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Full Version: XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)
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(2014-04-27, 03:35)saitoh183 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2014-04-26, 03:24)rthomas529 Wrote: [ -> ]Run-x86 runs fine if I manually run, but when it tries to run through task scheduler cmd opens gives error that it can't find the jar file. Any ideas? I haven't used task scheduler much so I'm sure I just have things configured wrong.

*edit* the problem was that the scipt is just the file name I.e. "Run-x86.cmd" Then where it says "Start in (optional)" is the file path I.e. "c:\xbmc\mylibrary\"

lol...thats what i explained above...

I know...I just didnt understand. That was supposed to be more of a duh moment I was sharing with you lol
What would be the path for scrapping Xbmc’s favorites.
Konos, the script doesnt work like that: whether your plugin is a favorite or not is irrelevant. typically your search filters (inside the config.xml file) should look like this:

<subfolder name="LOCATION/WITHIN/PLUGIN/OF/YOUR/WHAT/YOU/WANT/TO/SCRAPE" recursive="true" type="episodes"-OR-"movies"/>

so for example, for the USTV-VOD plugin, it would look like this:

<USTV-VOD path="plugin://plugin.video.ustvvod" recursive="true" suffix=" [STREAMING]">
<subfolder name="Crackle/Chosen" recursive="true" type="episodes" force_tvdb="true"/>

hope this helps.
all i'm doing is copying and pasting to able to get xbmc mylibrary working, and so far no such luck, maybe there should be a xbmc mylibrary for dummies version lol. 1. everytime i run the x86 or x64 it says it cant find the version of java.exe and i run xbmc my.library it shows debug, warning and notice. I even watched the video of Bradviddio (if I spelled his name right) and i still confused. Maybe if someone makes a step by step instructions how to set it up that would be wonderful, i know that was in Bradviddio videos but still confused. I'm not trying to download just scraping to library.
ok, it looks like some things might be missing from your setup

1. look for your java. if you have a x64 system, it should be in C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7 <--NOTE: version 7 is the latest. XBMC.MyLibrary 1.4.3 points to version 6
2. if JRE7 is there then open Run-x64.cmd in Notepad and edit this line:

"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe" -jar "XBMC.MyLibrary.jar"

and change it to:

"%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Java\jre7\bin\java.exe" -jar "all\XBMC.MyLibrary.jar"

that you should at least get your XBMC.MyLibrary to find your java.

now, again, as i said before, what you posted above does NOT match the latest version of XBMC.MyLibrary: https://xbmc-mylibrary.googlecode.com/fi...-1.4.3.zip

here's a stripped down version of how the config.xml should look, setup for Hulu Subscriptions (FAVORITES), Amazon Prime Watchlist (MOVIES & TV) & Netflix My List (INSTANT QUEUE).

you MUST have a upnp source set up in XBMC named "Playon" pointing to your UPnP Playon install (when Playon sets up a UPnP server, it is often called something like PLAYON:YOUR_MACHINE_NAME. select that in XBMC > FILES and name it "Playon".


        <XBMCWebServer>http://USERNAME:[email protected]:PORT_THAT_IS_LISTENING_USUALLY_8000</XBMCWebServer>


        <change from="" to="IP_ADDRESS_OF_YOUR_MACHINE_WITH_PLAYON_AND_XBMC" />
        <change from="localhost" to="IP_ADDRESS_OF_YOUR_MACHINE_WITH_PLAYON_AND_XBMC" />

    <ManualArchiving enabled="true">


    <PreScrapeMusicVids enabled="false" />

    <XBMCRestart enabled="false" />

<Playon custom_parser="PlayOn" recursive="true">
   <!-- Hulu -->
   <subfolder name="Hulu/Your Subscriptions" type="episodes" recursive="true" >

<!-- Amazon Prime -->
  <subfolder name="Amazon Instant Video/Prime Watchlist/Movies" type="movies"/>
  <subfolder name="Amazon Instant Video/Prime Watchlist/TV Shows" type="episodes" recursive="true"/>
<!-- NETFLIX -->
<!-- Instant Queue -->
  <subfolder name="Netflix/My List" recursive="true"/>

        <contains>/No videos available</contains>
        <regexp>/clip[s]?(/|$)</regexp><!--Prevent TV clip(s) from being archived (only want full episodes)-->        
Here's my config, I put it how you told me to put and still nothing:

