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Full Version: XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)
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This I dont believe is a xbmc.mylibrary issue. So if anyone can kick my @** in the right direction I would appreciate it. Xbmc is scraping all my episodes from hulu, numbering them by season and episode correctly then naming the episodes incorrectly. I.e. american dad season 9 all the episodes are name witb the clip art and episode info according to season 8. In the strm folder numbers and names correspond correctly. Not really a big deal.

Second question (even smaller deal) episodes dont automatically get marked as watched. I can do it manually, but videos on my hdd automatically get marked as watched when the videos over. Any ideas?
(2014-04-30, 02:16)rthomas529 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2014-04-29, 06:56)steve55792 Wrote: [ -> ]Hello Hello tried to help me but for some reason my script keep on saying debug and error

You need to paste your entire debug report at a paste bin site and post the link here.

(2014-04-28, 21:14)markaisi Wrote: [ -> ]
(2014-02-04, 16:38)Majusbeh Wrote: [ -> ]Hey guys,

MyLibrary in itself works fine and it created the .strm files without a problem.
But when I try to play the .strm files in xbmc they start for a second and then it either skips to the next episode or gives me an error message (Playback failed). Strangely the episode is still playing behind the "Playback failed" window and only stops when I click "OK".
It's really strange, in the addon itself (noobroom) the episodes work just fine. I even wrote a strm file with the direct link to the file on the website that works just fine.

Anybody got an idea what might cause this ?

I am having the same problem. Any insight would be helpful.

Is your xbmc up to date. Mine did that before I updated to xbmc frodo 12.3

Yes, I am on 12.3. This happens on both of my windows 7 & 8.1 machines.
(2014-04-30, 16:14)markaisi Wrote: [ -> ]
(2014-04-29, 06:56)steve55792 Wrote: [ -> ]Hello Hello tried to help me but for some reason my script keep on saying debug and error

You need to paste your entire debug report at a paste bin site and post the link here.

i've gotten steve going. typo issue.
How would you do projectfree tv?

   I am using the following argument:

<subfolder name="Seriados/The big Bang theory" max_series="5" type="episodes" recursive="true" />

And I'm getting in return only the end of the name of the show

Theory > Season.3 > S03E01 - mp4.strm

How do I get

The big Bang Theory > 03 Season > S03E01

That is how to migrate the whole name of the show and the number of migrating season ahead

Attention:.'m trying to pull the video GDrive GDrive addon

Guys please help me ...




C:\Users\Renato\Documents\xbmc\XBMC.MyLibrary-1.4.3>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java
\jre7\bin\java.exe" -jar "XBMC.MyLibrary.jar"
Base Log Directory is: C:\Users\Renato\Documents\xbmc\XBMC.MyLibrary-1.4.3\lib
Ensuring single instance by checking binding on port 52872...
Single instance = true
Base Log Directory is: C:\Users\Renato\Documents\xbmc\XBMC.MyLibrary-1.4.3
05/01/2014 01:14:01 PM INFO    Init             Logger has been initialized. Bas
e log directory is: C:\Users\Renato\Documents\xbmc\XBMC.MyLibrary-1.4.3
05/01/2014 01:14:01 PM INFO    Init             JVM runtime info:
                                   Version: 1.7.0_51
05/01/2014 01:14:01 PM INFO    Init             Base directory set to: C:\Users\
05/01/2014 01:14:01 PM NOTICE  Init...          Start XBMC.MyLibrary, v1.4.3, co
mpatible with XBMC Frodo
05/01/2014 01:14:01 PM INFO    Init...          Initializing SQLite database at:
05/01/2014 01:14:01 PM INFO    Init...          Successfully connected to SQLITE
database: C:\Users\Renato\Documents\xbmc\XBMC.MyLibrary-1.4.3\res\ArchivedFiles
05/01/2014 01:14:01 PM INFO    Init...          Initializing SQLite database at:
05/01/2014 01:14:01 PM INFO    Init...          Successfully connected to SQLITE
database: C:\Users\Renato\Documents\xbmc\XBMC.MyLibrary-1.4.3\res\QueuedMetaDat
05/01/2014 01:14:01 PM INFO    Init...          Initializing SQLite database at:
05/01/2014 01:14:01 PM INFO    Init...          Successfully connected to SQLITE
database: C:\Users\Renato\Documents\xbmc\XBMC.MyLibrary-1.4.3\res\scraper.db
05/01/2014 01:14:01 PM INFO    Init...          Attempting to auto-determine bas
e directory. If this fails, specify the base directory of this program as a comm
and line parameter.
05/01/2014 01:14:01 PM NOTICE  Init...          Base program directory = C:\User
05/01/2014 01:14:01 PM WARN    Init...          Failed to parse expiredays attri
bute in <LoggingLevel>, defaulting to 30

