Hi there...
I dont know anything about xml, but i would just like to implement netflix to my osmc.
Any plans on making a GUI for the rest of us noobs with the missing skills?
QttM you need to have a Playon.tv license. Worth it imo
i have 20 tv shows on disk and many don't appear in kodi library, the folder is enpty
Is anyone else unable to get XBMC.MyLIbrary to read the HGTV Canada Add-on? The subfolder structure seems simply to not work. Shame, since they have a much larger available collection than the standard HGTV add-on.
Is it possible to use UPnP to share the video with another UPnP device?
I have a few questions about this addon. First off. Amazing. I will be honest. I tried the PseudoLibrary one first. I finally got the streams working but when I added the playon source and added it to videos and the shows never showed up in the TV Shows section. Oh well. This one is doing just as I hoped. I like the fact that I can run it from anywhere too. Here are all my questions:
1. I added a show (Let's say Scorpion for example). I added it from my PlayOn upnp source and then I added it from my USTVVOD source. It's great that since I did it that way, it didn't duplicate. There was a show or 2 missing from the USTVVOD addon but was in the Playon so the episode list was complete. The question is. Which one takes priority if both (or multiple) addons have the same episode. When I click the show in the library, which source is it going to play from? Is it the order that they are in the config file? I noticed I went to play an episode of something from the list and it never would play. I went to USTVVOD (ok, im going to just call it ustv so i don't have to type it every time lol) and it didn't play but when I went to Playon it did. Im assuming the episode in the library was playing from the ustv source then. It would be cool if it had some sort of timeout feature where it would roll over to the next source if it didn't start playing or errored withing a set amount of time and so on. (If you even store both streams that is).
2. Sometimes a show will become unavailable, usuall it's dropping off due to be on there for a certain time. That's fine. I saw the setting that checks for that and deletes it after so many days. But what if I have multiple sources for that show? If Playon has it and ustv has it but ustv drops it after a month but its still viewable through playon, Is your config going to see it not working for the set amount of days and remove it completely or will the playone one repopulate in the episodes list? See what I am getting at?
3. There are a couple of shows that aren't showing album art. Scorpion for one. Is that an issue from the source plugin (eg. PlayOn) or are you grabbing the cover art?
4. Most of the paths are ok. I can put something like "FOX/All Shows/The Grinder/Full Episodes" and be ok. But a few of them on CBS are like "CBS/All Shows/The Big Bang Theory/Full Episodes Season 9" in order for it to work. I tried ending it like CBS/All Shows/The Big Band Theory" and in the config I put a filter for the show length to be at least 10 min. I figured this would, for the most part, get me full episodes and no clips. Nothing showed in the Library. When I looked in the dropbox folder I saw a folder with a couple of folders in it. They were something like Clips and Full Episodes. Anyway. I''l try to reproduce it if that doesn't make sense.
5. There are a few live feeds possible in PlayOn such as tbs, usa, and abc family. Is there a way that anyone is doing to create streams of those from the playon upnp source and add them to live tv. Maybe this one should be in a new post.
6. Lastly, I have an issue with a couple of shows. Scorpion for one. I have the right path. "CBS/All Shows/Scropion/Free Episodes" but when I look in the dropbox folder I don't see a folder marked Scorpion but a folder called Free Episodes and if I look in there then I see the strm files for Scorpion. I'm also just realizing (Lightbulb!) that I think these are the ones that don't have the cover art that I was referring to earlier.
7. Oh!...lastly...lastly. I keep coming back to Kodi after piddling with this and rerunning the script time and time again and the view is incorrect in my library. I am going the TV Shows section and I have it set to Icons and it's like that for a while but then I go back and it's on Media 2. Once I click on a show to see the episodes then I like the Media 2 but not at the start. These used to be separate. Is it changeing everything to Media 2 when I change it in the episodes subsection or is this somehow being defaulted back to a view when the script runs? I know, it's a stretch.
I switched over to the PseudoLibrary and found that I needed to make some updates to the code. There are issues with both movies and TV series in that if I set it up to scan HBO Go/Collections/Movies/New Movies/ it will put a folder titled "New Movies" in my stream folder. TV series has an issue where it thinks that the Season # is the title of the show. If you give me some time, I can post some of the code to update. Are you using the video addon or the program addon for PseudoLibrary?
1. I think that whatever is the second one in the list will overwrite the first, so if your config has your playon source first, the episode will get overwritten by the USTVVOD if it comes next.
2. Not sure on this one as once it drops off, it should no longer check and I would think the Playon version would still be available, but I don't know for sure.
3. This program is creating streams and then Kodi is used to get the artwork. I would guess that it might not have the correct TV title but if you go to the TV information and refresh the data you should be able to select the 2014 show.
4. For something like this: "CBS/All Shows/The Big Bang Theory/Full Episodes Season 9" I would just put the full path in and then use force_series="The Big Bang Theory" in the subfolder tag.
5. The only thing I've seen was here:
http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=...id=1822487 but I don't think it works. Let me know if you figure something out.