See here for sample search filter configurations: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CDbd...i0iqa50b0b

<!--Add your own search filters here!!! -->
<XBMCWebServer>http://xbmc:[email protected]:80</XBMCWebServer>


<IPChange enabled="TRUE">
<change from="" to="" />
<change from="localhost" to="" />

<ManualArchiving enabled="true">


<PreScrapeMusicVids enabled="false" />

<XBMCRestart enabled="false" />

<Playon custom_parser="PlayOn" recursive="true">
<!-- Hulu -->
<subfolder name="Hulu/Your Subscriptions" type="episodes" recursive="true" >

<!-- Amazon Prime -->
<subfolder name="Amazon Instant Video/Prime Watchlist/Movies" type="movies"/>
<subfolder name="Amazon Instant Video/Prime Watchlist/TV Shows" type="episodes" recursive="true"/>

<!-- NETFLIX -->
<!-- Instant Queue -->
<subfolder name="Netflix/My List" recursive="true"/>

<contains>/No videos available</contains>
<regexp>/clip[s]?(/|$)</regexp><!--Prevent TV clip(s) from being archived (only want full episodes)-->

and the debug:4/28/2014 05:19:39 AM INFO Init Logger has been initialized. Base log directory is: C:\Users\steve\Desktop\NEW\XBMC.MyLibrary-1.4.3
04/28/2014 05:19:39 AM INFO Init JVM runtime info:
Version: 1.7.0_55
04/28/2014 05:19:39 AM DEBUG Init Logger options are:
levelToLogAt: INFO
isSingleInstance: true
singleInstanceport: 52872
singleInstanceTimeout: -1
logToSystemOut: true
logToMemory: true
logToCurrentFile: true
logToHistoryFile: true
logExpireDays: 14

