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Full Version: XBMC.MyLibrary - Scan any source to the library (Hulu/Netflix/Plugins)
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Well, i use MyLibrary together with PlayOn to include my Amazon Instant Video Watchlists into my XBMC library.

This is working perfectly with movies, but not so good with the TV shows. When i run the script the first time, XBMC starts to scrape the movies simultaneously, but not the TV shows. I can find and play the TV Shows (strm-files) via XBMCs file system, but they are not scraped (and not in the library/no images/no infos/etc.).

I assume that is because of the naming convention/system from Amazon. Because TV shows are stored on my NAS like this:
"TV Shows/TV-Show-Name.-.Season.1/Season.1/S01E01 - Episode-Name.strm"
"TV Shows/TV-Show-Name.-.Season.2/Season.2/S01E01 - Episode-Name.strm"
And as far as i know, XBMC wants one parent directory for a whole TV show in order to scrape it, like this:
"TV Shows/TV-Show-Name/S01E01 - Episode-Name.strm"
"…/…/S01E02 - Episode-Name.strm"
"…/…/S02E01 - Episode-Name.strm"
and so on.

But now i am wondering why it seems like nobody else had this problem? Maybe there is one simple reason why i fail? Maybe someone knows, before i start to post my xml-files and all that stuff? (Actually i used the xml from user hellohello: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=98210&page=82)
Just found the workaround: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid...pid1100164
But there must be some other way …
Add to advancedsettings.xml
<cleanstrings action="append">
<regexp>season[. _]\d+$</regexp>
This will remove everything after the "season.#". This is what I've used and it still seems to be working.
Where do we find that advancedsettings.xml?

Also, is there a good way to completely erase the Library? I've deleted the XBMC\userdata\Database\MyVideos file, as well as removed all the STRM files and all the files in /res for MyLibrary. After doing this, the script runs and looks like it should be adding things to the library (the STRM files are being created) but none of the metadata is being added so they don't appear to work. I'm just looking for a quick way to start over when I run a bad scrape. The only way I was able to do this was to uninstall/re-install XBMC.

Hi all, I'm having a little trouble getting the CrunchyRoll plugin to scan in episodes. Other playon sources work correctly, but i can't get it to scan in crunchyroll either through playon or just through the XBMC Crunchyroll plugin (playing files from either source directly from XBMC works correctly). When i use the following search for the Crunchyroll plugin:

<CrunchyRoll path="plugin://plugin.video.crunchyroll-takeout" recursive="false">    
    <subfolder name="Anime/Alphabetical" type="episodes" recursive="true">     
            <contains>Akame Ga Kill!</contains>

It detects the correct episodes to pull (only Akame ga Kill is pulled), but the episodes are parsed incorrectly (snippet from the debug log follows):

9/14/2014 09:05:42 PM DEBUG   Archiving        Next: CrunchyRoll/Anime/Alphabetical/Akame ga Kill!/Episode 3 - Kill Your Cares
09/14/2014 09:05:42 PM DEBUG   Archiving        Attempting default parsing of TV Show...
09/14/2014 09:05:42 PM DEBUG   Archiving        Found series "Episode 3", and title "Kill Your Cares", from file label "Episode 3 - Kill Your Cares". Will use this info to look up on the TVDB.com
09/14/2014 09:05:42 PM DEBUG   Archiving        Checking if this video has already been looked up on TVDB based on original path of: CrunchyRoll/Anime/Alphabetical/Akame ga Kill!/Episode 3 - Kill Your Cares
09/14/2014 09:05:42 PM DEBUG   Archiving        SQL = SELECT original_path, dropbox_location, video_type, title, series, artist, episode_number, season_number, year, is_tvdb_lookup FROM ArchivedFiles WHERE original_path = ?
09/14/2014 09:05:42 PM DEBUG   Archiving        Set STRING param 1 to CrunchyRoll-zXz-Anime-zXz-Alphabetical-zXz-Akame ga Kill!-zXz-Episode 3 - Kill Your Cares
09/14/2014 09:05:42 PM WARN    Archiving        No video found in the database using SQL: SELECT original_path, dropbox_location, video_type, title, series, artist, episode_number, season_number, year, is_tvdb_lookup FROM ArchivedFiles WHERE original_path = ?
09/14/2014 09:05:42 PM INFO    Archiving        This video has not been succesfully looked up on the TVDB before, will attempt lookup now.
09/14/2014 09:05:42 PM DEBUG   Archiving        Attempting to get series IDs (max of 3) based on seriesname of 'Episode 3', url = http://www.thetvdb.com/api/GetSeries.php?seriesname=Episode+3
09/14/2014 09:05:42 PM DEBUG   Archiving        Using XML from cached file: "Z:\xbmc-mylibrary\XBMC.MyLibrary-1.4.3\XMLCache\www.thetvdb.com-api-GetSeries.phpseriesname=Episode+3.xml" for URL: http://www.thetvdb.com/api/GetSeries.php?seriesname=Episode+3
09/14/2014 09:05:42 PM WARN    Archiving        Ending lookup. No series could be found by querying TheTVDB: http://www.thetvdb.com/api/GetSeries.php?seriesname=Episode+3. Will try to archive this video again later.
09/14/2014 09:05:42 PM INFO    Archiving        TV Episode will fail to be archived because manual archiving is disabled and the meta-data cannot be parsed or found on the TheTVDB.com: CrunchyRoll/Anime/Alphabetical/Akame ga Kill!/Episode 3 - Kill Your Cares
09/14/2014 09:05:42 PM WARN    Archiving        Cannot be archived: series=Episode 3, title=Kill Your Cares, season=-1, episode=-1
                                   CrunchyRoll/Anime/Alphabetical/Akame ga Kill!/Episode 3 - Kill Your Cares

So it looks like the episodes are parsing incorrectly, since CrunchyRoll's plugin shows episodes as "anime/alphabetical/series/episode <episodenumber> - <title>". I'm assuming i need a custom regex or parser for crunchyroll, but i'm lost in that regard. Can anyone give me a hand?
(2014-09-12, 00:36)locoguano Wrote: [ -> ]Add to advancedsettings.xml
<cleanstrings action="append">
<regexp>season[. _]\d+$</regexp>
This will remove everything after the "season.#". This is what I've used and it still seems to be working.

