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Full Version: XBMC on iMON Display (LCD / VFD) for Windows
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yeah i left "(x= my port #'s)" out...

added to port in xbmc but still doesnt connect im using imon version 7.95.1223 could that be the problem?

also what should the TCP port in xbmc in imon ive tried the default 9090 and also changed it to the port i chose in the xml..
The port next to the IP address should be port 80. The TCP port should be 9090. I've found that this is the only way you get nagivation labels and other stuff to display while navigating XBMC. If i'm not mistaken, the other info (playing track, etc.) comes via port 80, much like when using a web interface like AWXi.

In order to get it to work with the iMon software (before installing XBMC-on-iMon) I had to remove the password and username requirement from XBMC in the "Network" section of XBMC settings, as the iMon software doesn't support this information. If you have a username / password set for XBMC control via HTTP you might want to add this information to XBMC-on-iMon, or clear it altogether. However I would also ensure that your router does not forward anything on port 80 from the internet to that machine in this instance... Unless you want anyone on the internet able to control your XBMC.
i figured it out.. my dumb butt forgot to turn on the feature in network section...
(2012-04-04, 22:06)ToXIc69 Wrote: [ -> ]i figured it out.. my dumb butt forgot to turn on the feature in network section...
LolRofl the easiest ones hurt the most,..hehhe
glad it worked out.

How's it working for u??
It's working good no problems.

A little disappointed but not complaining. I rather have limited usability than none.

The reasons I'm a little disappointed is. Because I came from mediaportal and now love xbmc. MP had a program called minidisplay and it was awesome it gave you a full functioning display and it supported not only the imon brand but almost all displays.
I'm familiar with that plugin. If I remember rightly chemmelli had issues with the original version, depending on the firmware version of the display. What I didn't like about it was the graphics mode they used for all functions, including text. Although, to it's credit, it worked without requiring the iMon software needing to be installed/loaded if I remember correctly, which is handy if you only use the display and not it's IR functions.
Hmm,.didn't know there was an alternative, and without imon software too!
Unfortunately,.. I want it.

I'm still trying to work out how to display the time...
Not that I don't appreciate the work involved thus far with the pluggin.

I am liking the "control option" where it displays where I am in XBMC.

I have controls on my case so combining them with this little gem and another app for my cell phone.;
I will be able to select my music, play it, and listen all from my backyard....All the while letting another user infront of the case clearly understand what is playing and they can skip tracks etc,..

It's just a little buggy at the moment,.

Guys, any update on below please?
I'm using recent version and have no idea how to make it working....

(2012-03-25, 02:52)parslej Wrote: [ -> ]I cannot run your app Sad

String reference mot set to instance of string

have latest iMon app working + Eden

Can you advice please what shall I do (I;d love to have your program working...)

