using the xbmc my library is awesome too cause it will put what your looking for in the folder automaically so you dont have to click one by one. Thats why ask if anyone made a searchfilter for istream.
is it possible to adjust to baidu cloud?
I was wondering if anyone has an idea on how to create a scan source for PlayMark in PlayOn? Each time PlayOon is turned off the favorite lnks I create are broken and the thought was to create a separate file such as Live TV within dropbox. Thanks for any help with this.
Is xbmc mylibrary compatalbe with xbmc Gotham? If it is It wont work on my computer .
I am using mylibrary on windows 7 and 8.1 with gotham. Did it stop working on an upgrade from frodo?
This is a new computer Im putting it on. its with windos 8 and with xbmc gotham
I had it on 8 a few months ago and it worked great. It took me some trial and error before I got the code setup my first time.
It has been over a week so just wanted to ask again.
Any idea on how to create a PlayMark source from PlayOn?
If you have any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it.
(2014-06-27, 15:53)markaisi Wrote: [ -> ]It has been over a week so just wanted to ask again.
Any idea on how to create a PlayMark source from PlayOn?
If you have any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it.
The same way you do it with any other source. Create a filter to match its path.
Have you tried anything yet?
Here is what I have tried.
<PlayMark prefix="[PlayMark] " custom_parser="PlayOn" recursive="true">
<subfolder name="" type="generic" />
<subfolder name="" type="live tv" />
<subfolder name="livestation" type="live tv" />
<subfolder name="livestream" type="live tv" />
I created a separate file in dropbox for live tv since this is what I have in PlayMark.
Thanks in advance for any help.
edit: I used generic as one type and live tv just to see if it made a difference.
You can't just make up types for your subfolder. Here's what your options are from the documentation comments in config.xml:
If the content type is all known to be TV Shows, use 'episodes';
If the content type is all known to be movies Movies/Films, use 'movies'
If the content type is all known to be movies Music Videos, use 'music_videos'
If the content type is all known to be none of the above, use 'generic' - This will simply write a directory full of the strm files
The easiest way to figure out how to setup filters is go into your video sources in XBMC and select the one you setup for PlayOn. When you select Playmark you will get your folder of stuff and you can figure out filters. The other thing is that you may be trying to scan things that aren't really TV episodes or movies. I just setup Playmark, marked a Miranda Lambert video, and then added this to my XBMC.MyLibrary config under search filters:
<Playon custom_parser="PlayOn" recursive="true" >
<subfolder name="Playmark/YouTube" recursive="true" type="episodes" />
I can see from the log files that XBMC.MyLibrary can see it, and it creates a stream file in my dropbox, but XBMC doesn't really know what to do with it.
If you just want to watch Playmarked videos that aren't "regular" TV Shows or movies, you might try just favoriting the Playmark item when you are in the video source list and then go to from your favorites menu.
Thanks pkscuot. I will try your suggestions. I can not favorite them because if playon restarts the favorites do not link any more.
Don't favorite the individual channels. Just favorite the Playmark main directory or even just the PlayOn main directory. I'm pretty sure neither of those change if you restart PlayOn.
hmm trying to give this a go now. getting the following error.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin>java.exe XBMC.MyLibrary.
Error: Could not find or load main class XBMC.MyLibrary.jar
pkscout, I was able to get PlayMark files to work. I had to put them into the episodes file. Not ideal but it works. The reason that I wanted this way is because I am linking these strm files to a tv epg individually and without using MyLibrary I was needing to relink each one individually if I ever turned off PlayOn.