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Full Version: XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)
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Without anything between the SMB path tags? I have, both with the server name and the server IP.

One note: the server is a Synology NAS, which I believe is Linux-based, but I'm not sure. I have it set as sharing both via NFS and SMB, though I've had better luck mounting network shares through SMB.
is the linux CLIENT mounting the DROPBOX_SERVER share?
hey ratzofftoya, try this (i was reviewing this thread and seemed to remember someone doing something very similar):


yes, you read that right. do NOT mention the server name in the first line. add the server name (or ip) to the SMB portion. also, if you are using a username/password to the share it would look like this instead:


hope this helps
I am admittedly not a coder at all. I have read through each file included in this plugin and love the functionality! I am running the cmd script and have it set to shutdown xbmc and then reopen. When I run the cmd file, xbmc always shutsdown. The issue I am running in to is that it only reopens correctly if XBCM was minimized when I ran the cmd script.

I have set the cmd file to run inside of xbmc from advanced launcher. The cmd script opens correctly and shutsdown xbmc, but when I run it this way, XBMC never reopens and the cmd script stops after the third attempt to connect to JSON.

Have any of you experienced a similar situation?
(2014-05-20, 16:52)keeganl Wrote: [ -> ]I am admittedly not a coder at all. I have read through each file included in this plugin and love the functionality! I am running the cmd script and have it set to shutdown xbmc and then reopen. When I run the cmd file, xbmc always shutsdown. The issue I am running in to is that it only reopens correctly if XBCM was minimized when I ran the cmd script.

I have set the cmd file to run inside of xbmc from advanced launcher. The cmd script opens correctly and shutsdown xbmc, but when I run it this way, XBMC never reopens and the cmd script stops after the third attempt to connect to JSON.

Have any of you experienced a similar situation?

I figured out a sloppy workaround. I added another command in the resume file to launch xbmc a second time. For some reason this has fixed all my launching issues!

my res/RestartXBMC.cmd file now reads
taskkill /F /IM XBMC.exe
"C:\Program Files (x86)\XBMC\XBMC.exe"
"C:\Program Files (x86)\XBMC\XBMC.exe"
Keeganl the problem usually is XBMC doesn't always shutdown right away. For me I've put in a delay in the restart script via ping -n 10 which gives about a 10 second delay.

so for your script, it might look like this:

taskkill /F /IM XBMC.exe
ping -n 10
"C:\Program Files (x86)\XBMC\XBMC.exe"
Is USTV-VOD down? because everytime i get script failed in xbmc.
@ratzofftoya - any luck?
Is there anything we can write to put the .nfo to any other folder because it follows after the strm files? after awhile it gets annoying to see that file with the strm files.
(2014-05-23, 12:30)steve55792 Wrote: [ -> ]Is there anything we can write to put the .nfo to any other folder because it follows after the strm files? after awhile it gets annoying to see that file with the strm files.

it's kinda import to keep them together... But if you don't use them select not to generate them. You're referring to music videos correct? Otherwise it's another program generating those nfos...
no my tv and movie videos
(2014-05-23, 16:58)steve55792 Wrote: [ -> ]no my tv and movie videos

I don't remember this app generating nfo's for anything but music videos... am I wrong?

R u using ember?
playon and xbmc frodo. what program is ember?
(2014-05-23, 18:03)steve55792 Wrote: [ -> ]playon and xbmc frodo. what program is ember?

Ember is a media manager that can create nfos.
No I don't use embers