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[MOD] Aeon Warlion 4.1.9 (Aeon Nox-based, Gotham only) - Printable Version

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RE: Aeon nox 4.1.9 (GOTHAM) - Batiatus - 2014-05-08

What's going on with Smart Playlists now? I can create them but when I try to add them to a custom menu icon they just don't exist. There's also no Smart Playlist Manager when editing the main features of the main menu. Is this another Gotham release issue or something with the skin? Huh

RE: Aeon nox 4.1.9 (GOTHAM) - LEDFan - 2014-05-08

I use Smart Playlists with Gotham 13.0 Official Release and Aeon Nox Gotham Plus (new name for the skin) without any problems at all here. I even push the limits a little bit more by using Custom Submenus with this trick here: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=190526 and I can have the last 25 recent items added in my Custom Menus from my Smart Playlists instead of the 8 we have with the widgets.

RE: Aeon nox 4.1.9 (GOTHAM) - sarlan19 - 2014-05-08

Smart playlists work fine with Gotham 13.0 and Aeon Nox on Win7 and OpenElec

@Batiatus How about you format your Drive, Reinstall your OS and start from scratch. Seems your the only one in here with those problems....

RE: Aeon nox 4.1.9 (GOTHAM) - warlion - 2014-05-08

(2014-05-08, 01:17)shedrock Wrote: @warlion - When you have some time, can you please help me out with the following post?


Thanks in advance.

it seems that you had a script or a shortcut to pvr can you share a debug log to see if i can find the thing that is calling the pvr

RE: Aeon nox 4.1.9 (GOTHAM) - clipper99 - 2014-05-08

(2014-05-08, 00:25)warlion Wrote: it is just havent time to update the addon.xml just did it , the git is the last changes

YAY! No more extended info script error on startup, thanks warlion and welcome back!

RE: Aeon nox 4.1.9 (GOTHAM) - Botafuco - 2014-05-08

Thanks for keeping alive a Plus version of this fabulous skin! I tried version 5 which I found great too, but I like to be able to customize it like the Plus version allows me to Smile

On to the questions:
1) I've disabled some submenus (eg: Movies only has the "Recent" and "Unwatched" submenus enabled). It seems that the submenus repeat so they fill up the submenu bar. How can I make it so they don't "cycle"? (similar to the "fixed list" option on the views, so I should only see those two submenus without repeating themselves).
2) For TV Shows in Landscape view: how can I remove/tweak the information currently being displayed at the bottom bar (floor) right under the shows names? (I use Logo option) eg: it currently shows something like "Episodes: xx. Unwatched: xx", which I would like to remove.
3) Similarly to 2) above, how can I remove some of the flags being displayed for the show? eg: MPAA rating. I'm trying to remove a bit of clutter on that bottom bar (Floor Labels?).

Thanks again and keep up the good work! It's really appreciated!

RE: Aeon nox 4.1.9 (GOTHAM) - pierre8991 - 2014-05-08

Hello Warlion, glad to see you
I have one question : on "Series TV", when I want to select a widget, if I select "Random Episodes" or "Recommended Episodes" the widget returned is empty, it works only if I select "Latest Episodes" in this case I can display : panel, poster, logo ...

A, maybe, stupid remark Why do we stay with the name Aeon nox 4.1.9 ? this skin is good enough to have is own name and is own place in the Community Forum, like WarNox ?

RE: Aeon nox 4.1.9 (GOTHAM) - onlyyou - 2014-05-08

can i make a little up on this ?
Just an idea about where to look at
Many thanks

(2014-05-07, 13:20)onlyyou Wrote: Also, i can't get rid for that part in the Tri Panel Movie View (red rounded)
with the director name, duration, IMDB votes...
I've search in the settings, and in the .xml but can't find anything


RE: Aeon nox 4.1.9 (GOTHAM) - AMoo-Miki - 2014-05-08

(2014-05-08, 01:30)Batiatus Wrote: I don't want to move on to another skin. That's my point. 2 machines, 4 fresh clean installs after completely removing all instances of previous versions of XBMC. No random artwork for the Movies or TV Shows menu buttons. No additional spots to add already existing additional artwork. Setting a menu function to simply open a folder location, the same as it worked in Frodo, does not work. Importing prior userdata fails to bring in proper library locations and artwork. Not all these are caused by the skin but some are and have yet to be addressed. I LOVE this skin and had it working flawlessly in Frodo. It did everything I could think of to make my home theater look gorgeous while being simple to use. This skin is one of the main reasons I chose to invest hours and hours of time into using XBMC as my media manager (along with Cinema Experience). I'm pointing out the errors and bugs I'm finding and asking for some help or at least assertion that previously working features will not be corrected in the future. It's been frustrating as this is supposed to be my relaxation from other things in life. Instead it has me wanting to throw things out the window. I've thanked everyone involved with everything in the past and continue to do so while acknowledging that life sometimes gets in the way of these sorts of things. But telling me things work 100% correct doesn't help address the issues I'm having and others have also pointed out. I'm happy to see Warlion is back and his life seems to be OK. That, first and foremost, is what is important.

