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Full Version: XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)
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<MTV custom_parser="PlayOn"  recursive="true">
        <subfolder name="Popular Shows/Awkward./Full Episodes" force_series="Awkward." type="episodes" />

I don't think you can force a season, however, you might want to try to force a tvdb lookup( <force_tvdb="true"> )

also, it looks like you are missing a directory in your path. shouldn't it be:

        <subfolder name="Shows/Popular Shows/Awkward./Full Episodes" force_series="Awkward." force_tvdb="true" type="episodes" />
(2013-06-07, 23:08)redhalo Wrote: [ -> ]Does the parser tag not work for music videos?

<subfolder name="Favorite Artists" >
        <regexp>()(^.*?(?= \())</regexp>

The idea is to grab videos from VEVO with parentheses in the title and then remove said parentheses and everything within for better scraping.

Reposting in case it got missed on the previous page.
So I played around with the custom parsing and got it to work.

<MTV recursive="true">
   <subfolder name="Popular Shows/Awkward./Full Episodes" type="episodes" force_series="Awkward." force_tvdb="true">
         <!--Series Name will come out blank so force the series above.  Episode Name will be everything after the last | -->
I am using this to add HBO Go series to my library using:
        <Playon custom_parser="PlayOn" recursive="true" >
            <!-- HBO Go -->
            <subfolder name="HBO GO/Series/Series A to Z/True Blood" recursive="false" suffix=" [HBO Go]" type="episodes" />
It is getting good results, but the resulting .strm is not working. The info inside the .strm is something like this:

Any ideas?

Playon just updated their software, which in turn means you have to re-scrape your shows. Have you tried that?
Posted this immediately after scraping them... So that's not it Smile
I've found you have to reboot XBMC before running MyLibrary. In fact there's an option specifically for that when using PlayOn sources. Are you doing that?
Nope... Guess I'll give it a shot.
Yeah... XBMCFlicks is not longer naming properly. Reports any episode as sxxe00. Using the force_tvdb is hit and miss. I'd say 70% of the episodes I scanned were found. Movies still work fine.
(2013-06-11, 07:00)locoguano Wrote: [ -> ]I am using this to add HBO Go series to my library using:
        <Playon custom_parser="PlayOn" recursive="true" >
            <!-- HBO Go -->
            <subfolder name="HBO GO/Series/Series A to Z/True Blood" recursive="false" suffix=" [HBO Go]" type="episodes" />
It is getting good results, but the resulting .strm is not working. The info inside the .strm is something like this:

Any ideas?

A couple of shots in the dark.

There was an issue with PlayOn's upnp addresses changing after every reboot. You have to run MyLibrary again. You can a shortcut to the .bat in you Startup folder. (I think this may have been resolved)

Do other streams work? I don't use HBO Go with PlayOn and instead am using AirPlay. My guess is that it is glitchy since PlayOn doesn't store your Username and Password.

Judging by your upnp address this isn't it, but are you using the ipchange in the config file? Your IP addresses may be coming in as localhost or Make sure that you put in the correct IP as well as switch the ipchange to "true."
From someone who is learning with every mistake, and from every post on this thread, I would love to see a working section of code for HBO Go and Amazon Prime. My subscriptions are being used the way they could be...

Someone who loves XBMC and MyLibrary but stinks at programming.
Hi guys, programming noob here.

I'm getting this error

WARN Archiving Cannot be archived: series=null, title=[COLOR green]25 Channel[/COLOR], season=-1, episode=-1
Teledunet/All/[COLOR green]25 Channel[/COLOR]

when trying to archive live streams from a blugin, I assume I am parsing things wrong. I have no programming backgound. What should I use as a regexp and is that my only problem?
Thanks for a very useful program.
A quick question. The output files for movies are in the format Title.strm. What do I need to do to get Title (Year).strm.

You help would be greatly appreciated.

(2013-06-15, 23:41)ajamer Wrote: [ -> ]Hi guys, programming noob here.

I'm getting this error

WARN Archiving Cannot be archived: series=null, title=[COLOR green]25 Channel[/COLOR], season=-1, episode=-1
Teledunet/All/[COLOR green]25 Channel[/COLOR]

when trying to archive live streams from a blugin, I assume I am parsing things wrong. I have no programming backgound. What should I use as a regexp and is that my only problem?

Are the files all named "[COLOR green]Episode Name[/COLOR]"?