05/01/2014 01:14:01 PM INFO    Init...          JSON-RPC config: XBMC Webserver
05/01/2014 01:14:01 PM INFO    Init...          JSON-RPC AnnouncementPort = 9090

05/01/2014 01:14:01 PM INFO    Init...          Found source gdrive with path of
05/01/2014 01:14:01 PM INFO    Init...          Setting source's custom_parser t
o: gdrive
05/01/2014 01:14:01 PM INFO    Init...                  Next Subfolder: name=gdr
ive/Seriados, recursive=true, type=episodes, max_series=-1, max_videos=-1, movie
_set=, prefix=(F) , suffix=, multi_part=false, force_series=
05/01/2014 01:14:01 PM INFO    Init...          Added Global Exclude, type=conta
ins, value=/No videos available
05/01/2014 01:14:01 PM INFO    Init...          Added Global Exclude, type=regex
p, value=/clip[s]?(/|$)
05/01/2014 01:14:01 PM INFO    Init...          Added Global Exclude, type=conta
ins, value=Dragon Ball Z
05/01/2014 01:14:01 PM INFO    Init...          Testing connectivity to JSON-RPC
web interface...
05/01/2014 01:14:01 PM INFO    Init...          JSON-RPC web connected = true
05/01/2014 01:14:01 PM INFO    Init...          Testing connectivity to JSON-RPC
raw interface (listening for notifications)...
05/01/2014 01:14:01 PM INFO    Init...          Connecting to event listener on
05/01/2014 01:14:01 PM NOTICE  Init...          Successfully connected to localh
ost:9090. Listening for JSON-RPC messages.
05/01/2014 01:14:01 PM INFO    Init...          localhost:9090 sent request: {"i
05/01/2014 01:14:01 PM INFO    Init...          JSONRPC Ping Success = true for
XBMC instance @ localhost:9090
05/01/2014 01:14:03 PM NOTICE  Init...          Connected to XBMC JSON-RPC inter
faces successfully.
05/01/2014 01:14:03 PM NOTICE  Init...          Starting source scan for 1 sourc
05/01/2014 01:14:03 PM INFO    Find:Subfolder   Searching for subfolder: gdrive/
05/01/2014 01:14:04 PM NOTICE  Found!           gdrive's subfolder "gdrive/Seria
dos" maps to source: plugin://plugin.video.gdrive/?mode=index&folder=0B1p-ekkU2G
OZOWl1akd6M3RHX3M (gdrive/Seriados)
05/01/2014 01:14:04 PM INFO    Search:gdrive    Found 82 videos that are already
archived in dropbox from source "gdrive"
05/01/2014 01:14:04 PM NOTICE  Search:gdrive    Finding all matching videos unde
r subfolder: gdrive/Seriados
05/01/2014 01:14:13 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.3\S03E01 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/03 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:13 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.3\S03E02 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/03 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:13 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.3\S03E03 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/03 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:13 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.3\S03E04 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/03 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:27 PM INFO    Arvhiving        localhost:9090 sent announcement
: {"method":"GUI.OnScreensaverActivated","params":{"sender":"xbmc","data":null},
05/01/2014 01:14:27 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.3\S03E05 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/03 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:27 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.3\S03E06 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/03 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:27 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.3\S03E07 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/03 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:27 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.3\S03E08 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/03 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:27 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.3\S03E09 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/03 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:28 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.3\S03E10 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/03 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:28 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.3\S03E11 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/03 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:28 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.3\S03E12 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/03 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:28 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.3\S03E13 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/03 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:28 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.3\S03E14 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/03 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:28 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.3\S03E15 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/03 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:29 PM NOTICE  Arvhiving        Done retrieving files from JSON-
RPC for subfolder: gdrive/Seriados
05/01/2014 01:14:29 PM INFO    Arvhiving        There are 23 files that stil nee
d to be archived, waiting for archiving to finish before proceeding to next subf
05/01/2014 01:14:29 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.3\S03E16 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/03 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:29 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.3\S03E18 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/03 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:29 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.3\S03E19 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/03 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:29 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.3\S03E20 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/03 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:29 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.3\S03E21 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/03 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:29 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.3\S03E22 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/03 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:29 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.3\S03E23 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/03 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:30 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.4\S04E01 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/04 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:30 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.4\S04E02 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/04 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:30 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.4\S04E03 