6. Same as #4
7. I think that has something to do with USTVVOD setting some sort of default for the rest of your library when xbmc.mylibrary scans it. Try going into the settings of USTVVOD and setting it to what you want and see if that does it.
Here is what I did for your #5. I went to the web site for the channel. (Example tntdrama.com). Signed in and then created a play mark site for the live TV. I then used mylibrary to create a strm for these TV channels. This seems to work but have only tried this since you asked.
Hey there Doctor Eggs. I'm not using Pseudo Library at all. I'm using the XBMC.Mylibrary addon exclusively. I didn't even know you could use them together. Thanks fot eh answers and here's some responses to them.
1. I know it's a long shot but there's no way to have it keep the stream for the source with the best quality is there? Or to somehow keep all streams for that episode that aren't dead and let me choose which one to use when I hit play?
3. I think it's more on the xbmc.mylibrary side. It grabbing the stream and everything is working. The problem is that if I look at the folder containing the streams then the folder for the show Scorpion (and a couple others) isn't named to the name of the show. It's named something like Full Episodes. Once I renamed it to Scorpion, Kodi grabbed the artwork. My concer is next time I run the addon script is it going to not find the Free Episodes folder that it was using and recreate it? How do I fix it in the addon?
4. what doe the force_series="The Big Bang Theory" do? If I use the full path then it works fine but next season I will have to go back through it and change it and that could get very confusing doing that for multiple shows with different premier dates.
7. Makes sense. I will give it a try.
Thanks a lot for the answer. I have 6 new posts in a few categories and no answers for days. Beginning to think people are giving up on forum help .
(2016-01-26, 19:28)markaisi Wrote: [ -> ]Here is what I did for your #5. I went to the web site for the channel. (Example tntdrama.com). Signed in and then created a play mark site for the live TV. I then used mylibrary to create a strm for these TV channels. This seems to work but have only tried this since you asked.
This sounds genius! Here's my only issue with that. Seems like the few times I used playmark, it was really taxing on my system. Is that the case with yours or was I just seeing things? It looks like my playon is doing some pretty heavy work in my task manager when I am watching shows. Are you noticing any lag when using your playmark with the live?
I have one last question...and maybe this needs to be addressed to PlayOn on their forum. Does your PlayOn lose it's credentials from time to time. Maybe it's just a fluke with me trying new things and not using PlayOn for a while but it seems like every so often I will get the "You are not logged into Fox. please check your PlayOn settings blah blah" and I end up having to go through each of my channels in the settings and reopen each one in the browser and sign back in. That ever happen to you? Again. Thanks for the reply.
You may want to see if you can Put an exception into the PlayOn video format conversion within the PlayOn settings. It may help. It drives me crazy to always have to update my credentials. I would think this would have been solved a long time ago.
Hey Markaisi, do you mind giving me an example line of code in your config file for your live tv strm. It seems like when your use the custom PlayOn parser that its already going into the Movies & TV folder by default but I need it to go into the My Media folder instead. How did you get it to do that to get to the playmark folder? Thanks.
I know this program is a little past its prime, but it still works pretty well. Except for an issue I have with Netflix. Maybe someone found a solution.
Netflix's episode number doesn't always match theTVDB's number. For example, season 3 of Airwolf. Netflix has episode 6 as Annie Oakley and TVDB has it as episode 8. Kingdom Come is episode 6. So, I tried this:
<subfolder name="Netflix/My List/Airwolf" force_series="Airwolf" type="episodes" suffix=" (Netflix)" >
<regexp>(S\d\dE\d\d) ([\s\S*]*)</regexp> <!-- ex: "SxxExx Title of the Episode" -->
02/12/2016 02:40:21 PM WARN Arvhiving Title cannot be found, it was expected to be found after one of [ - , : , :, -, : , -- , .] in the file label "S03E06 Annie Oakley"
02/12/2016 02:40:21 PM INFO MetaData Queueing new meta-data change: type=SUFFIX, value= (Netflix), file=\\\Streams\MyLibrary\TV Shows\Airwolf\Season.3\S03E06 - S03E06 Annie Oakley.strm
02/12/2016 02:40:21 PM INFO Archive:New \\\Streams\MyLibrary\TV Shows\Airwolf\Season.3\S03E06 - S03E06 Annie Oakley.strm (Playon/Netflix/My List/Airwolf/Season 3/S03E06 Annie Oakley)
I hoped it would parse out the series as S03E06 and the title as 'Annie Oakley'. Then, force the series to Airwolf and search for 'Annie Oakley' and get s03e08. But, that didn't happen.
I'm surprised I couldn't find anything about this in the 99 pages here. I find this problem in lots of Netflix series.
Has anyone gotten it to work with the Exodus plugin? i managed to get the movies to work but i can't get the tv shows to work...CLOSEST i got results in:
04/26/2016 03:22:53 AM WARN Archiving Title cannot be found, it was expected to be found after one of [ - , : , :, -, : , -- , .] in the file label "1x06 . The Roosevelts"
04/26/2016 03:22:53 AM WARN Archiving Cannot be archived: series=null, title=null, season=1, episode=6