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Full Version: XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)
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Are you supposed to have a link to each "dropbox" folder in the Config.xml?


“\\my-pc\video\streams\TV Shows”
“\\my-pc\video\streams\Music Videos”

I have it set to point to one folder (“\\my-pc\video\streams\"), with the source folders inside. I've been trying to get it going and can't get streams to populate.
You should only have one link to the folder that contains the three subfolders. These three subfolders should be added as source in Kodi as explained below. Hope that helps.
<!-- Dropbox - This is the folder where all the Video's .strm files will be stored. Inside this folder, subfolders will be created named "TV Shows", "Movies", and "Music Videos" IMPORTANT: The dropbox must be a new folder used exclusively for this script. Do not use an existing video source's folder! IMPORTANT: It is highly recommended to use a smb share as your dropbox! streaming - The "Main" dropbox where videos are put by default On your computer, create a new folder, enter it's location here. Then create 3 subfolders under it, named "TV Shows", "Movies", and "Music Videos". Go into XBMC and add each of the 3 subfolders under the Videos, Files, Add Source, setting the content for each folder Note: Use the same exact path in XBMC as you have here. Don't use a local path here and a UNC (smb://) path in XBMC. LinuxSamba - If specified, this will be prepended to the local path you specified in <streaming>. Useful if you use linux xbmc and your sources are on a smb share. Example: smb://COMPUTER_NAME -->
When you add the dropbox sources in XBMC, do you add as an SMB or as a regular folder from the drive that they're on?

(2014-08-26, 16:07)Nephilim3883 Wrote: [ -> ]When you add the dropbox sources in XBMC, do you add as an SMB or as a regular folder from the drive that they're on?

I figured it out!

You have to make sure that you go to each dropbox folder, right click, properties, and share the folder.

Ran the script again and it started seeing Netflix!
This may have been asked, I am not sure where I saw it but does anyone know how you keep the streams in "real time"?

I was getting channels set up last night, letting PTV auto-tune and whenever I'd go to a channel with a show from Netflix it would just start the episode from the beginning. Instead of just picking up wherever it should be according to the time of day, like if you were watching live television.

Unless this isn't achievable, which I am ok with. I've gotten as far as adding Netflix, Hulu, Vudu streams and PTV automatically made network channels for me so I am pretty happy with it so far. Getting Sickbeard set up next.

Either way this is pretty damn awesome
I believe that there is a choice in PlayOn to do that. Go in through xbmc and then netflix . I believe it is somewhere in the show listings. Hope this helps.
(2014-08-28, 02:14)markaisi Wrote: [ -> ]I believe that there is a choice in PlayOn to do that. Go in through xbmc and then netflix . I believe it is somewhere in the show listings. Hope this helps.

I will look into that, thanks
Nevermind Smile
One last cry for help. Am I the only one that has this problem? I completely uninstalled-re-installed XBMC and used a config.xml with only
<subfolder name="Amazon Instant Video/Prime Watchlist/TV Shows" type="episodes" recursive="true"/>
It still names Sopranos as TV.Shows.
Old post below.

I am using Mylibrary.xml to get my shows from AmazonPrime
I have Sopranos and The Wire. The Wire is added nicely but Sopranos is added as TV Shows
So for The Wire \XBMC\TV Shows\The.Wire.Season.1\Season.1
And for Sopranos \XBMC\TV Shows\TV.Shows\Season.1
The Wire folder only contains x.strm files but 'Sopranos' contain both x.strm and nfo files for the Sopranos episodes.
I can change the title to Sopranos.Season.1 and after restarting and updating the library, Sopranos shows up and everything is good until next time I run mylibrary.xml; then I am back to where I started.

Can anyone explain how I can fix this permanently, thanks

Part of xml file
<subfolder name="Amazon Instant Video/Prime Watchlist/Movies" type="movies"/>
<subfolder name="Amazon Instant Video/Prime Watchlist/TV Shows" type="episodes" recursive="true">
(2014-08-30, 05:58)klausindc Wrote: [ -> ]One last cry for help. Am I the only one that has this problem? I completely uninstalled-re-installed XBMC and used a config.xml with only
<subfolder name="Amazon Instant Video/Prime Watchlist/TV Shows" type="episodes" recursive="true"/>

Try doing <subfolder name="Amazon Instant Video/Prime Watchlist/TV Shows/The Sopranos: Season 1/" type="episodes" recursive="true" force_series="The Sopranos"/>

If that works, you will just have to add an entry for each season. Sometimes the name of the series contains a special character that throws off my.library's search.

It did the trick and I was able to use the same idea to fix some other problems.
I really appreciate you taking the time.

Thanks again,
Any update on this? I am unable to scan in episodes from Netflix currently.

(2014-08-14, 20:50)lonecow Wrote: [ -> ]
(2014-07-23, 18:46)bradvido88 Wrote: [ -> ]Regarding the code -- I'll try to check in a stable version with related libraries sometime in the near future.
This project has dropped low on my priority list so I haven't exactly been keeping it nice an tidy.

(2014-07-02, 20:44)hellohello Wrote: [ -> ]Has anyone noticed a problem with scraping from Netflix through Playon?

been getting the following error:

07/02/2014 02:39:51 PM WARN    Archiving        Title cannot be found, it was expected to be found after one of [ - , : , :, -,  : ,  -- , .] in the file label "S04E02 Migration, Beakmania & Living Space"

Recently Netflix has started to separate episodes into Season folders and lopping off the title of the series from the filename and also removing the "dash" ( - ) from season/episode numbering the the title of the episode. I believe this is the problem. any ideas?

Yes, Netflix thru playon changed the format in which tehy list episodes, but the default parsing takes over and seems to work in my case.

Any luck on getting the latest code checked in?
I haven't done anything with this yet because I'm thinking of reworking the parsing of episodes/movies to use named captures via regular expressions. That will give full configuration and flexibility to the end-user and will be able to parse anything (as long as you are able to figure out the proper regex).
That sounds great.
How do you exclude foreign language and sports films? I have the script scraping Hulu Subscriptions, Hulu Movies, Netflix TV Shows, Netflix Movies, HBO Go Series, and HBO Go Movies

I tried putting the following within each <subfolder> </subfolder> section:

I can't tell if it is working, still getting quite a lot of foreign content which I will never watch
Has anyone tried this with Put.io?

I would love to have my put.io videos in my XBMC libraries!

I tried to install this in my Openelec Raspberry Pi but looks like java is not installed by default and there is no apt-get. Anyone tried XBMC.MyLibrary in Openelec?

Also, I tried to run it in my mcosx machine but it was failing to connect to the json RPC of the Openelec machine. Does anyone know what's the port for json RPC on Openelec?