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/04 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:30 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.4\S04E04 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/04 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:30 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.4\S04E06 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/04 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:30 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.4\S04E07 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/04 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:31 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.4\S04E08 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/04 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:31 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.4\S04E09 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/04 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:31 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.4\S04E10 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/04 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:31 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.5\S05E16 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/05 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:31 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.5\S05E17 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/05 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:31 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.5\S05E19 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/05 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:31 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.5\S05E20 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/05 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:32 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.5\S05E21 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/05 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:32 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.5\S05E23 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/05 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:32 PM INFO    Archive:New      C:\dropbox\TV Shows\Theory\Seaso
n.5\S05E24 - mp4.strm (gdrive/Seriados/The big Bang theory/05 Season/The.Big.Ban
05/01/2014 01:14:33 PM NOTICE  Summary:gdrive/g ----------------------Archiving
Summary for gdrive/gdrive/Seriados----------------------
05/01/2014 01:14:33 PM NOTICE  Summary:gdrive/g TV Success: 38, TV Fail: 0
05/01/2014 01:14:33 PM NOTICE  Summary:gdrive/g Movie Success: 0, Movie Fail: 0
05/01/2014 01:14:33 PM NOTICE  Summary:gdrive/g Music Video Success: 0, Music Vi
deo Fail: 0
05/01/2014 01:14:33 PM NOTICE  Summary:gdrive/g Generic Success: 0, Generic Fail
: 0
05/01/2014 01:14:33 PM NOTICE  Summary:gdrive/g New videos archived: 38, existin
g videos updated: 0
05/01/2014 01:14:33 PM NOTICE  Summary:gdrive/g Overall: Success: 38, Skip: 0, F
ail: 0
05/01/2014 01:14:33 PM NOTICE                   Archiving has finished for gdriv
05/01/2014 01:14:33 PM INFO    Clean:gdrive     Found 82 videos that are already
archived in dropbox from source "gdrive"
05/01/2014 01:14:33 PM NOTICE  Clean:gdrive     Cleaning dropbox of videos no lo
nger used from source: "gdrive". Filecount from dropbox from this source is curr
ently: 38
05/01/2014 01:14:33 PM NOTICE  Clean:gdrive     After cleaning dropbox, 0 old fi
les were deleted for a new size of 38 files
05/01/2014 01:14:33 PM NOTICE  Clean:gdrive     38 videos were successfully arch
ived/updated. Triggering XBMC content scan
05/01/2014 01:14:33 PM NOTICE  ContentScan      Triggering video library content
scan via JSON-RPC interface.
05/01/2014 01:14:33 PM INFO    ContentScan      Waiting for content scan to fini
05/01/2014 01:14:33 PM INFO    ContentScan      localhost:9090 sent announcement
: {"method":"VideoLibrary.OnScanStarted","params":{"sender":"xbmc","data":null},
05/01/2014 01:14:41 PM INFO    ContentScan      localhost:9090 sent announcement
: {"method":"VideoLibrary.OnScanFinished","params":{"sender":"xbmc","data":null}
05/01/2014 01:14:41 PM NOTICE  ContentScan      The Video Library Scan has finis
hed, will continue now.
05/01/2014 01:14:41 PM INFO    XBMC-JSONRPC     Will now update meta-data for vi
deos in XBMC's library.
05/01/2014 01:14:41 PM NOTICE  Meta-Data        Attempting to integrate 0 queued
meta-data changes into XBMC's MySQL video library.
05/01/2014 01:14:41 PM NOTICE  Meta-Data        Successfully completed 0 queued
metadata changes. There are now 0 changes left in the queue.
05/01/2014 01:14:41 PM NOTICE  Meta-Data        Updating QueuedChanges database
to reflect the 0 successful metatadata changes.
05/01/2014 01:14:41 PM NOTICE  Meta-Data        Updating QueuedChanges database
to reflect the 0 metatadata changes that are no longer needed.
05/01/2014 01:14:41 PM NOTICE  Meta-Data        Done updating metadata queued ch
anged database.
05/01/2014 01:14:41 PM NOTICE  Meta-Data        Will not manually archive any vi
deos (.nfo) because manual archiving is disabled in Config file.
05/01/2014 01:14:41 PM NOTICE  Clean Up         Cleaning up dropbox...
05/01/2014 01:14:41 PM INFO    Clean Up         Checking 38 archived strm videos
in dropbox to make sure the archived video is still valid.
05/01/2014 01:14:41 PM NOTICE  Clean Up         After removing 0 old videos from
dropbox, number of videos is now: 38
05/01/2014 01:14:41 PM NOTICE  Clean Up         Done with dropbox clean-up
05/01/2014 01:14:41 PM INFO    TidyUp           Successfully stopped JSON-RPC li
05/01/2014 01:14:41 PM NOTICE  TidyUp           Ended listening (listen=false, r
esetOnFail=false) for data from: localhost:90909090
05/01/2014 01:14:41 PM NOTICE  Summary:---Overa ----------------------Archiving
Summary for ---Overall-------------------------
05/01/2014 01:14:41 PM NOTICE  Summary:---Overa TV Success: 38, TV Fail: 0
05/01/2014 01:14:41 PM NOTICE  Summary:---Overa Movie Success: 0, Movie Fail: 0
05/01/2014 01:14:41 PM NOTICE  Summary:---Overa Music Video Success: 0, Music Vi
deo Fail: 0
05/01/2014 01:14:41 PM NOTICE  Summary:---Overa Generic Success: 0, Generic Fail
: 0
05/01/2014 01:14:41 PM NOTICE  Summary:---Overa New videos archived: 38, existin
g videos updated: 0
05/01/2014 01:14:41 PM NOTICE  Summary:---Overa Overall: Success: 38, Skip: 0, F
ail: 0
05/01/2014 01:14:41 PM NOTICE  Ending           Done... Total processing time: 0
minute(s), 39 second(s)
05/01/2014 01:14:41 PM NOTICE  Ending           Ended: XBMC.MyLibrary, v1.4.3, c
ompatible with XBMC Frodo
05/01/2014 01:14:41 PM INFO    Ending           Closing logs. Deleting expired l
ogs and ALL historical DEBUG logs.
05/01/2014 01:14:41 PM INFO    Ending           Deleting logfiles older than 30
days (04/01/2014 01:14:41 PM)
05/01/2014 01:14:41 PM INFO    Ending           Checked 17 log files for expirat
ion, deleted 0 log files more than 30 days old.