04/28/2014 05:19:39 AM INFO Init Base directory set to: C:\Users\steve\Desktop\NEW\XBMC.MyLibrary-1.4.3
04/28/2014 05:19:39 AM NOTICE Init... Start XBMC.MyLibrary, v1.4.3, compatible with XBMC Frodo
04/28/2014 05:19:39 AM INFO Init... Initializing SQLite database at: C:\Users\steve\Desktop\NEW\XBMC.MyLibrary-1.4.3\res\ArchivedFiles.db
04/28/2014 05:19:39 AM DEBUG Init... Opening SQLite connection using: jdbcConfusedqlite:C:\Users\steve\Desktop\NEW\XBMC.MyLibrary-1.4.3\res\ArchivedFiles.db
04/28/2014 05:19:41 AM INFO Init... Successfully connected to SQLITE database: C:\Users\steve\Desktop\NEW\XBMC.MyLibrary-1.4.3\res\ArchivedFiles.db
04/28/2014 05:19:41 AM DEBUG Init... SQL = CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ArchivedFiles (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT , source_name NOT NULL, dropbox_location NOT NULL, original_path NOT NULL, date_archived TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, missing_since TIMESTAMP, missing_count INTEGER)
04/28/2014 05:19:41 AM DEBUG Init... SQL = CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS unique_dropbox_location ON ArchivedFiles (dropbox_location)
04/28/2014 05:19:41 AM DEBUG Init... SQL = PRAGMA table_info(ArchivedFiles)
04/28/2014 05:19:41 AM DEBUG Init... SQL = PRAGMA table_info(ArchivedFiles)
04/28/2014 05:19:41 AM DEBUG Init... SQL = PRAGMA table_info(ArchivedFiles)
04/28/2014 05:19:41 AM DEBUG Init... SQL = PRAGMA table_info(ArchivedFiles)
04/28/2014 05:19:41 AM DEBUG Init... SQL = PRAGMA table_info(ArchivedFiles)
04/28/2014 05:19:41 AM DEBUG Init... SQL = PRAGMA table_info(ArchivedFiles)
04/28/2014 05:19:41 AM DEBUG Init... SQL = PRAGMA table_info(ArchivedFiles)
04/28/2014 05:19:41 AM DEBUG Init... SQL = PRAGMA table_info(ArchivedFiles)
04/28/2014 05:19:41 AM INFO Init... Initializing SQLite database at: C:\Users\steve\Desktop\NEW\XBMC.MyLibrary-1.4.3\res\QueuedMetaDataChanges.db
04/28/2014 05:19:41 AM DEBUG Init... Opening SQLite connection using: jdbcConfusedqlite:C:\Users\steve\Desktop\NEW\XBMC.MyLibrary-1.4.3\res\QueuedMetaDataChanges.db
04/28/2014 05:19:41 AM INFO Init... Successfully connected to SQLITE database: C:\Users\steve\Desktop\NEW\XBMC.MyLibrary-1.4.3\res\QueuedMetaDataChanges.db
04/28/2014 05:19:41 AM DEBUG Init... SQL = CREATE table if not exists QueuedChanges (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT , dropbox_location NOT NULL, video_type NOT NULL, meta_data_type NOT NULL, value NOT NULL, status NOT NULL)
04/28/2014 05:19:41 AM DEBUG Init... SQL = CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS unique_queued_change ON QueuedChanges (dropbox_location, meta_data_type)
04/28/2014 05:19:41 AM INFO Init... Initializing SQLite database at: C:\Users\steve\Desktop\NEW\XBMC.MyLibrary-1.4.3\res\scraper.db
04/28/2014 05:19:41 AM DEBUG Init... Opening SQLite connection using: jdbcConfusedqlite:C:\Users\steve\Desktop\NEW\XBMC.MyLibrary-1.4.3\res\scraper.db
04/28/2014 05:19:41 AM INFO Init... Successfully connected to SQLITE database: C:\Users\steve\Desktop\NEW\XBMC.MyLibrary-1.4.3\res\scraper.db
04/28/2014 05:19:41 AM DEBUG Init... SQL = create table if not exists APIQueries (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT , api_name NOT NULL, query_url NOT NULL, query_time TIMESTAMP NOT NULL)
04/28/2014 05:19:41 AM INFO Init... Attempting to auto-determine base directory. If this fails, specify the base directory of this program as a command line parameter.
04/28/2014 05:19:41 AM NOTICE Init... Base program directory = C:\Users\steve\Desktop\NEW\XBMC.MyLibrary-1.4.3
04/28/2014 05:19:42 AM ERROR Init... Could not find valid xml document at: C:\Users\steve\Desktop\NEW\XBMC.MyLibrary-1.4.3\Config.xml. Cannot continue... Please check config.xml with an XML validator.
04/28/2014 05:19:42 AM ERROR Init... Failed while loading Configuration and testing connections... cannot continue. Please check your settings in Config.xml
04/28/2014 05:19:42 AM NOTICE Summary:---Overa ----------------------Archiving Summary for ---Overall-------------------------
04/28/2014 05:19:42 AM NOTICE Summary:---Overa TV Success: 0, TV Fail: 0
04/28/2014 05:19:42 AM NOTICE Summary:---Overa Movie Success: 0, Movie Fail: 0
04/28/2014 05:19:42 AM NOTICE Summary:---Overa Music Video Success: 0, Music Video Fail: 0
04/28/2014 05:19:42 AM NOTICE Summary:---Overa Generic Success: 0, Generic Fail: 0
04/28/2014 05:19:42 AM NOTICE Summary:---Overa New videos archived: 0, existing videos updated: 0
04/28/2014 05:19:42 AM NOTICE Summary:---Overa Overall: Success: 0, Skip: 0, Fail: 0
04/28/2014 05:19:42 AM NOTICE Ending Done... Total processing time: 0 minute(s), 2 second(s)
04/28/2014 05:19:42 AM DEBUG Ending Closed connection to SQLITE database: C:\Users\steve\Desktop\NEW\XBMC.MyLibrary-1.4.3\res\QueuedMetaDataChanges.db
04/28/2014 05:19:42 AM DEBUG Ending Closed connection to SQLITE database: C:\Users\steve\Desktop\NEW\XBMC.MyLibrary-1.4.3\res\ArchivedFiles.db
04/28/2014 05:19:42 AM DEBUG Ending Closed connection to SQLITE database: C:\Users\steve\Desktop\NEW\XBMC.MyLibrary-1.4.3\res\scraper.db
04/28/2014 05:19:42 AM NOTICE Ending Ended: XBMC.MyLibrary, v1.4.3, compatible with XBMC Frodo
04/28/2014 05:19:42 AM INFO Ending Closing logs. Deleting expired logs and ALL historical DEBUG logs.
04/28/2014 05:19:42 AM INFO Ending Deleting logfiles older than 14 days (04/14/2014 05:19:42 AM)
04/28/2014 05:19:42 AM DEBUG Ending Not expired, only 0 days old (04/28/2014 05:19:42 AM): C:\Users\steve\Desktop\NEW\XBMC.MyLibrary-1.4.3\logs\XBMC.MyLibrary_2014.04.28_DEBUG.log
04/28/2014 05:19:42 AM DEBUG Ending Not expired, only 0 days old (04/28/2014 05:19:42 AM): C:\Users\steve\Desktop\NEW\XBMC.MyLibrary-1.4.3\logs\XBMC.MyLibrary_2014.04.28_ERROR.log
04/28/2014 05:19:42 AM DEBUG Ending Not expired, only 0 days old (04/28/2014 05:19:42 AM): C:\Users\steve\Desktop\NEW\XBMC.MyLibrary-1.4.3\logs\XBMC.MyLibrary_2014.04.28_INFO.log
04/28/2014 05:19:42 AM DEBUG Ending Not expired, only 0 days old (04/28/2014 05:19:42 AM): C:\Users\steve\Desktop\NEW\XBMC.MyLibrary-1.4.3\logs\XBMC.MyLibrary_2014.04.28_NOTICE.log
04/28/2014 05:19:42 AM DEBUG Ending Not expired, only 0 days old (04/28/2014 05:19:42 AM): C:\Users\steve\Desktop\NEW\XBMC.MyLibrary-1.4.3\logs\XBMC.MyLibrary_2014.04.28_WARN.log
04/28/2014 05:19:42 AM INFO Ending Checked 5 log files for expiration, deleted 0 log files more than 14 days old.
Google "XML validator" and plug your file in there. That should tell you which line(s) have bad code. Just fix that and make sure your XML syntax is correct and it should work.
steve55792, cut and paste the following into your config.xml in it's entirety. in other words, erase everything in YOUR config.xml file and replace it with what's here:

