I've set up a repository for my plugins. Right now it includes the following:
- AnimeFTW.tv
- iTunes Streamer [Plex Media Server required]
Grab the Unofficial Repository Addon here
NOTE: My Crunchyroll plugin has now been superseded by the "Crunchyroll Takeout" plugin. It's based on my original plugin, but updates and adds a number of features. You can find it HERE.
I've added the AnimeFTW.tv plugin to the repo. I'm seeing some sorting issues using Dharma beta 4 and Windows 7 ('All Anime' is sorted Z-A, rather than A-Z); is anyone else noticing this?
maruchan Wrote:I've added the AnimeFTW.tv plugin to the repo. I'm seeing some sorting issues using Dharma beta 4 and Windows 7 ('All Anime' is sorted Z-A, rather than A-Z); is anyone else noticing this?
Nope, mine is sorted A-Z. Dharma beta 4 on WinXP. Great plugin(s) by the way!
By the way, some of the shows in the VBS.tv plugin is behaving a bit strange. Not sure i can explain this but for example the "Behind the seams" is opening in "thumbview" and not in full screen plus that the clip only loads like 20 sec at a time (the whole episode is like 5 min) after the 20 sec it loads/streams another 20 seconds and so it goes on. But nevertheless great work and this strange behavior is only showing up in a few of the vbs shows.
I'm only using Animeftw.com, and it works perfectly!
However, my only gripe is having no fanart displaying in the background...wouldn't it be possible to use a different service to get the info, covers and fanart instead of using animeftw's?
Awesome, thanks!
A possible idea for VBS: for videos which are split into many small parts, an option to download all of the parts before viewing?
jolid: the problem you are having with VBS is outlined here:
cptmarginal Wrote:Awesome, thanks!
A possible idea for VBS: for videos which are split into many small parts, an option to download all of the parts before viewing?
jolid: the problem you are having with VBS is outlined here:
Ok, thats not an issue with the plugin then, to bad or good depending how you see it i guess..
Thanks for this plugin!
I'm using it for VBS, most programs that I'm watching are not split so it works ok for me most of the time.
Thanks again maruchan, I've been using AnimeFTW & VBS like crazy. It would be very cool if these worked on xbmc4xbox! Just putting the idea out there.
The AnimeFTW party is over for now, they've implemented a system whereby the videos can only be accessed from their website.
Getting an error in Dharma (v10) when I try to 'Install from zip'? Haven't had issue with other repositories yet, any ideas?
angryeye Wrote:Getting an error in Dharma (v10) when I try to 'Install from zip'? Haven't had issue with other repositories yet, any ideas?
Yep ...Same here
Strange, I get the error too when I try to re-install the repo. It was working fine before... I'm not sure if something changed with Dharma final(?) I will look into it.
On another note, I updated the VBS.tv plugin today to include a better show listing (instead of cutting 'The Vice Guide to...', you actually get the full title) and also support for age-restricted shows (Shot By Kern, Vice Guide to Sex.)
Also, I've got the Crunchyroll plugin working again (turns out it isn't SWF-Verify 2; they just switched CDNs and the new URL format was confusing.) It's not uploaded yet but I'll try to get around to it soon.
Thanks for the update on VBS!
If anyone wants the repo install file to work, just open it up in a zip program and delete the extra folder
cptmarginal Wrote:Thanks for the update on VBS!
If anyone wants the repo install file to work, just open it up in a zip program and delete the extra folder
Nope this does not work either.....