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[MOD] List View Rev2 - Printable Version

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- Leeuw - 2009-08-16

Snpbond Wrote:Hey, one thing I noticed with the newest integration into Hitchers mod (I think its this new version of low list) is that when you get to the bottom of the list you can't hit down again to go up to the top?

Could you implement this again? As an option even?

Thats the only thing that bugs me currently, love the list other than that though Laugh

Whoops, that was a mistake -- fixed and will be in an update tonight.

paul Wrote:It's looking good can't wait to see the new dvd covers working with it, and i hope you do bring back the music scroller as i really miss that with the last update from github(hitchers mod).
This is now the only view i use except for multiplex which i prefer for tv episode level

Thanks, paul! Yeah, I will definitely bring back the music roller - next on my list after finishing cases (which will be posted tonight along with other bug fixes mentioned above and in hitcher's post)

- Leeuw - 2009-08-17

First post updated:

(+) Added cd/dvd cases mod.

(-) Fixed: Highlight bar in wrong location for tv library when movies max view is enabled; List does not wrap at top and bottom; Default icons if no poster.jpg found.



- paul - 2009-08-17

Great work looks much better now thank's, just spotted one ickle problem posters are not showing in TVshows level but they do show ok for seasons and episodes works fine.
All i see is just the frames? Big Grin
Sorted the problem i updated hitchers files and it now works great. many thanks for adding in the cd dvd cases

- sergiocos - 2009-08-17

Congratulations on the new List View! Slick design.
I have one problem, no biggie, but I'm guessin' everyone who's using posters is facing the same issue.

On movies everything is fine using Wide:thumbs but on TV Shows (using posters), the info cuts an area from the poster:
The question is: can Movies configured to show Wide:thumbs, and TV Shows Wide:fanart, independently (or a fix: if using poster, show fanart on info trigger; series or season level). On episode level everything it's ok, because the episode image is wide.
Many thanks for your fine work Wink

- Leeuw - 2009-08-18

Thanks, sergiocos - the "wide: thumb" in tv series is showing the folder.jpg, which is meant to provide some mileage out of landscape tv thumbs for those who have them. I'll make it so they work independently, though - in the meantime, there is a "secret" way to toggle thumb/art in the wide info pane by clicking the 'ok' button on your remote (or equivalent action) when the wide info pane is focused (only works in trigger mode tho).

- blacklist - 2009-08-18

Leeuw -

I may be doing something wrong here, but maybe its a bit of a bug.

What I've got -

Fresh Install of Hitcher's Aeon
Latest version of your 720p

When I over-write your files in the skin, I get 2 strange behaviors. First, I get a black box (presumably the background for the coverart image) over the image itself. This occurs most noticeably in TV, when browsing seasons for a show.

Second, my scrolling seems to be one off. Meaning, the actual selection is one below what comes up when its clicked. I'm wondering if this might be because I have parent items turned off, but it doesn't change when I toggle that.

I'm doing a fresh download of both files and giving it another try just in case. I'll post some screen shots if the problem persists.

Thanks for making a great mod!


- blacklist - 2009-08-18

blacklist Wrote:Leeuw -

I may be doing something wrong here, but maybe its a bit of a bug.

What I've got -

Fresh Install of Hitcher's Aeon
Latest version of your 720p

When I over-write your files in the skin, I get 2 strange behaviors. First, I get a black box (presumably the background for the coverart image) over the image itself. This occurs most noticeably in TV, when browsing seasons for a show.

Second, my scrolling seems to be one off. Meaning, the actual selection is one below what comes up when its clicked. I'm wondering if this might be because I have parent items turned off, but it doesn't change when I toggle that.

I'm doing a fresh download of both files and giving it another try just in case. I'll post some screen shots if the problem persists.

Thanks for making a great mod!


Ok, scratch that. Fresh install of everything thing seems to have helped. Only lingering problem is I get no posters for TV Series. Seasons work fine however, and it looks like this is a problem you already know about!

- sergiocos - 2009-08-18

Leeuw Wrote:the "wide: thumb" in tv series is showing the folder.jpg

Thanks for the tip, i'll start populating my tv series with wide folder.jpg Nod

- Leeuw - 2009-08-18

blacklist Wrote:Ok, scratch that. Fresh install of everything thing seems to have helped. Only lingering problem is I get no posters for TV Series. Seasons work fine however, and it looks like this is a problem you already know about!

For TV Series, you will need to have a poster.jpg for each show (otherwise just shows the default video icon)

- blacklist - 2009-08-18

Leeuw Wrote:For TV Series, you will need to have a poster.jpg for each show (otherwise just shows the default video icon)

Why not the poster off the scraper as usual? Just curious.

- artik - 2009-08-18

Leeuw, could you add "max view" option in the low list choice for Tv shows section too ? Big Grin

- Leeuw - 2009-08-19

blacklist Wrote:Why not the poster off the scraper as usual? Just curious.

Back in the day (a few weeks ago) Aeon pretty much required landscape style tv series thumbs. A poster.jpg is also "required" for fullscreen info, so a lot of people have both. See this thread for a great index of landscape thumbs.

artik Wrote:Leeuw, could you add "max view" option in the low list choice for Tv shows section too ? Big Grin

I've been hesitating about that since I've never been a fan of the default "full/max view" style for tv shows in Aeon. What info would you like to see in a max view, though, i.e., beginning of episode plot? Not sure what others think, but I feel like it looks messy.

- thesoulhacker - 2009-08-20

Hey Leeuw,

Got a chance to work on implementing thumbs for video plugins?

- blacklist - 2009-08-20

[quote=Leeuw]Back in the day (a few weeks ago) Aeon pretty much required landscape style tv series thumbs. A poster.jpg is also "required" for fullscreen info, so a lot of people have both. See this thread for a great index of landscape thumbs.

Ah, that explains it. My wife HATES the multiplex view for some reason and I have just been using the list view forever. So, posters have never been an issue, especially since the scraper lets you "Prefer Posters".

I might have to code up a little work around for that, since I prefer to pull new art off the scrapers rather than keep it local.

Thanks for your help!


After looking through Viewtype_list_low I've decided I will just totally screw things up by trying to change it. If you get a couple mins of free time maybe you could point me to the right lines to make it use the scraped art. Thanks!

- Leeuw - 2009-08-20

Wouldn't it be easier to use a batch file renamer to dupe all your folder.jpg's to poster.jpg's?