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RetroPlayer Test Builds (updated for Nexus) - Printable Version

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RE: RetroPlayer Test Builds - beemarp - 2014-05-19

Sorry for the newbie question, but any chance we will see integrated Xbox 360 wireless controller support in these new test builds? Using OpenELEC 3.2.0 General x86_64 I cannot figure out how to fix the mysterious "third controller" issue.

RE: RetroPlayer Test Builds - garbear - 2014-05-20

(2014-05-19, 19:53)moocow1452 Wrote:
(2014-05-19, 11:06)garbear Wrote: much progress has been made. add-ons are now entirely generated by the scripts at https://github.com/garbear/repository.libretro . When i've tested the emulators and fixed the most obvious bugs, i'll post test builds for everyone to try

Neat. Tried to do it myself, it tripped in the first couple seconds on...

ERROR: test_create_release (__main__.TestCreateRelease)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "src/create_release.py", line 73, in test_create_release
  File "src/create_release.py", line 34, in CreateRelease
  File "/home/desktop/repository.libretro/src/release_creator/libretro_super.py", line 125, in CloneIfNotValid
    if os.path.exists(self._repoDir):
AttributeError: LibretroSuper instance has no attribute '_repoDir'

Ran 1 test in 0.002s

FAILED (errors=1)

Which I guess is a consiquence of pushing the finished cores in your git?

Fixed (was a c/p error on my part)

RE: RetroPlayer Test Builds - Steel01 - 2014-05-20

On Fedora 20 x86_64 using the retroplayer-13 or retroplayer-13-libretro branches, library.xbmc.libretro is disabled on first start and cannot be enabled (all options except changelog disabled). Nothing in the log is helpful in determing why. It gets loaded (DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in library.xbmc.libretro has been installed.'), confused (ERROR: GameManager: can't unregister library.xbmc.libretro - not registered!), and unloaded on close (DEBUG: ADDON: cpluff: 'Plug-in library.xbmc.libretro has been uninstalled.'). In between, the repo and cores all fail due to that dependency being missing.

Couple things I noticed. First, the addon.xml wants to load libXBMC_libretro.so, but the makefile generates libXBMC_libretro-x86_64-linux.so. Is that handled automagically somewhere? Doesn't help to rename anyhow. Second, when the repo addon tries to stat the github files, it attaches one too many /'s (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/garbear/repository.libretro/master/release/linux64/gameclient.prboom/gameclient.prboom-2.5.0.zip/) and errors out.

I spent several hours tonight trying to make it work, but didn't ever get there. I compiled with only one configure flag (--enable-joystick) and ran from the build tree. Besides an uptream bug in NSS causing no addons to download in Fedora (fixed by a single commit revert), I couldn't ever get the core libretro addon to register, so nothing else works. And none of the other branches I tried would even compile on F20 (-alpha12 and -12.0). Am I doing something wrong here (wouldn't be surprised, first time trying to use XBMC) or is something broke?

Thanks for all the work put into this and any help you can provide,

RE: RetroPlayer Test Builds - garbear - 2014-05-20

Something is definitely broke. branch retroplayer-13 added the new game api, and it looks like i haven't quite transferred everything over from the libretro api.

I just pushed a fix for the missing "lib" in the library name in addon.xml. You'll have to run bootstrap or configure again. The GameManager error might be harmless, i'll look into that one. Another user hit the extra / problem. Can you track down the source of the extra slash?

RE: RetroPlayer Test Builds - Steel01 - 2014-05-20

Yeah, the lib rename doesn't change the logs or results for me.

Trying to do some tracking of that stat error. I had to merge 13-libretro into 13 to get anything as it appears the old Linux repo location no longer exists. Then a debug line stood out. Basically it says GetImageHash - unable to stat URL ${pathtozip}/. A couple lines later is a curl error 22. I tried to back trace the getimagehash call, but don't know enough of the code base to be successful. But what's more odd to me is that the addon icons were showing up, I remember seeing some symbols. Unless... *checks a couple things* Hey, it's only happening on the ones with no icon in the repo. Somehow the fallback is trying to pull the bogus URL.

