(2013-02-24, 00:48)rossdret Wrote: [ -> ]Spyder...I'd love to see how you have your filters setup. Thank you sincerely! I'd also love to know if you know of some good reference material to understand the basics of editing xml? Basically the level of knowledge I would need to understand how to edit this config file.
What I want to do is:
I want to scrape a combo of Amazon Prime, Hulu Plus, Free Cable & maybe a good Navi X user's folder. Idealy I would like to only scrape my watchlist from Amazon Prime, my subscription list from Hulu Plus, and popular movies from each.
Here is a filter I made for Amazon movies:
- <AmazonMovies path="plugin://plugin.video.amazon" recursive="true" regex_name="true" prefix="(Amazon)">
- <!-- Full Movies from the top popular movies in Amazon
<subfolder name="Featured Movies/All Genres/*" type="movies" />
- <exclude>
<contains>previous page</contains>
<contains>next page</contains>
Basically when making a filter you want to set up the path as if it were a directory on a computer e.g., when using the plugin you click Television, Genres, Biography the subfolder path would be:
<subfolder name="Television/Genres/Biography" type="movies" />
If you only want certain shows to be scraped in that subfolder you would need a filter(direcly under the subfolder path):
<contains>Show 1 || Show 2</contains>
This was quoted from another post(I don't use title name filters), you won't need the runtime filter for Amazon since it only contains full episodes, but you can leave it in to copy and paste for other filters(Free Cable).
Free Cable:
<FreeCable path="plugin://plugin.video.free.cable" recursive="true" prefix="(F)" movie_set="FreeCable">
- <!-- All episodes over 20 minutes long in any subdirectory of the following shows
- <subfolder name="All Shows" type="episodes">
- <filter>
This will attempt to get all shows from Free Cable, don't worry, it doesn't get episodes from the 1800 shows, you should be able to use the Show filters( I don't watch a lot of the stuff it finds, but it's good to discover new shows and for guests)
As for Navi-X, this doesn't work with it(I think because it's a script rather than a plugin)
P.S. When this tool first came out I really wanted to use it, but had no clue how to set things up, it wasn't until somebody showed an example that I started to understand how to make my own filters. I'm hoping the does the same for you.