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[RELEASE] Luemmel's DVD-Ripper (Script) for Linux, Mac, and Windows - Printable Version

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- Fiasco - 2009-10-26

linuxluemmel Wrote:Thats , correct

After 39 Downloads and no feedback I decidet to delete the file ...
If I ask for Feedback (this means any kind ... good or bad) and nothing cames back to me, the script must be useless or not working.
This is not the way the spirit of Open-Source is working.
I do not command to give feedback but a single email or a little
posting inside the forum would be enough...


You posted it on a Saturday in the evening and took it down before Monday morning.

What did you expect?

- kizer - 2009-10-27

I didn't even know it was up. I had word that it might be up this weekend, but honestly I didn't check this thread and I guess I missed it. Sad

Beta 2 - linuxluemmel - 2009-10-28

For those of you that have password from me .....


I guess now are all bugs removed ...
Test it until Sunday ... On Sunday I would like to release 0.6A for
the blue-pill and red-pill


Other Languages than English / German / French - linuxluemmel - 2009-10-28

Hello scripters ...

By now the blue-pill and red-pill do share the same rescource-files
for translations

English / German / French is ready to use ....
If someone would like to see a other languages .... .translate this
strings.xml and send it to me ....

Very Important : I neeed to know how the resource-directory has to be written
(example English German France)

This is the dump of strings.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
        <string id="32000">DVD-RIPPER 0.6A</string>
        <string id="32001">Please select the device for dvd</string>
        <string id="32002">Where should the rip be saved ?</string>
        <string id="32003">Edit the name of the rip including the file extension .iso</string>
        <string id="32004">Would you like to execute the command ?</string>
        <string id="32005">command :</string>
        <string id="32006">Cancelled by user</string>
        <string id="32007">Ripping was sucessfull started</string>
        <string id="32008">Error by execution of the the dd command</string>
        <string id="32009">reserved</string>
        <string id="32010">Should the job be cancelled ?</string>
        <string id="32011">Should the inserted dvd be ripped ?</string>
        <string id="32012">DVD-drive is not ready</string>
        <string id="32013">No disc found inside the drive</string>
        <string id="32014">Wrong Operating-System for the script !</string>
        <string id="32015">No write access to dvd-rip directory !</string>
        <string id="32016">There is allready a rip-job running in the background !</string>
        <string id="32017">User and host for ssh communication</string>
        <string id="32018">Mainmenu DVD-Ripper</string>
        <string id="32019">Burn a DVD from a iso-image (default values)</string>
        <string id="32020">Ripp a DVD to a iso-image (default-values)</string>
        <string id="32021">Transcode DVD to other formats (default values)</string>
        <string id="32022">Info</string>
        <string id="32023">Exit</string>
        <string id="32024">Settings</string>
        <string id="32025">Confirmed burning</string>
        <string id="32026">Confirmed ripp</string>
        <string id="32027">Confirmed transcode</string>
        <string id="32028">Tools</string>
        <string id="32029">No write access to transcode directory !</string>
        <string id="32030">Insert an empty single-layer dvd for burning and close tray</string>
        <string id="32038">Insert an empty dual-layer dvd for burning and close tray</string>
        <string id="32031">Please select dvd-iso to burn</string>
        <string id="32032">Ripping job is active</string>
        <string id="32033">Kill active rip-job and remove iso</string>
        <string id="32034">Show progress-bar</string>
        <string id="32035">Suspend active rip-job</string>
        <string id="32036">Continue suspended rip-job ?</string>
        <string id="32037">Back to mainmenu</string>
        <string id="32039">Burning was sucessfull started</string>
        <string id="32040">Ripping completed wihtout errors</string>
        <string id="32041">Ripping started without error</string>
        <string id="32042">Progress-Ripping</string>
        <string id="32043">Cancel do only close this window</string>
        <string id="32044">Hide script until ripp is finished</string>
        <string id="32045">Script is in the wrong directory</string>
        <string id="32046">Space-chars inside the directory-names are not supported</string>
        <string id="32047">This function is not active in Windows</string>  
        <string id="32048">Windows Drive-Letter for DVD</string>  