Pressione qualquer tecla para continuar. . .

I tried force_series = "The Big Bang Theory" but I wanted to get the name of the series automatically without having to place one by one.
(2014-04-25, 21:47)saitoh183 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2014-04-25, 20:56)ratzofftoya Wrote: [ -> ]Hm, interesting. I set it up on my administrator account, and have it set to run on highest privileges. Is there anything else I can do? Thanks for the help!

How did you set up your task..when calling a command file using Task scheduler, you must do it a certain way or it will fail.

in the Action Tab, modify your action and make sure the you only put the name of your file Program/Script field (ie: myfile.cmd)

You must put the path to the file in the Start in field (ie: c:\Mypath\)

This is the only way to get cmd/bat files to run without error in W7/2008 and up

Wait, should I be running the .cmd file? I thought I should run the .jar file. If so, which .cmd should I run?
(2014-05-01, 11:27)ratzofftoya Wrote: [ -> ]
(2014-04-25, 21:47)saitoh183 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2014-04-25, 20:56)ratzofftoya Wrote: [ -> ]Hm, interesting. I set it up on my administrator account, and have it set to run on highest privileges. Is there anything else I can do? Thanks for the help!

How did you set up your task..when calling a command file using Task scheduler, you must do it a certain way or it will fail.

in the Action Tab, modify your action and make sure the you only put the name of your file Program/Script field (ie: myfile.cmd)

You must put the path to the file in the Start in field (ie: c:\Mypath\)

This is the only way to get cmd/bat files to run without error in W7/2008 and up

Wait, should I be running the .cmd file? I thought I should run the .jar file. If so, which .cmd should I run?

the cmd calls the jar file
(2014-05-01, 16:06)saitoh183 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2014-05-01, 11:27)ratzofftoya Wrote: [ -> ]Wait, should I be running the .cmd file? I thought I should run the .jar file. If so, which .cmd should I run?
the cmd calls the jar file

That's what I figured. So there's shouldn't be a difference, right?

