selected items).

Just like the stars on one of the other views. I think they're a different colour for selected and non-selected items.

I like your idea though. It is a little annoying having to look through each episode to see if you watched it rather than holding the button down and running quickly down to the unwatched episode.
igotdvds Wrote:So basically the same views but with larger fonts?

How about an option that changes the font to be a bit bigger as opposed to a different view?

dan1son Wrote:I think he's looking for a "wide" list view. So more text fits without the need for scrolling.

Yeah i'm looking for a 'wide' list view, so there's more text on screen... and no icon...
Hey there! Some requests from vanMiez and me:

Music Videos

#1 Could you add a Music Videos button to the homescreen?

#2 More infos in music video list.

#3 More infos in music video playback.



#4 Artist info on Music thumbnail view (in top center). You are handling the top space much better in movie welo and poster view.

#5 Looks like Music thumbnail view is a file mode view, we'd like to see "music" in the top left corner.

#6 For albums with multiple disks, infos on the disk number in Songs view would be nice. (Request Post #77)

#7 In songs view, only the highlighted songs need to scroll when they are too long, not all of them.

#8 Also, all infos longer than their respective field should scroll.

#9 Issues Post #47, Music Playback / Next overlays current track



#10 Make long movie titles scrolling in all views.

#11 We have trailers for some movies. Some info on this in welo view would be cool.


TV Shows

#12 We don't like star ratings, please give us the option to have numeric ratings as well.

#13 For TV-Shows, instead of having two lines for total number of episodes and watched, integrate to one: watched: xxx of yyy or xxx / yyy



#14 We hate gradients. Please stop.

#15 RSS-Feeds are not working.

- Also, good work. Keep it up. Thanks.

- We know this is quite a bit of requests, nevertheless, if anyone can, its you.

- Also, I have it on good authority that vanMiez will have your kids if and when all these requests are handled.

- Thanks. Wink

vanOert Wrote:Hey there! Some requests from vanMiez and me:

Music Videos

#1 Could you add a Music Videos button to the homescreen?

#2 More infos in music video list.

#3 More infos in music video playback.



#4 Artist info on Music thumbnail view (in top center). You are handling the top space much better in movie welo and poster view.

#5 Looks like Music thumbnail view is a file mode view, we'd like to see "music" in the top left corner.

#6 For albums with multiple disks, infos on the disk number in Songs view would be nice. (Request Post #77)

#7 In songs view, only the highlighted songs need to scroll when they are too long, not all of them.

#8 Also, all infos longer than their respective field should scroll.

#9 Issues Post #47, Music Playback / Next overlays current track



#10 Make long movie titles scrolling in all views.

#11 We have trailers for some movies. Some info on this would be cool.


TV Shows

#12 We don't like star ratings, please give us the option to have numeric ratings as well.

#13 For TV-Shows, instead of having two lines for total number of episodes and watched, integrate to one: watched: xxx of yyy or xxx / yyy



#14 We hate gradients. Please stop.

#15 RSS-Feeds are not working.

- Also, good work. Keep it up. Thanks.

- We know this is quite a bit of requests, nevertheless, if anyone can, its you.

- Also, I have it on good authority that vanMiez will have your kids if and when all these requests are handled.

- Thanks. Wink


I'll take a look at these.

The part about the kids was hilarious, but my wife might get upset. SmileRofl

Always nice to see that people are using the skin and want to help make it better.
I would like to request that you add elapsed time, total time and finish time to the info screen (i) when a video is playing. I like to be able to hit the info (i) button when a video is playing to quickly see where I am in the movie and what time it is going to finish. Currently, the only way I can figure out how to do this is to pause the video to find out and then start again.
Actually, it would be nice if the same info when you hit pause during video playback would also show when you hit info (i). It shows up on the bottom of the screen and the info shows up on top.
kschreiber7 Wrote:Actually, it would be nice if the same info when you hit pause during video playback would also show when you hit info (i). It shows up on the bottom of the screen and the info shows up on top.