        <string id="32050">Transcode DVD</string>
        <string id="32051">mpeg2</string>
        <string id="32052">iso for burning</string>
        <string id="32053">xvid</string>
        <string id="32054">h264</string>
        <string id="32055">Back to mainmenu</string>
        <string id="32057">Please select dvd-video-source</string>
        <string id="32058">dvd-device</string>
        <string id="32059">ripped dvd-iso from hd</string>
        <string id="32060">Please select dvd-audio-source</string>
        <string id="32061">Where should the transcoded file be saved ?</string>
        <string id="32062">Edit the name of the transcoded file wihtout any extension including "."</string>
        <string id="32066">Would you like to add a secound audio-language ?</string>
        <string id="32067">Would you like to use subtitles for this transcoding ?</string>
        <string id="32068">Please select the subtitle for the transcoding</string>
        <string id="32069">Please select the iso-file for transcoding</string>
        <string id="32070">Please select the directory for transcoding (default directory is shown)</string>
        <string id="32071">Transcoding was sucessfull started</string>

        <string id="33000">EULA</string>
        <string id="33001">Please read this End User Lincence carefully.</string>
        <string id="33002">By activate the "Accept" line below you accept</string>
        <string id="33003">this Ender User Licence.</string>
        <string id="33004"> </string>
        <string id="33005">- This programm is gpl-licenced. The gpl licence</string>
        <string id="33006">is included inside the script.</string>
        <string id="33007">- Neither the author of this script or the creators of</string>
        <string id="33008">xbmc are responsible if you break a law by ripping or</string>      
        <string id="33009">transcode a dvd inside your current country.</string>
        <string id="33010">- This reminder (EULA) will only be shown once.</string>
        <string id="33011">- You are aware that all functions of this script are</string>
        <string id="33012">used at own risk and depend on the law in witch</string>
        <string id="33013">country you use this script.</string>
        <string id="33014"> </string>
        <string id="33015">Accept</string>
        <string id="33016">I do not use this script</string>

        <string id="33050">Settings</string>
        <string id="33051">default dvd-device</string>
        <string id="33052">default rip-directory</string>
        <string id="33053">default transcode-directory</string>
        <string id="33054">default ssh-command</string>
        <string id="33055">default 1. audio language</string>
        <string id="33056">default 2. audio language</string>
        <string id="33057">default subtitle</string>
        <string id="33058">default transcoding</string>
        <string id="33059">Back to mainmenu</string>
        <string id="33060">please type in your 2. audio-code like en / de / fr</string>
        <string id="33061">please type in your 2. audio-code like en / de / fr or none if you dont use this feature</string>
        <string id="33062">configuration-file could not be opened</string>
        <string id="33063">Please select the default-directory for rip-files</string>
        <string id="33064">Please select the default-directory for transcoding-files</string>
        <string id="33065">default size single-layer dvd</string>
        <string id="33066"> not found on this dvd</string>
        <string id="33067">default netcat start-port (6 tcp-ports needed)</string>
        <string id="33070">Tools</string>
        <string id="33071">Start ripp-master (rip over the network to here)</string>
        <string id="33072">Start ripp-client (rip from here to a network-master)</string>
        <string id="33073">Reserved for streaming to network</string>
        <string id="33074">Check software dependencies</string>
        <string id="33075">Back to mainmenu</string>
        <string id="33076">Transfer from the slave was successfull</string>
        <string id="33077">No client did connect to this master (timeout)</string>
        <string id="33078">Network-ripp cancelled</string>
        <string id="33079">IP-Adress of master to connect</string>
        <string id="33080">Client could not connect to the master (timeout)</string>
        <string id="33081">Transfer to the master was successfull</string>
        <string id="33082">Network-ripp canceld</string>

- linuxluemmel - 2009-10-28


This is not a puplic release ....
The public release 0.6A for the red-pill / blue-pill comes on the weekend.


