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RetroPlayer Test Builds (updated for Nexus) - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: RetroPlayer Test Builds (updated for Nexus) (/showthread.php?tid=173361)

RE: RetroPlayer Test Builds (updated for Leia) - MrTarantula - 2018-06-26

(2018-06-26, 18:53)garbear Wrote: In Kodi, we can trivially do the same. However, this locks us into an architecture with a single global user. And fuck changing architecture; this can take days if not weeks. Instead, from the beginning I'll make savestates centered around the people who are playing. Each player can have their own achievements and saved games, saved games can share users, and users can share saved games. 
 You may not want to hear this, but the dreaded Kodi user profile rewrite will probably start from any work you do with player profiles in Retroplayer and work backwards to system-level. It's just a prediction, and I hope I'm wrong, but that's the way I see it working out. When the time comes I hope the team can pawn it off on a GSoC kid.

RE: RetroPlayer Test Builds (updated for Leia) - KOPRajs - 2018-06-27

Wow, I didn't intent to initiate such an opinion exchange wave. Also I haven't proposed to remove autosaves completely nor to disable them by default. All I would like to see for now (by the time Kodi 18 is ready) is a simple global check box in the Kodi Game settings where you can disable the autosave feature just like you can configure the rewind support right now. That should not bother anyone as the default would be the same as it is now and also should not be too complicated to implement.

P.S. I agree that this is one of the most exciting Kodi features in recent years and I'm watching the development closely for quite some time now. I'm actually still using my custom build of RetroPlayer-15.2 on my old OpenELEC Amlogic MX2 box in living room and it still does the job done. So thanks for all the great work!

RE: RetroPlayer Test Builds (updated for Leia) - garbear - 2018-06-28

(2018-06-27, 09:30)KOPRajs Wrote: Wow, I didn't intent to initiate such an opinion exchange wave.

Just pretend I never wrote that Smile Sometimes my thinking drifts off on crazy tangents...
(2018-06-27, 09:30)KOPRajs Wrote: All I would like to see for now (by the time Kodi 18 is ready) is a simple global check box in the Kodi Game settings where you can disable the autosave feature just like you can configure the rewind support right now.

Currently you can actually control autosave via "enable rewind" - if this is false, autosave is disabled. It makes sense to split this out to a second setting. I'll add the setting until I finish the new system.
(2018-06-27, 09:30)KOPRajs Wrote: I'm actually still using my custom build of RetroPlayer-15.2 on my old OpenELEC Amlogic MX2 box in living room and it still does the job done.

That's awesome to hear Smile I wish I had used GitHub Releases to publish the builds and changelogs. It would be amazing to see the entire history of development. I've thought about digging through the WayBack machine to create this, but my time is better spent finally getting RetroPlayer out the door.

RE: RetroPlayer Test Builds (updated for Leia) - natethomas - 2018-06-29

(2018-06-28, 18:14)garbear Wrote: That's awesome to hear Smile I wish I had used GitHub Releases to publish the builds and changelogs. It would be amazing to see the entire history of development. I've thought about digging through the WayBack machine to create this, but my time is better spent finally getting RetroPlayer out the door. 
 For various reasons I've been watching Gitlab do ALL their work on Gitlab. Issues, discussion, everything, and it's honestly been pretty neat. The fact that there's a history of just about everything all in a single place is really pretty neat. After looking at it, there's a part of me that wishes we did something similar for the entire Kodi project.

RE: RetroPlayer Test Builds (updated for Leia) - Solo0815 - 2018-07-06

libretro-compatibility is broken in Milhouse RPi-builds since a while
sorry for crossposting. I just wanted that Milhouse and garbear are informed.
Feel free to delete on of the posts

RE: RetroPlayer Test Builds (updated for Leia) - garbear - 2018-07-10

New builds uploaded. Includes an "Enable autosave" setting and some other fixes (see release notes).


