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Full Version: XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)
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It is working but you may need to follow these steps to fix recent drmchanges

1. Stop the PlayOn server
2. Hold SHIFT+ALT while starting the server again
3. In the Internet Explorer window that opens, click Protected Content Playback Settings panel
4. Click on the Reset License Files
5. Close this IE window
6. Stop the PlayOn server again
7. Start PlayOn and try to reproduce the problem
Thanks 4 info
(2013-06-20, 19:29)jds9775 Wrote: [ -> ]So I changed this post to give better data hoping for some help. I'm basically trying to use XBMC as a front end for all my media To that end, I'm using this app to scan in large chunks of Netflix and Hulu. The app works great except it seems to terminate early when what appears to be a set limit is reached. When the debug file reaches about 90M the app just seems to finish early. For example: for the searches below:

<NetflixPlayOn prefix="[N] " custom_parser="PlayOn" recursive="true">
<!--Get All Netflix TV Shows-->
<subfolder name="Browse Genres/TV Shows/TV Sci-Fi &amp; Fantasy" type="episodes"/>
<subfolder name="Browse Genres/TV Shows/Kids' TV" type="episodes"/>
<subfolder name="Browse Genres/TV Shows/British TV" type="episodes"/>
<subfolder name="Browse Genres/TV Shows/Crime TV" type="episodes"/>
<subfolder name="Browse Genres/TV Shows/Food &amp; Travel" type="episodes"/>
<subfolder name="Browse Genres/TV Shows/Reality TV" type="episodes"/>
<subfolder name="Browse Genres/TV Shows/Science &amp; Nature" type="episodes"/>
<subfolder name="Browse Genres/TV Shows/TV Action" type="episodes"/>
<subfolder name="Browse Genres/TV Shows/TV Documentaries" type="episodes"/>
<subfolder name="Browse Genres/TV Shows/TV Horror" type="episodes"/>

The program will scan everything in until about "Reality TV" and then finish with no errors. Basically leaving anything after that search not archived.

The last part of notice will shows:

06/24/2013 01:36:47 AM NOTICE Summary:NetflixP TV Success: 400, TV Fail: 0
06/24/2013 01:36:47 AM NOTICE Summary:NetflixP Movie Success: 26, Movie Fail: 0
06/24/2013 01:36:47 AM NOTICE Summary:NetflixP Music Video Success: 0, Music Video Fail: 0
06/24/2013 01:36:47 AM NOTICE Summary:NetflixP Generic Success: 0, Generic Fail: 0
06/24/2013 01:36:47 AM NOTICE Summary:NetflixP New videos archived: 0, existing videos updated: 426
06/24/2013 01:36:47 AM NOTICE Summary:NetflixP Overall: Success: 426, Skip: 105, Fail: 0
06/24/2013 01:36:47 AM NOTICE Archiving has finished for NetflixPlayOn/Browse Genres/TV Shows/Food & Travel.
06/24/2013 01:36:47 AM NOTICE Found! NetflixPlayOn's subfolder "NetflixPlayOn/Browse Genres/TV Shows/Reality TV" maps to source: upnp://b1e51c2a-e603-484c-8c35-c810c1c91edd/netflix-225878aadc304e07934bc9299a898b4d/ (NetflixPlayOn/Browse Genres/TV Shows/Reality TV)
06/24/2013 01:36:48 AM NOTICE Search:NetflixPl Finding all matching videos under subfolder: NetflixPlayOn/Browse Genres/TV Shows/Reality TV
06/24/2013 01:38:31 AM NOTICE MetaData Ended listening (listen=false, resetOnFail=false) for data from: localhost:90909090
06/24/2013 01:38:31 AM NOTICE Summary:---Overa ----------------------Archiving Summary for ---Overall-------------------------
06/24/2013 01:38:31 AM NOTICE Summary:---Overa TV Success: 20312, TV Fail: 0
06/24/2013 01:38:32 AM NOTICE Summary:---Overa Movie Success: 264, Movie Fail: 0
06/24/2013 01:38:32 AM NOTICE Summary:---Overa Music Video Success: 0, Music Video Fail: 0
06/24/2013 01:38:32 AM NOTICE MetaData Generic Success: 0, Generic Fail: 0
06/24/2013 01:38:32 AM NOTICE MetaData New videos archived: 0, existing videos updated: 20576
06/24/2013 01:38:32 AM NOTICE MetaData Overall: Success: 20576, Skip: 3903, Fail: 0
06/24/2013 01:38:32 AM NOTICE Ending Done... Total processing time: 8 minute(s), 30 second(s)
06/24/2013 01:38:33 AM NOTICE Arvhiving Ended: XBMC.MyLibrary, v1.4.3, compatible with XBMC Frodo

So it looks like the program just stops when some buffer is maxed. Everything searches just fine until then. No errors reported and debug is about 99M. I can change the search order around and all the searches seem to work fine but will stop once debug is at about 90M (+/- a few Megs). Any ideas?

So I tried a few more things. I upped the memory allocation for java thinking that might be why it stops but no help. I have 8G ram and also increased XBMC memory allocation but no change. Everything works great but the mylibrary routine seems to always finish no matter the search once about 90M is hit on debug file size. Any ideas? It's like there is some buffer or timer that tells the java script to stop one a size is reached.
So, I'm trying to get this working with DIYNetwork plugin, got it figured out, but curious if there's an easier way to parse the listings.