Important Note for Tester Blue-pill linux - linuxluemmel - 2009-10-29

Hello to all testers ....

If youd would like to test the blue-pill for Linux ..... there is a little bug....
As I created the zip-file under windows .... I was not aware that winzip
knows nothing about rights (x) under linux ....

Please go the linux-shell directory and type ...
chmod +x *
And the release is working ...

The final release will be packed with tar .... under linux ....

expect Release 0.6B tomorow - linuxluemmel - 2009-10-30

Ok the final Release 0.6B for the red-pill and blue-pill is finished .....
I changed on both releases small code-parts and now they are allmost identical.

What is common in both (red and blue pill)

* All settings are stored in configuration file
* Using the same rescource-files for languages
* Supported languages are English / German and French
* Show a progress-bar for local rips
* The script can be run minimized until a ripp is finished
* Rips can be suspendet and later be continued (Runs only on Linux)
* The dvd-name will be used inside the script

If I dont receive any feedback from the testers I guess the scripts
are working like expected.
In this case the release will be puplic on saturday or sunday.

The script will not longer be a beta -> It 's Release Candidate 1

What are enhanced features of the red-pill compared to the blue ?

* Ripping to the network (Master / Slave)
* Transcode dvd to native mpeg2 / divx / h264 / iso
* Burning transcoded iso's to dvd
* Check to see if all required software is installed


[RELEASE] red pill and blue pill version 0.6B - linuxluemmel - 2009-10-31

Blue Pill for Windows and Linux




- heavydz - 2009-11-03

thanks for the development.
this sounds great and i will do a first tryout now...

feedback comes later Wink

more languages for the script - linuxluemmel - 2009-11-05

Anyone who would like to see the script in other native language could
donwload this strings.xmls (english) and send back the translation to me.


In the moment the release 0.6B spreaks English / French / German / Polish

What about spain or portuges ?
Or Russian ?


PS : Please do not send only the strings.xml back ... Do it pack inside the right-folder
name for the language.

I have downloads from other 45 countrys worldwide .... (Google-Analaytics reports this to me )
- Even china and japan are on the list ..
- thailand ....
and many more .... including us and uk and germany ... LOL LOL LOL

ressources/france - nxD4n - 2009-11-06

Hi Hans,
in resources/language/ you put the french string.xml in the "France" folder. Should probably better be /french no?

I'll check the 6b this weekend even that I already ripped all my DVDs with 0.5h ;-) )

- linuxluemmel - 2009-11-06

nxD4n Wrote:Hi Hans,
in resources/language/ you put the french string.xml in the "France" folder. Should probably better be /french no?

I'll check the 6b this weekend even that I already ripped all my DVDs with 0.5h ;-) )

OK thanks for the feedback ... I guess this was my fault.
I do repack both packages (blue and red() with the resource-folder called /french.

Confirmend -> Resource-Folder should be /French

I also do include polish inside the resource-directory.


- linuxluemmel - 2009-11-07

linuxluemmel Wrote:OK thanks for the feedback ... I guess this was my fault.
I do repack both packages (blue and red() with the resource-folder called /french.

Confirmend -> Resource-Folder should be /French

I also do include polish inside the resource-directory.


I did update both packages ... red and blue
now they contains following languages : English / French / German / Polish

The only change was the resource-folder ....


Update languages - linuxluemmel - 2009-11-10

linuxluemmel Wrote:I did update both packages ... red and blue
now they contains following languages : English / French / German / Polish

The only change was the resource-folder ....


Ok, one language more ..... now release 0.6B blue-and red speaking

- English
- German
- French
- Polish
- Dutch

Feel free to send me more translated strings.xml

- tbergman - 2009-11-10

I'm using Windows XP
Running Windows SP3

Then I get this:
ERROR Python script failed: special://home/scripts/dvd-blue/default.py

Whats wrong?