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Full Version: XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)
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HBO Go is spotty with PlayOn because PlayOn doesn't remember your password for it. Regardless, it does work with MyLibrary if you set up the right search filter.

@LongMan, I'd have to look back at the code, but I think it will add the year to the file name if it finds it while scraping the source.
Anyone have any luck with Revision3 shows? (Particularly Tekzilla and The Ben Heck Show)
Thanks for your response.

The files are named MovieName (Year).mkv. I should say that this is for a UPNP (xbmc) source. It does something similar for TV Shows, it names them SxxExx - Title And the parent folder has the showname (in this case the original files are named ShowName - SxxExx). Fortunately, that is actually what xbmc needs for matching. However there could be more than one movie with the same name.
Did anyone ever come up with a solution to items not being marked as read, and not sending any info to Trakt?

Would be great if this addon did that!
So I changed this post to give better data hoping for some help. I'm basically trying to use XBMC as a front end for all my media To that end, I'm using this app to scan in large chunks of Netflix and Hulu. The app works great except it seems to terminate early when what appears to be a set limit is reached. When the debug file reaches about 90M the app just seems to finish early. For example: for the searches below:

<NetflixPlayOn prefix="[N] " custom_parser="PlayOn" recursive="true">
<!--Get All Netflix TV Shows-->
<subfolder name="Browse Genres/TV Shows/TV Sci-Fi &amp; Fantasy" type="episodes"/>
<subfolder name="Browse Genres/TV Shows/Kids' TV" type="episodes"/>
<subfolder name="Browse Genres/TV Shows/British TV" type="episodes"/>
<subfolder name="Browse Genres/TV Shows/Crime TV" type="episodes"/>
<subfolder name="Browse Genres/TV Shows/Food &amp; Travel" type="episodes"/>
<subfolder name="Browse Genres/TV Shows/Reality TV" type="episodes"/>
<subfolder name="Browse Genres/TV Shows/Science &amp; Nature" type="episodes"/>
<subfolder name="Browse Genres/TV Shows/TV Action" type="episodes"/>
<subfolder name="Browse Genres/TV Shows/TV Documentaries" type="episodes"/>
<subfolder name="Browse Genres/TV Shows/TV Horror" type="episodes"/>

The program will scan everything in until about "Reality TV" and then finish with no errors. Basically leaving anything after that search not archived.

The last part of notice will shows:

06/24/2013 01:36:47 AM NOTICE Summary:NetflixP TV Success: 400, TV Fail: 0
06/24/2013 01:36:47 AM NOTICE Summary:NetflixP Movie Success: 26, Movie Fail: 0
06/24/2013 01:36:47 AM NOTICE Summary:NetflixP Music Video Success: 0, Music Video Fail: 0
06/24/2013 01:36:47 AM NOTICE Summary:NetflixP Generic Success: 0, Generic Fail: 0
06/24/2013 01:36:47 AM NOTICE Summary:NetflixP New videos archived: 0, existing videos updated: 426
06/24/2013 01:36:47 AM NOTICE Summary:NetflixP Overall: Success: 426, Skip: 105, Fail: 0
06/24/2013 01:36:47 AM NOTICE Archiving has finished for NetflixPlayOn/Browse Genres/TV Shows/Food & Travel.
06/24/2013 01:36:47 AM NOTICE Found! NetflixPlayOn's subfolder "NetflixPlayOn/Browse Genres/TV Shows/Reality TV" maps to source: upnp://b1e51c2a-e603-484c-8c35-c810c1c91edd/netflix-225878aadc304e07934bc9299a898b4d/ (NetflixPlayOn/Browse Genres/TV Shows/Reality TV)
06/24/2013 01:36:48 AM NOTICE Search:NetflixPl Finding all matching videos under subfolder: NetflixPlayOn/Browse Genres/TV Shows/Reality TV
06/24/2013 01:38:31 AM NOTICE MetaData Ended listening (listen=false, resetOnFail=false) for data from: localhost:90909090
06/24/2013 01:38:31 AM NOTICE Summary:---Overa ----------------------Archiving Summary for ---Overall-------------------------
06/24/2013 01:38:31 AM NOTICE Summary:---Overa TV Success: 20312, TV Fail: 0
06/24/2013 01:38:32 AM NOTICE Summary:---Overa Movie Success: 264, Movie Fail: 0
06/24/2013 01:38:32 AM NOTICE Summary:---Overa Music Video Success: 0, Music Video Fail: 0
06/24/2013 01:38:32 AM NOTICE MetaData Generic Success: 0, Generic Fail: 0
06/24/2013 01:38:32 AM NOTICE MetaData New videos archived: 0, existing videos updated: 20576
06/24/2013 01:38:32 AM NOTICE MetaData Overall: Success: 20576, Skip: 3903, Fail: 0
06/24/2013 01:38:32 AM NOTICE Ending Done... Total processing time: 8 minute(s), 30 second(s)
06/24/2013 01:38:33 AM NOTICE Arvhiving Ended: XBMC.MyLibrary, v1.4.3, compatible with XBMC Frodo

So it looks like the program just stops when some buffer is maxed. Everything searches just fine until then. No errors reported and debug is about 99M. I can change the search order around and all the searches seem to work fine but will stop once debug is at about 90M (+/- a few Megs). Any ideas?
Hey guys,

I've been using XBMC for a few weeks now and I've always wanted to implement my Netflix stuff a little bit better. I configured XBMCFlicks and the add-on itself works like a charm. XBMC Library not so much though....

I've tried different "settings", but none of them worked.

