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Full Version: Video files flip out the 4x3 aspect ratio
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My 4x3 aspect ratio goes crazy on a lot of my video files. Specifically a bunch of Voyager episodes in DivX 5 AVI format, usually towards the end while the credits roll, but sometimes during the show too. I don't think the first 2 seasons showed this issue, but most of season 3 does. I'm sure it's just a strange encoding issue in the files but it seems to be affecting only XBMC.

When the issue happens the video appears to zoom filling the black letter box bars at the edges. It can also form black bars from the top and bottom to start cropping the image. The same video plays fine in VLC & Media Player, solid 4x3 aspect ratio. I've tested this on my TV and LCD monitor too. It happened with Dharma RC1 & the latest Dharma 10.0, with or without DXVA or syncing, Intel graphics or ATI. Maybe an FFMPEG issue?

What can I do to help out? Clip the video and post? Upload a log file (not sure what that would show)? Post a video of the issue in action?
Sounds like the "Crop Black Bar" function. Turn it off in the OSD while playing a video.
CrystalP Wrote:Sounds like the "Crop Black Bar" function. Turn it off in the OSD while playing a video.
Maybe it was that option or something else I've change. But it appears to be gone now. :/ Not sure what was going on. Maybe I'll poke around a bit to find the option that caused the issue so if this thread is searched and found, others will have a point in the right direction.
CrystalP Wrote:Sounds like the "Crop Black Bar" function. Turn it off in the OSD while playing a video.
Okay, did some experimenting, and that's exactly the problem. The "Crop Black Bar" function goes haywire sometimes and flips out. So is this a known bug in XBMC? Or at least it is now. Smile
That function always looks for black space in the picture, so credits with lots of black in the normally active frame will confuse it... It's not an easy problem.
CrystalP Wrote:That function always looks for black space in the picture, so credits with lots of black in the normally active frame will confuse it... It's not an easy problem.
Alright, I didn't really understand how it worked. But an easy fix was just to turn it off. Thanks for the info.