(NOTE, in your XBMC are you SURE that the webserver is set to port 80? in XBMC, go to SETTINGS > NETWORK > WEBSERVER. Make sure ALLOW CONTROL OF XBMC VIA HTTP is enabled and PORT is set to 80 as you have in your config.xml file)

<XBMCWebServer>http://xbmc:[email protected]:80</XBMCWebServer>


<IPChange enabled="TRUE">
<change from="" to="" />
<change from="localhost" to="" />

<ManualArchiving enabled="true">


<PreScrapeMusicVids enabled="false" />

<XBMCRestart enabled="false" />

<Playon custom_parser="PlayOn" recursive="true">
<!-- Hulu -->
<subfolder name="Hulu/Your Subscriptions" type="episodes" recursive="true" >

<!-- Amazon Prime -->
<subfolder name="Amazon Instant Video/Prime Watchlist/Movies" type="movies"/>
<subfolder name="Amazon Instant Video/Prime Watchlist/TV Shows" type="episodes" recursive="true"/>

<!-- NETFLIX -->
<!-- Instant Queue -->
<subfolder name="Netflix/My List" recursive="true"/>

<contains>/No videos available</contains>
<regexp>/clip[s]?(/|$)</regexp><!--Prevent TV clip(s) from being archived (only want full episodes)-->


(you shouldn't have that <searchfilters> at the very top. also, your Dropbox location was wrong)
It said:

Unexpected end of file has occurred. The following elements are not closed: SearchFilters. Line 64, position 3.

See here for sample search filter configurations: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CDbd...i0iqa50b0b

<!--Add your own search filters here!!! -->
<XBMCWebServer>http://xbmc:[email protected]:80</XBMCWebServer>


<IPChange enabled="TRUE">
<change from="" to="" />
<change from="localhost" to="" />

<ManualArchiving enabled="true">


<PreScrapeMusicVids enabled="false" />

<XBMCRestart enabled="false" />

<Playon custom_parser="PlayOn" recursive="true">
<!-- Hulu -->
<subfolder name="Hulu/Your Subscriptions" type="episodes" recursive="true" >