RE: RetroPlayer Test Builds (updated for Leia) - Solo0815 - 2018-07-11

(2018-07-10, 23:55)garbear Wrote: New builds uploaded. Includes an "Enable autosave" setting and some other fixes (see release notes).
libretro-compatibility is still broken in Milhouse RPi-build 0710 from today
What do you think? Should RPi-links on the the first post be removed? At least until the addons-versions are equal and working ...
Btw: Milhouse is doing a great job on providing builds. You and all the other members of Team Kodi also *thumbsup*

RE: RetroPlayer Test Builds (updated for Leia) - diogosena - 2018-07-13

Hi, I was testing fba core with a dual shock 4 gamepad, everything is great, but strong kick is not working, and there's two strong punch buttons. How do I remap that?
equivalent game in Snes9x core is mapped ok.

RE: RetroPlayer Test Builds (updated for Leia) - Juppstein - 2018-07-13

In regards to builds, are there sources where I could rip the libretro cores from so they would work on an Ubuntu Bionic based system running v18 alpha2? I am able to build that stuff on my own I think, but if there are already built cores I am more than happy to take those Smile

RE: RetroPlayer Test Builds (updated for Leia) - garbear - 2018-07-13

(2018-07-13, 12:38)diogosena Wrote: Hi, I was testing fba core with a dual shock 4 gamepad, everything is great, but strong kick is not working, and there's two strong punch buttons. How do I remap that?
equivalent game in Snes9x core is mapped ok.
Can you upload a debug log?

(2018-07-13, 17:24)Juppstein Wrote: In regards to builds, are there sources where I could rip the libretro cores from so they would work on an Ubuntu Bionic based system running v18 alpha2? I am able to build that stuff on my own I think, but if there are already built cores I am more than happy to take those Smile
Kodi can load libretro cores from RetroArch unmodified. They just need the "add-on fluff" that we package, so you can swap out the .so and it should still work.

RE: RetroPlayer Test Builds (updated for Leia) - gnaag - 2018-07-16

Hi, yesterday people of libreelec finally upgraded libretro compatibility, so it is working again (Milhouse's build 715, RPi3). I have tried SNES, NES and PSX games.

SNES looks fine.

I have tried several games. Quicknes works fine. Other two have problems (black screen with sound). But when I go to RP menu, I can see game in the background while in Nestopia, but nothing changes in bnes. I can exit both systems easily. Bnes however tops my RPi's CPU (nestopia does not).

I have tried just PCSX (beetle-PSX doesn't work with RPi). Starting any game results in black screen, kodi freezing not responding to any buttonclicks and eventually to rebooting. I have tried to delete .sav and .xml files - no change. This is a regression. It worked fine before.

Let's have kodi log and a crash log.

I have created a github issue #13 for PCSX-rearmed.

RE: RetroPlayer Test Builds (updated for Leia) - weppa - 2018-07-17

Hi, how did you manage to get this to work? I updated to build 0716 today followed by updating Libretro Compatibility (from Team-Kodi - which still produces the infamous "the add-on is not compatible with this version of Kodi." error.

RE: RetroPlayer Test Builds (updated for Leia) - dr88dr88 - 2018-07-17

@weppa  First uninstall "Libretro Compatibility" add-on and then reinstall it.

RetroPlayer Test Builds (updated for Leia) - weppa - 2018-07-17

(2018-07-17, 09:52)dr88dr88 Wrote: @weppa  First uninstall "Libretro Compatibility" add-on and then reinstall it.

Thanks bro!

RE: RetroPlayer Test Builds (updated for Leia) - garbear - 2018-07-19

(2018-07-16, 14:43)gnaag Wrote: NES
I have tried several games. Quicknes works fine.
[Nestopia and bNES] have problems (black screen with sound). But when I go to RP menu, I can see game in the background while in Nestopia, but nothing changes in bnes. I can exit both systems easily. Bnes however tops my RPi's CPU (nestopia does not).

The black screen in bNES is due to using 15-bit color instead of 16-bit. It appears to be a problem with the GLES drivers, as windows can play bNES fine. We're looking into it.
(2018-07-16, 14:43)gnaag Wrote: PSX
I have tried just PCSX (beetle-PSX doesn't work with RPi). Starting any game results in black screen, kodi freezing not responding to any buttonclicks and eventually to rebooting. I have tried to delete .sav and .xml files - no change. This is a regression. It worked fine before.

This should be fixed by PR:14194. Can you give the latest Milhouse build a try?