Err log:
2012-03-25 01:49:44 [XBMC] Error while calling JSON RPC method "Player.GetActivePlayers"
    InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray' to type 'Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JValue'.
            at Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.Extensions.Convert[T,U](T token, Boolean cast)
   at Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.Extensions.Convert[T,U](T token)
   at Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.Extensions.Value[T,U](IEnumerable`1 value)
   at Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.Extensions.Value[U](IEnumerable`1 value)
   at XBMC.JsonRpc.JsonRpcClient.parseResponse(StreamReader reader)
   at XBMC.JsonRpc.JsonRpcClient.Call(String method, Object args)
2012-03-25 01:49:44 [XBMC] Player.GetActivePlayers(): Invalid response
2012-03-25 01:49:44 [XBMC] {
  "code": -32601,
  "message": "Method not found."
2012-03-25 01:49:44 [XBMC] Error while calling JSON RPC method "System.GetInfoLabels"
    JsonRpcErrorException: Method not found.
            at XBMC.JsonRpc.JsonRpcClient.parseError(JObject error)
   at XBMC.JsonRpc.JsonRpcClient.parseResponse(StreamReader reader)
   at XBMC.JsonRpc.JsonRpcClient.Call(String method, Object args)
2012-03-25 01:49:44 [XBMC] System.GetInfoLabels(System.Time(hh), System.Time(mm), System.Time(ss)): invalid response
2012-03-25 01:49:44 [XBMC] Could not get current time
    KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
            at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowKeyNotFoundException()
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)
   at iMon.XBMC.XbmcHandler.xbmcConnected(Object sender, EventArgs e)
2012-03-25 01:49:44 [XBMC] {
  "code": -32601,
  "message": "Method not found."
2012-03-25 01:49:44 [XBMC] Error while calling JSON RPC method "System.GetInfoLabels"
    JsonRpcErrorException: Method not found.
            at XBMC.JsonRpc.JsonRpcClient.parseError(JObject error)
   at XBMC.JsonRpc.JsonRpcClient.parseResponse(StreamReader reader)
   at XBMC.JsonRpc.JsonRpcClient.Call(String method, Object args)
2012-03-25 01:49:44 [XBMC] System.GetInfoLabels(System.BuildVersion): invalid response
2012-03-25 01:49:44 [XBMC] {
  "code": -32601,
  "message": "Method not found."
2012-03-25 01:49:44 [XBMC] Error while calling JSON RPC method "System.GetInfoLabels"
    JsonRpcErrorException: Method not found.
            at XBMC.JsonRpc.JsonRpcClient.parseError(JObject error)
   at XBMC.JsonRpc.JsonRpcClient.parseResponse(StreamReader reader)
   at XBMC.JsonRpc.JsonRpcClient.Call(String method, Object args)
2012-03-25 01:49:44 [XBMC] System.GetInfoLabels(System.BuildDate): invalid response

parslej: Any update on your reading?

(2012-03-27, 08:19)BlackMan Wrote: [ -> ]parslej: You probably have wrong version of XbmcOniMon. Please, read the README file, read this thread...

The latest version of XbmcOniMon is
Well, the log file error is fixed in another temporary version Please, test it... If everything is OK now, I will release it as a new 'official' version. Thank you, guys...
(2012-04-05, 08:25)BlackMan Wrote: [ -> ]parslej: Any update on your reading?

The latest version of XbmcOniMon is

My reading is fine. Thanks Smile

I wasnt aware I shall look it in google code repo...
I didnt find info in 1st post re recent version.
What I was able to read was:

(2010-10-27, 15:50)Montellese Wrote: [ -> ]Download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/xbmc-on-imon/

Anyway good to know there is new version and different download site

(2012-04-05, 08:03)Deafty Wrote: [ -> ]Hmm,.didn't know there was an alternative, and without imon software too!
Unfortunately,.. I want it.

I'm still trying to work out how to display the time...
Not that I don't appreciate the work involved thus far with the pluggin.

I am liking the "control option" where it displays where I am in XBMC.

I have controls on my case so combining them with this little gem and another app for my cell phone.;
I will be able to select my music, play it, and listen all from my backyard....All the while letting another user infront of the case clearly understand what is playing and they can skip tracks etc,..

It's just a little buggy at the moment,.
Sorry Deafty, I should of made myself clearer, MiniDisplay was/is a plugin for MediaPortal, not XBMC. The problems I had with it, and the constant need to switch back to windows to configure anything in MP were the reasons I moved to XBMC in the first place.
parslej: I'm not able to modify the 1st post since it's not mine... However, you can find this on the forum...

(2012-01-10, 19:06)BlackMan Wrote: [ -> ]Hello all,

well, I have started working on it, you can follow the progress at http://github.com/BlackMan82/xbmc-on-imon, where you can find the source codes too. You can also report bugs and request new features using Issue tracker on github.com.

Working so far BlackMan. Thank you!. Smile
(2012-04-05, 11:50)gibxxi Wrote: [ -> ]Working so far BlackMan. Thank you!. Smile

Well, I will give it a couple of weeks and then it will be released as version Of course, if everything is still OK.