These locations you are trying to open, are they network shares? I had a ton of \\IP\share\path stuff which worked great on Frodo, but wouldn't work on Gotham. I simply changed them all to smb://IP/share/path.
Similarly, my Drive:\\path\subpath stuff didn't work. I tried Drive://path/subpath and Drive:/path/subpath and they seemed to solve the issue.

Let us know if that solves the issue you were having with locations. As you said, this skin is the best skin XBMC can wear, and warlion has added a ton of beauty to it, and I cannot bear to see anyone having a problem with it.

RE: Aeon nox 4.1.9 (GOTHAM) - soder - 2014-05-08

Hmm, let's see if I understand this.

This is a version of the normal Aeon 4.x that will work on XBMC13?

I yesterday downloaded a zip from the first post and added to my XBMC as skin.aeon.nox.gotham
Today I read that there has been done some updates on github, and I pull it, and the size if only half the size (even smaller then that).


What's up with that?

Same skin?


RE: Aeon nox 4.1.9 (GOTHAM) - snyft - 2014-05-08

So running the GIT version and final Gotham broke my skin or something. It is using confluence even though i got nox gotham selected :/
Any ideas?

RE: Aeon nox 4.1.9 (GOTHAM) - Tiny Clanger - 2014-05-08

(2014-05-08, 00:27)td75 Wrote: Have done a few searches but can't find any information on problem I'm having.. some of my DVD rips are showing as 720 HD and are also showing Blu Ray case instead of DVD case. I have checked the resolutions of these files and they are definitely SD. I have also tried renaming files to dvdrip.mkv and then I get a DVD logo in bottom left corner but still shows 720 HD and a Blu-ray case. Have also tried refreshing and also deleting and adding source again but still the same.

Any idea what could be causing this?

I think this may be an XBMC issue, as I've had similar with other skins when replacing DVD rips with Blu-ray rips - the case doesn't change.

If you play the movie for a few seconds then stop it the case should update. No idea why that fixes it, though!

RE: Aeon nox 4.1.9 (GOTHAM) - HenryFord - 2014-05-08

(2014-05-07, 21:39)warlion Wrote: hi guys i been a few weeks off , a lot of stuff to fix at home , but im back sorry about the dead link i never expect that dropbox will suspend my account lol i will upload it to another cloud service meaby mega , and update the first post at soon as possible,
I could host it for you, if you want. Maybe even providing FTP access, so you can upload easily?

RE: Aeon nox 4.1.9 (GOTHAM) - HYPERIONzoom - 2014-05-08

(2014-05-05, 20:26)Shinu Wrote: Installed Gotham yesterday and started using this updated version of the skin. Thanks for continuing support warlion. A ew things I've noticed though.

1. The selector (colored border) around highlighted banners and landscapes in the in the TV Show info wall is missing. Will that be added back?

2. When enabling the Live DVD case background for moves, the cases just show the posters and not the DVD cases.

3. The glass overlay for the poster in the TriPanel view isn't positioned properly.

4. Is there a way to lessen the dark tint over the unfocused posters in the movie InfoWall? It's a bit tough to see posters with everything so dark.

+1 for point 3.


Here's some queries of my own:
1. I was hesitant to upgrade to Gotham because of my modifications to enable Extras but was pleased to find that Aeon Nox natively supports extras. However there is no Extras button on the context menu and I can't add one like I did for Aeon Nox 4 as described in this handy tutorial:

2. I don't like the cross hairs icon given for the Extras flag/icon. Where is this png located so I can change it?

3. This is such a small gripe but when I scroll through movies/TV shows by holding up/down or left/right the the clicking sound is so rapid that it's annoying and much faster than the actual speed of scrolling. Can this be adjusted?


RE: Aeon nox 4.1.9 (GOTHAM) - elnino-1900 - 2014-05-08


On Tv Shows, using the posters view, the genre and the season number overlap. please could it be fixed.