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v19 Aeon MQ 8 for Matrix Mod - Printable Version

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RE: Aeon MQ 8 for Matrix - Shredder_guitar - 2022-09-04

Got it, thank you! For anyone else who needs this, replace the first part of the path up to Portable_Data with this, "special://home" .

@latts9923  Thanks for the response about the album art, my issue still seems present after updating to the corrected skin. I wouldn't worry about it too much, the music section has been a f*cking thorn in my side ever since this platforms conception; seems to commonly be scraper related or some sort of plugin related issue with things phantomly disappearing or not showing correctly. ..... ok; I'm off my soapbox now...thanks for the read and the advisement. I appriciate all your efforts! Keep being awesome

*update* Ok i've spent some time clearing cache and reloading some items....something HAS to be "off".  I have custom icon images for under "Music" for Artists, albums, genres, etc , In the "Rightlist" view and "Shelf 3D v2" view and Wall 3D view, they show just fine, In the "Poster", "Wall", "Wide" views (only ones i have checked) they either show as the blank default icon, or nothing at all. Same for Albums section, and genres section...they do not show up in the previously mentioned views.

RE: Aeon MQ 8 for Matrix - latts9923 - 2022-09-04

You're welcome! I'm not going to quit until I get this poster ordeal straightened out. I was able to reproduce the problem you described with the other views. Please try this file.

RE: Aeon MQ 8 for Matrix - latts9923 - 2022-09-05

I found another flaw with the poster code. I went through multiple views with Add-ons, TV Shows, Concerts, Music Artists, Albums, Songs, and Genres to verify everything was working. Try this updated file.

RE: Aeon MQ 8 for Matrix - andrzejls - 2022-09-05

(2022-09-05, 01:29)latts9923 Wrote: I found another flaw with the poster code. I went through multiple views with Add-ons, TV Shows, Concerts, Music Artists, Albums, Songs, and Genres to verify everything was working. Try this updated file.
@latts9923 , I tried your latest versions and I still do not get posters in all "Videe-Add-ONS" except "KOFIFLIX" and "SHOWCASE". In "PROGRAMS ADD_ONS" no posters in any view. in "MUSIC" there is no posters in "MOVE", "MOVEV2", "POSTER", "LOW LIST","WALL", "GRID", "SHELF 3D",  "WIDE", "PANEL" views.

RE: Aeon MQ 8 for Matrix - Shredder_guitar - 2022-09-05

@latts9923  no joy for me either....not sure if it's related, but every 20-30 min kodi seems to be crashing for me.
I've copied some of my log out to paste bin thinking that might help with debugging


Also, Video related stuff seems to be mostly ok for me, except for genre icons in moves. I experience similar display issues as @andrzejls  with music and programs

RE: Aeon MQ 8 for Matrix - Skin helper error - 2022-09-05

Everything works perfectly for me, except the logo of the studios on the boxes in the tv show have disappeared.
Once again, a big thank you for your work, it is very much appreciated.

RE: Aeon MQ 8 for Matrix - latts9923 - 2022-09-05

I'm not sure why you're still having trouble. Are you sure you're using this file? Also, are you using "CHARACTER ART POSTER" or "POSTER" as your "CASE ART" setting in the Top Menu for the Right List movie view?

@Skin helper error
This is very odd that everything is fine for you and I, but others are still having problems. Are you talking about the Shelf 3D views? I just checked and the TV Show studio is displaying for me.

RE: Aeon MQ 8 for Matrix - Skin helper error - 2022-09-06


I just took a look at the views, in a more in-depth way.
In Multiplex, the BluRay logo disappears when you focus on the box. On some other box, there is absolutely no logo at all (also in coverflow, poster zoom) only with Bluray logos.
In Showcase, the box set disappears, when you activate "open set as boxcase" only at the moment where that focus.
In Shelf3D,yesterday everything was there, but today, MPAA, aspect ratio, audio flag, studio logo,etc...it's all gone  Huh.
The logos of the studios, in the TV Shows, have disappeared (I already told you that).
For me, no missing poster, crash or other.
I make a point of specifying, that I redid a new installation, with the link of the 1st page of the thread. I did not use the patches.

RE: Aeon MQ 8 for Matrix - latts9923 - 2022-09-06

@Skin helper error
1. For the Bluray logo, did you install v1.0.5 of the Colored Videocodec add-on from my repo?
2. When you activate "OPEN SET AS BOXCASE", the set should display only the poster for a few seconds and then open the boxcase. It works fine on my Windows version.
3. I'm not sure what's going on with Shelf3D. I see all media flags.
4. I still can't reproduce the missing studios problem. The IncludesVariables.xml patches I've been posting will only affect the posters.

Are you running KODI on a Shield?

RE: Aeon MQ 8 for Matrix - Skin helper error - 2022-09-06


1.No i just installed, Colored Flag Add-ons ,Colored Media Icons v0.2.5. I will try.
2.Yes that's exactly it. If it's good for you, it's ok for me. I wanted to be sure it was intended.
I'm running kodi on xbox one x, and I just installed it on windows yesterday. But I have the same problem. I use aeon mq 8 only.

The Bluray logo are back. In Shelf3d v2 and v1, no media flags. In others views, media flags are there.

RE: Aeon MQ 8 for Matrix - wags1 - 2022-09-06

@latts9923 Was holding off on installing until the dust settles 😄.. is it just and the updated file linked in post # 1713?

RE: Aeon MQ 8 for Matrix - Shredder_guitar - 2022-09-06

I am replacing the file in this path 
Also, I have looked in the movie>Rightlist view and I am using "poster"

RE: Aeon MQ 8 for Matrix - latts9923 - 2022-09-07

LOL...I understand. I have tested every example I can think of, and everything is working with v1.0.2.6 of the skin with the patch from post #1,713. Some are saying everything is good, and some are saying they are still having problems. I'll keep tweaking the code if I can reproduce the problem, but right now it's all working fine for me.

Right...same path I'm using for Matrix. OK...I've tested with both "POSTER" and "CHARACTER ART POSTER".

RE: Aeon MQ 8 for Matrix - wags1 - 2022-09-07

@latts9923 Thanks, I'm going to install and test sometime today. I run on a couple of 2017 Nvidia Shield Pro's. Will let you know if I see anything off.

RE: Aeon MQ 8 for Matrix - Skin helper error - 2022-09-07


Good news, the logo studio in tv show are back. But on the other hand, in view for season, there is a duplicate on the box (Tv series and the studio logo) at the same time.
Last question, is it possible in views for season to have the logo?? I only have season 1,2 etc.