Hope this helps,

RE: RetroPlayer Test Builds - Kib - 2014-05-22

addon icons are required in the repo for normal addons, so don't worry about fallback - just add an icon Smile

RE: RetroPlayer Test Builds - Atarian - 2014-05-24

Are we able to build on the latest version of openelec at this point? I've got some time this weekend, and I'd love to see the latest and greatest version of retroplayer in action.

RE: RetroPlayer Test Builds - garbear - 2014-05-24

Status update: I've been pretty busy with a project for work, but here and there i've manage to squeeze some time out for retroplayer. RetroPlayer Gotham is 99.9999% complete. I've only identified a single bug left (but i'm not as diligent as you, dear testers) and I know how to fix it. I've switched development to OSX, so we'll start seeing binaries on windows, linux and mac in the near future. retroplayer is built on gotham, so OpenELEC RetroPlayer should be a straightforward task with few patching conflicts.

If you can compile yourself, feel free to start testing on the x64 operating systems. Otherwise expect binaries by the end of the weekend (no promises tho)

RE: RetroPlayer Test Builds - OmniBlade - 2014-05-25

I still get dependencies not met trying to install the emulator core zips from the github repo and they are listed as incompatible in the emulators add-on section in XBMC after building the latest pull from your github repo. Debug log shows the following:

22:47:23 T:140120611305408 DEBUG: GetZipList - Processing zip://%2fhome%2fxbmc%2fRoms%2fgameclient.bsnes.performance-94.0.0.zip/
22:47:23 T:140120611305408 DEBUG: Addon gameclient.bsnes.performance requires library.xbmc.libretro version 1.0.0 which is not available

This is on a 64bit XBMCbuntu install.

RE: RetroPlayer Test Builds - garbear - 2014-05-26

library.xbmc.libretro was disabled in your addons database. Delete Addons16.db and try again. The side effects of deleting this file shouldn't be too apocalyptic, but back it up just in case.

RE: RetroPlayer Test Builds - OmniBlade - 2014-05-26

Thanks, that has got them working. Out of the cores I've tried so far, working we have GenesisPlusGX (needed bios for sega cd games), bSNES performance, PCSX reARMed (though that has terrible performance on my dual core 2.3GHz test box), Gamebatte and VBA-M. Not working are SNES9X (segfaults xbmc) and Mednafen PSX (needed bios files, segfaults after providing them).

For anyone wondering where the heck bios files go, if you tail the xbmc log when you try to load a core needing a bios it should be obvious. If you are still stuck though, they are at ~/.xbmc/userdata/addon_data/gameclient.clientname/system/ where client name is the name of the addon under .xbmc/addons/. The file naming must match that as expected in retroarch, so do some googling if you don't know.

RE: RetroPlayer Test Builds - Hitcher - 2014-05-26

(2014-05-24, 21:02)garbear Wrote: Status update: I've been pretty busy with a project for work, but here and there i've manage to squeeze some time out for retroplayer. RetroPlayer Gotham is 99.9999% complete. I've only identified a single bug left (but i'm not as diligent as you, dear testers) and I know how to fix it. I've switched development to OSX, so we'll start seeing binaries on windows, linux and mac in the near future. retroplayer is built on gotham, so OpenELEC RetroPlayer should be a straightforward task with few patching conflicts.

If you can compile yourself, feel free to start testing on the x64 operating systems. Otherwise expect binaries by the end of the weekend (no promises tho)

Looking forward to this a hell of a lot, thanks.

RE: RetroPlayer Test Builds (updated for Gotham) - garbear - 2014-05-27

Builds for windows and OSX have been uploaded to the OP. Once some testing occurs i'll post some openelec 4.0 builds

RE: RetroPlayer Test Builds (updated for Gotham) - Atarian - 2014-05-27

(2014-05-27, 03:07)garbear Wrote: Builds for windows and OSX have been uploaded to the OP. Once some testing occurs i'll post some openelec 4.0 builds

Awesome, cant wait for the openelec build. I didnt have as much free time this weekend as I would have liked. I was planning to build my own. But I can wait for your post.

RE: RetroPlayer Test Builds (updated for Gotham) - Solo0815 - 2014-05-27

Do you have anything planned for the RaspberryPi?