Also, has anyone successfully gotten this running on a NAS? I have a Synology and would love to move the process over to that thing (at the risk of taxing its puny CPU).
Hi guys, thanks for this program.
I am trying to understand how exactly this program works.
Until now i understand this:
- Will use json to get all links from the addon.
- Then will save this links on a specific folder
- Then will force the xbmc to update the video library.
But now what i am trying to understand is how you guys change the title of each item. Are you guys using JSON ? if so, are you guys using what filter ? I am saying that because i need to understand if i can move the files for another folder after your program create it. If you guys are using JSON with a filter for the path that i use on the .xml setup i think that i will not be able to change the file for another location.
If i am right and you guys are using JSON to change the title of the file on the video library, this can be a little slow for who is using MySql, right ?
Thanks in advanced
if i want to add another section to netflix code snippet like:"comedies" i would add it as a subfolder to the code?
For anyone else wondering, I got this working with USTV-VOD (formerly FreeCable) with the following:
<USTV-VOD path="plugin://plugin.video.ustvvod" recursive="true">
    <subfolder name="ABC/The Goldbergs" recursive="true" type="episodes" force_tvdb="true"/>
I'm glad the runtime filter worked, so it didn't grab all of the clips.
(2014-04-16, 00:03)bradvido88 Wrote: [ -> ]@ianuk2005
I suggest you ask for a donation from your users (AKA free testers and bug reporters). Also, start your own thread for the app.

FWIW I have upgraded to XBMC Gotham beta3 and MyLibrary worked with it out of the box. It's also about 3x faster when scanning UPNP sources. I haven't done extensive testing so you may see different results.

How do I install this on Gotham? I'm not able to. Seems like exactly what I need. I'm using the latest Gotham RC1.
(2014-05-07, 11:35)adenty9 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2014-04-16, 00:03)bradvido88 Wrote: [ -> ]@ianuk2005
I suggest you ask for a donation from your users (AKA free testers and bug reporters). Also, start your own thread for the app.

FWIW I have upgraded to XBMC Gotham beta3 and MyLibrary worked with it out of the box. It's also about 3x faster when scanning UPNP sources. I haven't done extensive testing so you may see different results.

How do I install this on Gotham? I'm not able to. Seems like exactly what I need. I'm using the latest Gotham RC1.

This is not a addon that you install in XBMC its a application you run on your system.
05/07/2014 12:36:36 PM ERROR Find:Subfolder No matching subfolder named "Playon/Hulu/Your Queue" was found. Skipping
05/07/2014 12:36:36 PM ERROR Find:Subfolder No matching subfolder named "Playon/Amazon Instant Video/Prime Watchlist/Movies" was found. Skipping
05/07/2014 12:36:37 PM ERROR Find:Subfolder No matching subfolder named "Playon/Amazon Instant Video/Prime Watchlist/TV Shows" was found. Skipping
05/07/2014 12:36:37 PM ERROR Find:Subfolder No matching subfolder named "Playon/Netflix/My List" was found. Skipping
05/07/2014 12:36:37 PM ERROR Find:Subfolder No matching subfolder named "Playon/CBS/Tv Classic" was found. Skipping

What happened? I thought i had it running right?:

<XBMCWebServer>http://xbmc:[email protected]:80</XBMCWebServer>


<IPChange enabled="TRUE">
<change from="" to="" />
<change from="localhost" to="" />

<ManualArchiving enabled="true">


<PreScrapeMusicVids enabled="false" />

<XBMCRestart enabled="false" />

<Playon custom_parser="PlayOn" recursive="true">
<!-- Hulu -->
<subfolder name="Hulu/Your Queue" type="episodes" recursive="true" >


<!-- Amazon Prime -->
<subfolder name="Amazon Instant Video/Prime Watchlist/Movies" type="movies"/>
<subfolder name="Amazon Instant Video/Prime Watchlist/TV Shows" type="episodes" recursive="true"/>

<!-- NETFLIX -->
<!-- Instant Queue -->
<subfolder name="Netflix/My List" recursive="true"/>

<!-- CBS -->
<subfolder name="CBS/Tv Classic" type="episodes" recursive="true">
<contains>/Full Episodes</contains>



<contains>/No videos available</contains>
<regexp>/clip[s]?(/|$)</regexp><!--Prevent TV clip(s) from being archived (only want full episodes)-->


Please Help meHuh
Nothing happened?