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I'm trying to update one field of the database with a new information.

Explanation: I'm updating the Filmaffinity scraper. Trailers are youtube urls (not playable with XBMC) but time ago there was a webpage that returned FLV urls with the youtube id. Now I want to change all the urls (http://www.yobajo.com/&watch="YOUTUBEID") to plugin://youtubeplugin...)

This is what I've done, but I don't know how to perform the UPDATE SQL consults.

Please, anyone can help meHuh

Quote:import xbmc
import xbmcgui
from urllib import quote_plus, unquote_plus
import re
import sys
import os
import random

class Main:
def __init__( self ):
finalurl = ""
Youcode = ""
consulta= "SELECT movie.c19 FROM movie"
consulta_xml= xbmc.executehttpapi( "QueryVideoDatabase(%s)" % quote_plus( consulta ), )
urls = re.findall("<record>(.+?)</record>", consulta_xml)
for trailerurl in urls:
YouCode = re.search('http://www.yobajo.com/watch?v=(.*?)', trailerurl)
finalurl += "plugin://plugin.video.youtube/?action=play_video&videoid="
finalurl += Youcode
nuevaconsulta = "UPDATE movie SET movie.c19 ='" + finalurl + "' WHERE movie.c19 = '" + trailerurl + "'"
escribir_consulta= xbmc.executehttpapi( "QueryVideoDatabase(%s)" % quote_plus( nuevaconsulta ), )

if ( __name__ == "__main__" ):

This is the error it returns:

Quote:16:28:27 T:3352 M:382279680 ERROR: SQL: MUST be select SQL!
16:28:27 T:3352 M:382279680 ERROR: CVideoDatabase::GetArbitraryQuery failed

A query cannot do an update. You want to be able to execute a command, which we have support for but you shouldn't be relying on (said support will go away). See the ExecVideoDatabase or whatever it is.
If ExecVideoDatabase support will go away, how can I do this having a "long" time support command?
You'd have to wait until something is implemented for the JSON-RPC stuff.
OK, then I'm going to use it as a temporal script (this is for not having to rescrape all the library again to fix one only field)
I'd think the easiest way to do this is to have the plugin/script call an outside program that manipulates the database directly with SQLite. Sure it's a bit more risky, but it will do exactly what you want it too.
I have finished the script. More than a safe thing I want an easy thing that average user can use without having to install anything.

Here is the script if anyone is interested in:

Quote:import xbmc
import xbmcgui
from urllib import quote_plus, unquote_plus
import re
import sys
import os
import random

class Main:
def __init__( self ):
finalurl = ""
Youcode = ""
consulta= "SELECT movie.c19 FROM movie"
consulta_xml= xbmc.executehttpapi( "QueryVideoDatabase(%s)" % quote_plus( consulta ), )
urls = re.findall("<record>(.+?)</record>", consulta_xml)
for trailerurl in urls:
temporal = re.findall('<field>(.+?)</field>',trailerurl)
YouCode = re.findall('http...http://www.yobajo.com/watch\?v=(.*)\'',str(temporal))
if len(YouCode) > 0:
if len(str(YouCode[0])) >= 1:
print "URL Anterior:" + temporal[0]
finalurl = "plugin://plugin.video.youtube/?action=play_video&videoid=" + str(YouCode[0])
print "URL Nueva:" + finalurl
nuevaconsulta = "UPDATE movie SET c19 ='" + finalurl + "' WHERE c19 = '" + temporal[0] + "'"
escribir_consulta= xbmc.executehttpapi( "ExecVideoDatabase(%s)" % quote_plus( nuevaconsulta ), )
print "Datos actualizados correctamente."
xbmc.executebuiltin('Notification('"DBUpdater"','"ActualizaciĆ³n Completa."')')

if ( __name__ == "__main__" ):