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Full Version: [WINDOWS]Fast video with digital audio out
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I've been searching the web (including these forums) for a couple of days, but I just can't find a sollution for my problem! It seems that more people has the same problem, but those topics all date from 2008 or are using the Linux platform.

The problem:
Installed XBMC Dharma Beta1 on Windows XP SP3, and everything works out of the box. I can view movies fine with analog sound. But since I connected my DD / DTS receiver to my soundcard (Soundblaster Live!) I wanted to use the SPDIF interface to have DD and DTS sound with my .MKV movies. When I set my sound output to SPDIF in the system configuration, my video's plays way to fast, and the sound skips with the movie. It seems like it's suddenly on steroids! I tried other options, like HDMI, but the problem remains.

So, I tried another mediaplayer (Media Player Classic) to see if the problem lies with my drivers or system, but all movies plays fine in there. I have nice DTS sound, and movies play on normal speed, so the problem really is XBMC related. I used the 'latest' official drivers from creative (dated from 2005), installed the latest NVidia drivers for my 8600GT and installed all windows patches, DirectX 9c and .NET 3.5. Also tried the official 9.11 release, but the problem stays.

Does anyone here has a sollution for my problem? I'm happy to provide more information if needed...

Windows XP SP3
XBMC Dharma Beta1
NVidia 8600GT
SoundBlaster Live! (receiver connected through SPDIF)
AMD X2 4400
2GB memory
1TB harddisk
A debug log might give clues. It seems that the card accepts data way too fast and doesn't regulate playback speed properly.
Is this only for passthrough of DD and DTS, or also regular 2.0 mp3, flac, wav, ...?
Okee, the issue is solved...

After 3 days of messing with my computer, trying the kX drivers for my Live! and trying every combination I could think of, I uninstalled all soundcard drivers, and let Windows XP use its default drivers.

Guess what?! Everything works with the default windows drivers! Who would have quessed that!
Okee, the problem is not entirely solved. After uninstalling the drivers and using the microsoft drivers, video playback is perfect. Unfortunately, the MP3 playback is broken.

Another member of this forum has the exact same problem. http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?p=608531 I shamelessly bumped that post to see if there is a fix to his (and my) problem. When I get home, I'll get some logfiles in here.
xbmc has problems with creative drivers/hardware but no dev has such a card so it's hard to fix.
Problems with the Xonar were resolved by disabling all effects (including the GX button). Can you do something similar?
A debug log could help.