Their setup structure makes this a PITA:

Show Title\
Some Episodes from latest season
Season Folders

Show Title\Season Folder\
Episodes from this Season
Other season folders

So essentially I need my Search Filter to do this:

Subfolder = Show Title Recursive=true
If it hits another subfolder, recursive=false.

Otherwise I'm in an endless loop where it keeps digging deeper and deeper.

So far my work around is:

<DIY path="plugin://plugin.video.diy" recursive="false" type="episodes" force_tvdb="true">
            <subfolder name="Bath Crashers" force_series="Bath Crashers" >
                <subfolder name="Bath Crashers - Season 1 Full Episodes" force_series="Bath Crashers" >
                <subfolder name="Bath Crashers - Season 2 Full Episodes" force_series="Bath Crashers" >
                <subfolder name="Bath Crashers - Season 3 Full Episodes" force_series="Bath Crashers" >

This will pull from the root of the top level, then from each of the sub folders with those EXACT names, but I don't want to keep messing with the config everytime a new season shows up.

I tried a regexp expression ".*\bseason\b.*" in the subfolder name, but that only pulls the first result, not each subfolder.

Any tips?
wow.. got it

<DIY path="plugin://plugin.video.diy" recursive="true" type="episodes" force_tvdb="true">
            <subfolder name="Bath Crashers" force_series="Bath Crashers" recursive="true">

Excludes anything that will dump it into an infinite loop.
I use this only for netflix with playon. At first i ran scans every 12hrs (12am and 12pm) and it seems to be fine for keeping my links up to date. But recently they seems to be out of date and im going to have to change to a more frequent update schedule. So to everyone, how often do you run the update?
Mine runs every 2 hours and I have no issues with PlayOn. If you use playon, you should enable the option to restart XBMC each time it runs because XBMC willcache expired playon URLs
(2013-07-18, 15:24)bradvido88 Wrote: [ -> ]Mine runs every 2 hours and I have no issues with PlayOn. If you use playon, you should enable the option to restart XBMC each time it runs because XBMC willcache expired playon URLs

Yeah i set up the script to run every 2hr. I dont have XBMc restart option because it updates a xBMC that i have installed on my server for the sol purpose of receiving Library updates from this and NZBdrone (lsofware like sickbeard) so i cant have it rebooting every 2hrs. But what i noticed is that the reboot isnt needed anyways because the problem is that the netflix URL(not the playon portion, just nexflix portion) for the episode had already expired during my 12h time frame hence XBMC unable to play file.
(2013-07-18, 15:24)bradvido88 Wrote: [ -> ]Mine runs every 2 hours and I have no issues with PlayOn. If you use playon, you should enable the option to restart XBMC each time it runs because XBMC willcache expired playon URLs

Why so often? R the links dynamic?
what changes is the netflix portion of the link every few hours so you need to run the batch on a timer to keep them up to date...i dont know if this is for netflix only. If you use playon check it out for yourself...update, then copy the link generated in one of the show strm files, wait a few hours and do another update and compare the links.
(2013-07-18, 23:44)saitoh183 Wrote: [ -> ]what changes is the netflix portion of the link every few hours so you need to run the batch on a timer to keep them up to date...i dont know if this is for netflix only. If you use playon check it out for yourself...update, then copy the link generated in one of the show strm files, wait a few hours and do another update and compare the links.

Thanks switched from a 12hr cron to a 6.
Hi All,

I am using the BBC iPlayer Plugin with XBMC 12.2 (running on Ubuntu 13.04).

When I run the MyLibrary plugin from a terminal session I get the error that it cannot read any of the sub-folders I specified. I double checked and the folders should be valid. The syntax I used in the search filter is:

<iPlayer path="plugin://plugin.video.iplayer" recursive="true" multi_part="true" regex_name="true" prefix="(BBC) " >
<!-- Highlights -->
<subfolder name="Highlights \([0-9]+\)" max_videos="50" type="episodes" />

<subfolder name="Highlights/BBC One \([0-9]+\)" max_videos="50" type="episodes" />
<subfolder name="Highlights/BBC Two \([0-9]+\)" max_videos="50" type="episodes" />
<subfolder name="Highlights/BBC Three" max_videos="50" type="episodes" />
<subfolder name="Highlights/BBC Four" max_videos="50" type="episodes" />
<subfolder name="Highlights/BBC News Channel" max_videos="50" type="episodes" />

<!-- Popular -->
<subfolder name="Popular" max_videos="50" type="episodes" />

<subfolder name="Highlights/BBC One" max_videos="50" type="episodes" />
<subfolder name="Highlights/BBC Two" max_videos="50" type="episodes" />
<subfolder name="Highlights/BBC Three" max_videos="50" type="episodes" />
<subfolder name="Highlights/BBC Four" max_videos="50" type="episodes" />
<subfolder name="Highlights/BBC News Channel" max_videos="50" type="episodes" />


For all the sub-folders I listed I recieved an error with the format:
No matching subfolder: "iPlay/Highlights/BBC One" was found. Skipping.

Has anyone used this iPlayer plugin (found at http://superrepo.org/plugin.video.iplayer/)?

Or can offer any advice?

Noob here,

I just want to know if I have to run it manually after xbmc was running? , before? inside the user folder?
you just have to make sure xbmc is running so that it can update xbmc after fetching the information
Does it update the whole library, or just that folder?