<!-- Amazon Prime -->
<subfolder name="Amazon Instant Video/Prime Watchlist/Movies" type="movies"/>
<subfolder name="Amazon Instant Video/Prime Watchlist/TV Shows" type="episodes" recursive="true"/>

<!-- NETFLIX -->
<!-- Instant Queue -->
<subfolder name="Netflix/My List" recursive="true"/>

<contains>/No videos available</contains>
<regexp>/clip[s]?(/|$)</regexp><!--Prevent TV clip(s) from being archived (only want full episodes)-->
steve, get rid of this in the VERY TOP OF YOUR CONFIG FILE:

See here for sample search filter configurations: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CDbd...i0iqa50b0b

<!--Add your own search filters here!!! -->

it doesnt belong there. it shows up later AFTER <XBMCRestart enabled="false/>. Having it there at the top, before the <ROOT> tag is breaking the script, so get rid of it.

Also, you are NOT copying what i posted in it's entirety. i specifically said your Dropbox location is wrong (you have \\T://strm which will NOT work). i fixed that for you by changing it to T:\strm

how about you try this instead. take YOUR config file and rename it to confg_NOTWORKING.xml.
take what I wrote for you, and put it in a config.xml file and put it in the where your config file currently is. then run XBMC.MyLibrary
Sad still nothing but i try later at 10:30 am when i get home from work. This is confusing and frustrating with something simple like thisSad
dont know what to tell you buddy. the errors you've posted indicate you're not taking my advice. i've run XBMC.MyLibrary against the config.xml file i provided for you and it works.

i'll post the corrected config.xml for you again without the CODE tags. maybe it'll be easier for you to cut and paste that way. be mindful, if your config.xml contains anything other what i've posted here, it's wrong.

<XBMCWebServer>http://xbmc:[email protected]:80</XBMCWebServer>


<IPChange enabled="TRUE">
<change from="" to="" />
<change from="localhost" to="" />

<ManualArchiving enabled="true">


<PreScrapeMusicVids enabled="false" />

<XBMCRestart enabled="false" />

<Playon custom_parser="PlayOn" recursive="true">
<!-- Hulu -->
<subfolder name="Hulu/Your Subscriptions" type="episodes" recursive="true" >

<!-- Amazon Prime -->
<subfolder name="Amazon Instant Video/Prime Watchlist/Movies" type="movies"/>
<subfolder name="Amazon Instant Video/Prime Watchlist/TV Shows" type="episodes" recursive="true"/>

<!-- NETFLIX -->
<!-- Instant Queue -->
<subfolder name="Netflix/My List" recursive="true"/>

<contains>/No videos available</contains>
<regexp>/clip[s]?(/|$)</regexp><!--Prevent TV clip(s) from being archived (only want full episodes)-->

(2014-02-04, 16:38)Majusbeh Wrote: [ -> ]Hey guys,

MyLibrary in itself works fine and it created the .strm files without a problem.
But when I try to play the .strm files in xbmc they start for a second and then it either skips to the next episode or gives me an error message (Playback failed). Strangely the episode is still playing behind the "Playback failed" window and only stops when I click "OK".
It's really strange, in the addon itself (noobroom) the episodes work just fine. I even wrote a strm file with the direct link to the file on the website that works just fine.

Anybody got an idea what might cause this ?

I am having the same problem. Any insight would be helpful.
Hello Hello tried to help me but for some reason my script keep on saying debug and error
(2014-04-29, 06:56)steve55792 Wrote: [ -> ]Hello Hello tried to help me but for some reason my script keep on saying debug and error

You need to paste your entire debug report at a paste bin site and post the link here.

(2014-04-28, 21:14)markaisi Wrote: [ -> ]
(2014-02-04, 16:38)Majusbeh Wrote: [ -> ]Hey guys,

MyLibrary in itself works fine and it created the .strm files without a problem.
But when I try to play the .strm files in xbmc they start for a second and then it either skips to the next episode or gives me an error message (Playback failed). Strangely the episode is still playing behind the "Playback failed" window and only stops when I click "OK".
It's really strange, in the addon itself (noobroom) the episodes work just fine. I even wrote a strm file with the direct link to the file on the website that works just fine.

Anybody got an idea what might cause this ?

I am having the same problem. Any insight would be helpful.

Is your xbmc up to date. Mine did that before I updated to xbmc frodo 12.3