I second that. Well.. obviously minus the duplicate info you'll have when combining the two.
Addition to #9:

I hope you see what we're talking about here..

Long Titles/Artists overlay the stars and everything else.

Can you do something about that?

Edit: Screenshot.. http://files.x0n.de/xbmc/9music.png


Otherwise we're pretty sure we will have to kill the bunny.

You don't want us to kill the bunny do you? No
chareos Wrote:Oh, and the seek bar (on bottom, while playing a video) looks great.
but, it should appear also when pressing the "info" button, or the button to access the various settings (video, audio, subtitles...)
As of now, the only way I have to see "how much of the movie I've seen, how much left still" is to pause it.

+1 for this

I also think that the movie and video 'info' screens should be a little different, I'm not too hot on the style of the media flags and there should be a selectable cast so that you can search actors for other films. I just dont think the info screen reflects the whole style of the skin imho.

I also agree with a few people that stars arent that great for ratings as most things will just be 4 stars and this doesnt give you an idea on how good a movie or tv episode is, numbers are more precise and look better.

UK BBFC ratings could also be included? I'm not sure how many other Shade users here are Brits but all of my library is set to UK ratings which don't appear in this skin.

Other than that though, this skin is awesome and I commend you for making such a beautiful skin. Keep up the good work and congrats on getting the skin into the repo.
+the option to manage/download addons.
+the option to view / audo playback similar to movies (ie with fullscreen + controls + seekbar + visualizations playing in the background etc).
+the option to manually control the whitebox transparency (its still to bright at the moment even with current transparency level)
+the option to scroll for more 'currently added items' ie, not to limit to only 5 available on screen.
+the option to customize shutdown screens (ie to remove reboot for example)

note: if they're already there .. they are not easily accessible for me. (cant find it)

anyway great skin. its my defacto dharma skin since its release Wink
carimari Wrote:requests:
+the option to manage/download addons.
+the option to view / audo playback similar to movies (ie with fullscreen + controls + seekbar + visualizations playing in the background etc).
+the option to manually control the whitebox transparency (its still to bright at the moment even with current transparency level)
+the option to scroll for more 'currently added items' ie, not to limit to only 5 available on screen.
+the option to customize shutdown screens (ie to remove reboot for example)

note: if they're already there .. they are not easily accessible for me. (cant find it)

anyway great skin. its my defacto dharma skin since its release Wink

Thanks for the kind words. Big Grin

There is an addon button on the home screen. Huh

There is a visualization screen for movies that is very ncie and includes a spinning cd and fanart visualization. Huh

The transparency is 50%, I'll look at lower but noone else has mentioned this.

I liek the recently added on home to be a static list, adding more would make it scroll, I wouldnt like that.
starcitysecrets Wrote:+1 for this

I also think that the movie and video 'info' screens should be a little different, I'm not too hot on the style of the media flags and there should be a selectable cast so that you can search actors for other films. I just dont think the info screen reflects the whole style of the skin imho.

I also agree with a few people that stars arent that great for ratings as most things will just be 4 stars and this doesnt give you an idea on how good a movie or tv episode is, numbers are more precise and look better.

UK BBFC ratings could also be included? I'm not sure how many other Shade users here are Brits but all of my library is set to UK ratings which don't appear in this skin.

Other than that though, this skin is awesome and I commend you for making such a beautiful skin. Keep up the good work and congrats on getting the skin into the repo.

The Info screen was designed by the original designer and wont be changed unless he asks me too. I hate changing things that differ from his original concept. This is the reason there are so many options in Shade. Rather than differ his design, I just make it the users choice.

I will probably add an option to use number ratings instead of stars as many have asked for this.

Can you provide me with some more info on BBC ratings and their respective images?

Give any thoughts to my requests before? You did the watched icons which is great, but the music playback screen really needs some information on what's playing. I don't really use the fullscreen mode much.
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