Hi there. just downloaded the latest nightly build (Windows) and I cannot find my favorite skin anymore.
When I go to xbmc.org and select skins there is no download link for PM3.HD, and the changelog points to a TRAC that is no longer existing. What do I do?
Can't it be found in add-ons?
Go go to appearence, then click on the skin, a dialog will pop up showing all skins you have click the button that says "Get More"
Or go thru addons menu link in settings...
thank you. i was not aware of the new download system. it was not logic to me that you had to click on the skin to get more. a strange design!
Thats the round about way to get it the proper way is to go into the addons window and download it fro there along with many others
Hi all. I am running XBMC Live 9.11 and I can't find PM3.HD anywhere. In the addons section under skins the only one I can download is Basic-Vision. If I go into Appearance->Skin, there is no dialog box or any other place to download more skins. If I go to Skin on the same menu as Appearance, I still do not see anything to go and get another skin.
What am I missing?
pm3.hd definitely ships with camelot.
I just downloaded Live 9.11 a few hours ago, installed it on 2 USB drives from different systems and it is not there. It isn't there if I boot from the CD either.
yeah for some reason it didn't ship with XBMC Live you need to install it via commandline from the repo (no idea why or what the command is)
Well shoot. Thanks. If anyone knows how to install it please post it!
That Did the trick! Thanks a ton. I'll post another thread and i have looked around a bit but any idea on why Xbmc is crashing whenever I'm in my library? Doesn't matter which skin. As soon as i start browsing it goes to a command prompt. I also need to go searching for how to start it back up from there. I'll keep searching through but thanks so much for your help.
if u really have the newest nightly version of xbmc, then if u go to settings, appearance, skin, u should be able to find it there. if not then go to xbmc.org/skins and it should be there somewhere, u just have to look around