2011-03-16, 21:56
Raman325 Wrote:Great work Montellese, I was looking all over for solutions when I finally came across your post. Extremely self explanatory and simple to set up. It's unfortunate that you have to implement the solution this way, but it does the job as well as any inbuilt support would from what I have seen.Very unfortunate but I tried to make the best from what is possible.
Raman325 Wrote:One thing I am struggling with that I haven't been able to find documentation on (might be a dumb question so I apologize in advance); Where can I look at the keywords I can use? I wanted to experiment with the display to see what all I could put on there. I tried looking at the Wiki for the JSON RPC but I didn't find any useful info there (it's possible I am just being stupid).
Not a dumb question at all as it is not explained anywhere. What you can do is focus one of the textboxes where you can put your customized text and wirte a "%" (percentage) sign. This should provide you with a suggestion list showing 2 or 3 (don't remember) items. Using your arrow keys you can move in the list and see more possibilities by moving further down. If you start typing e.g. "%t" you will get all keywords starting with "t" like "%title%" and so on. If prefered I can publish a list of all available keywords depending on the type of media.