Thank you, i'd already tried that, but i didn't work. Maybe i keep on trying, but on the other hand i am not really convinced of XBMC.MyLibrary in general. The concept is very good, but what is bothering me is when i play a movie and press info i don't get the cover and the description, but only the name of the mpg that is streamed from Amazon. Also i can not resume from the point i left the movie and i can not scan it back and forth nor jump to a certain point. Sometimes the whole steam aborts and i have to start from the beginning again! One could say the movie "behaves" like a simple stream and not like a real part of my library. For me it means that i have to use the services (Amazon, Netflix, etc.) own products (Apss, Websites, etc.). This is where XBMC still fails as a complete entertainment solution in my opinion. I guess some smartTVs have better options (especially when apple will launch something new in the TV world).
I have a question about this plugin that has probably been asked a ton. Can this plugin integrate the library of another XBMC so I don't have to go to files > upnp device > video > movies or TV shows > etc?
(2014-09-15, 14:58)MioMillioni Wrote: [ -> ]
(2014-09-12, 00:36)locoguano Wrote: [ -> ]Add to advancedsettings.xml
<cleanstrings action="append">
<regexp>season[. _]\d+$</regexp>
This will remove everything after the "season.#". This is what I've used and it still seems to be working.

Thank you, i'd already tried that, but i didn't work. Maybe i keep on trying, but on the other hand i am not really convinced of XBMC.MyLibrary in general. The concept is very good, but what is bothering me is when i play a movie and press info i don't get the cover and the description, but only the name of the mpg that is streamed from Amazon. Also i can not resume from the point i left the movie and i can not scan it back and forth nor jump to a certain point. Sometimes the whole steam aborts and i have to start from the beginning again! One could say the movie "behaves" like a simple stream and not like a real part of my library. For me it means that i have to use the services (Amazon, Netflix, etc.) own products (Apss, Websites, etc.). This is where XBMC still fails as a complete entertainment solution in my opinion. I guess some smartTVs have better options (especially when apple will launch something new in the TV world).

The playback issues are because of PlayOn, not because of My.Library. My.Library is merely creating a shortcut to the PlayOn stream. In this case My.Library is doing exactly as advertised.
Alright, thank you, good to know. But i am afraid there isn't any better alternative to PlayOn?
I have this script running on a four hour interval and everything is running great. The problem that I'm having is that when the script is done running, it updates the artwork through Artwork Downloader, and I have the alert noise that let's me know that it has started downloading and then again when it's complete. I'm fine with the message on the screen letting me know, but the alert beep is a distraction, especially when I'm not in the room (or trying to sleep) when it goes off.

For now I've just turned down the speakers when I leave the computer, but was wondering if anyone else has had this problem and how they fixed it. Not sure if it matters but I'm using the Aeon Nox skin.
You could just go into the appearance settings and turn the navigation sounds off.

Or go to Skin Folder/sounds/sounds.xml

This will disable the notification sound instead of all your sounds.
Thanks locoguano. Editing the sounds.xml is exactly what I was looking for.
Another problem i've been running into - the shows scan into my library and parse fine, and are showing up in my "tv shows" as normal, but it looks like the queued metadata changes aren't happening. For every show that got scanned in, i get this error message:

09/22/2014 04:35:53 PM DEBUG   Meta-Data        No file found for: smb://feezfileserv/misc/xbmc-mylibrary/dropbox/TV Shows/Akame.ga.Kill!/Season.1/S01E01 - Kill the Darkness.strm, repsonse =
                                   {"id":"1","error":{"message":"Invalid params.","code":-32602},"jsonrpc":"2.0"}
09/22/2014 04:35:53 PM INFO    Meta-Data        SKIPPING meta-data update: SKIP: The video is not yet in XBMC's library: \\feezfileserv\misc\xbmc-mylibrary\dropbox\TV Shows\Akame.ga.Kill!\Season.1\S01E01 - Kill the Darkness.strm

Any idea what could be going wrong?
I've downloaded the package and edited the config file but I'm having trouble understanding this step in the user guide.

"Open the Run-xx.cmd file for editing, and make sure the path to java.exe is correct.
If you’re not using windows, run as java -jar <path/to/xbmc.mylibrary.jar> <folder/containing/the/jar>"

Can someone explain to me what I'm supposed to do at this step?

(2014-09-24, 06:31)michael7oliver Wrote: [ -> ]I've downloaded the package and edited the config file but I'm having trouble understanding this step in the user guide.

"Open the Run-xx.cmd file for editing, and make sure the path to java.exe is correct.
If you’re not using windows, run as java -jar <path/to/xbmc.mylibrary.jar> <folder/containing/the/jar>"

Can someone explain to me what I'm supposed to do at this step?

Should have mentioned that I'm running windows 8.1 as my soul device.