1)Based on this post :

<XBMCFlix path="plugin://XBMC-yabsiehacks-Flicks-0.3" recursive="true" prefix="[NF] " movie_set="XBMCFlix">
        <subfolder name="Instant Queue: TV" type="episodes" >

06/21/2013 03:33:27 PM NOTICE  Init...          Connected to XBMC JSON-RPC inter
faces successfully.
06/21/2013 03:33:27 PM NOTICE  Init...          Starting source scan for 1 sourc
06/21/2013 03:33:27 PM INFO    Find:Subfolder   Searching for subfolder: XBMCFli
x/Instant Queue: TV
06/21/2013 03:33:27 PM ERROR   Find:Subfolder   Failed to get list of files from
JSON-RPC for: XBMCFlix (plugin://XBMC-yabsiehacks-Flicks-0.3/)
06/21/2013 03:33:27 PM WARN    Find:Subfolder   Failed to list files (attempt 1
of 3) for dir: plugin://XBMC-yabsiehacks-Flicks-0.3/
06/21/2013 03:33:28 PM ERROR   Find:Subfolder   Failed to get list of files from
JSON-RPC for: XBMCFlix (plugin://XBMC-yabsiehacks-Flicks-0.3/)
06/21/2013 03:33:28 PM WARN    Find:Subfolder   Failed to list files (attempt 2
of 3) for dir: plugin://XBMC-yabsiehacks-Flicks-0.3/
06/21/2013 03:33:30 PM ERROR   Find:Subfolder   Failed to get list of files from
JSON-RPC for: XBMCFlix (plugin://XBMC-yabsiehacks-Flicks-0.3/)
06/21/2013 03:33:30 PM WARN    Find:Subfolder   Failed to list files (attempt 3
of 3) for dir: plugin://XBMC-yabsiehacks-Flicks-0.3/
06/21/2013 03:33:30 PM ERROR   Find:Subfolder   Failed to list files after tryin
g 3 times, skipping this directory (and all sub-directories)
06/21/2013 03:33:30 PM ERROR   Find:Subfolder   No matching subfolder named "XBM
CFlix/Instant Queue: TV" was found. Skipping
06/21/2013 03:33:30 PM INFO    Clean:XBMCFlix   Found 0 videos that are already
archived in dropbox from source "XBMCFlix"

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. XBMC lists the plugin as "XBMC Flicks - Netflix for XBMC" - should I use that instead of "Netflix"? Furthermore, I'm not sure about the subfolder. The add-on itself uses the following subfolders:

Instant Queue: All
Instant Queue: Movies
Instant Queue: TV

Maybe someone could help me out with this issue Smile
Here's what I use. Make sure the plugin folder is named "plugin.video.xbmcflicks" or change it below to match what you have. Works for me, YMMV.

<XBMCFlix path="plugin://plugin.video.xbmcflicks" recursive="true" movie_tags="Streaming|Netflix">
    <subfolder name="Instant Queue: All"  type="movies" recursive="false">
    <subfolder name="Instant Queue: All"  type="episodes">

I also have Event Ghost remap my controller when Internet Explorer is focused to match Netflix's keyboard commands and my back button Alt-F4's IE. This would work flawlessly except IE requires I mouse click the window to capture key focus. If I can figure out how to do that then it really would come off looking integrated.
Thx, your filter works Smile The scraping-syntax though isn't quite compatible with the XBMC scrapers I'm afraid. XBMC MyLibrary gathered every Movie and TV Show from my queues and put them in different folders. The movie folder contains strm files for all the movies.

For example: Hachi A Dog [TV-G] (2009).strm

The movie scraper doesn't get the movies because of those additional informations at the end of the file. Without them, XBMC gets the movies just fine.

The TV Shows have been put in different folders.

For example: Library => TV Shows => Sons.of.Anarchy => Season.1 => S01E00 - Pilot.strm

The strm file points to a html file inside the Flicks folder. Me trying to open the strm file via XBMC doesn't work at all (same goes for the movies)...nothing happens. As you can see, the episode-structure is somewhat bugged. XBMC finds the Shows, but not even one episode. I guess the pattern is based on the Flicks addon, because even in there it says S01E00. Do you have a workaround for that?
Hmm, my movies are scraping just fine. I do have the same problem now with all my tv episodes being listed as E00, there must had been a recent change on Netflix's end. I'll try to play around with it some.
For the movies, you need to tell XBMC to ignore those extra parts by changing your advancedsettings.xml. I have no idea how much mine is bullshit because I don't really know code, but I cobbled it together and it works.

Add this to your advancedsettings.xml in the <video></video> section.
<cleanstrings action="append">
<regexp>[ _\,\.\(\)\[\]\-](G|R|PG|PG\-13|NR)([ _\,\.\(\)\[\]\-]|$)</regexp>
Come to think of it, isn't there an option in the XBMCflicks settings to not append ratings? I think that's what I did.
Is there a way for it to not run a full video DB update and only run a scan for new item?
Hi all...

I hope someone else has seen this problem and can help me out. Whenever I scrape FreeCable, as MyLibrary is parsing through shows, it brings up a context menu while going through specific channels. For example, when it goes through CBS, it will pop up a menu with a couple of CBS shows in it, but not all that should be there. It sits there waiting for me to press escape before it will continue on as normal. This happens quite a bit, there's no way I can just sit there and press escape for 2-3 hours. It only seems to happen when the plugin is pulling down a large number of elements in a list. This also happens when I am just browsing through FreeCable. This does not happen with any other plugins when scraping or at any other time.

Has anyone else seen something like this? I have tried to change the views to no avail, the skin, nothing seems to make a difference.

Help! {presses escape}
I think you have to actually select a show. If you press escape, it will ask again the next time you scan. Put freecable at the top of your config so it is scanned first, select the correct series instead of hitting escape, and you should be good to go next time.