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SiliconDust HDHomeRun Networked Digital Cable TV / HDTV Tuner support built-into XBMC - Printable Version

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- robla64 - 2010-04-20

I am tring to play QAM channels if it matters. They play just fine in VLC.
Here is my xbmc.log

- crackers - 2010-04-20

Dunno - try some of the other variations instead of the QAM and frequency designators. I'm getting my stuff OTA, so no experience with QAM tuning.

setup xml to xbmc *.strm conversion - rastoboy - 2010-06-07

I just spent this evening discovering that the Windows hdhomerun setup utility won't generate the *.strm files for xbmc unless xbmc is actually installed on that Windows computer. For those of us running xbmc on Linux, this is a nuisance.

In any case, I whipped up a little perl script to convert the xml to xbmc stream format, and thought I'd post it here in case it might be useful to anyone else. It has to configuration options at the top, the xml filename, and the name of your tuner. It will generate a file called "channel.strm", overwriting one if it's already there (feel free to hack away, of course).

You may need to install XML::Simple via cpan if you get an error about that on your box. Feel free to pm me if you have any questions.


use XML::Simple;

####################   CONFIGURATION SECTION  ###########################

my $winsetupfile = 'Digital.xml';
my $tuner = '1015AA31-0';

###################    END CONFIGURATION SECTION  ######################

open my $xmlfile, "$winsetupfile";

my $xml;

foreach my $line (readline $xmlfile) {
        $xml .= $line;

my $dataref = XMLin ($xml);

open my $strmfile, '>channel.strm';

foreach my $channel ( @{$dataref->{'Program'}} ) {
        my $channel_line = "hdhomerun://$tuner/$channel->{Name} $channel->{GuideNumber}?channel=$channel->{Modulation}:$channel->{GuideNumber}&program=$channel->{ProgramNumber}\n";
        print $strmfile $channel_line;

- iainmacleod - 2010-06-12

drivesoslow Wrote:Is there any work taking place to intergrate HDHomeRun units in with the PVR frontend branch of XBMC?

I am also interested in the answer to this.

- waldo22 - 2010-06-12

MacLeod_1980 Wrote:I am also interested in the answer to this.

My guess is that the HDHomerun would be integrated as a tuner into the backend of whatever PVR solution you use (ie. Myth or MediaPortal) and then the XBMC frontend would connect to that.

- hepi - 2010-06-14


The yaVDR-Team is evaluating hdhomerun at the moment as a DVB-provider for VDR (which is then usable in XBMC PVR-testing too via vdr-plugin-vnsiserver). With the recently released yaVDR 0.2 version we offer initial support for hdhomerun through the plugin vdr-plugin-hdhomerun (created by Alex Lasnier). To make the plugin work for the European users of hdhomerun (DVB/QAM), we have sent a patch to Alex Lasnier which he added to the source recently. Before, the plugin was only working with ATSC.

In the yaVDR Launchpad PPA you can find the current version of the plugin, but it's all still in development.

Our problem at the moment is that we have channel changing times between 6-7 seconds which is accepable, but not perfect yet. We are interested in feedback from you about how quickly apps that support hdhomerun are able to change the channels.


- Robgue - 2010-06-15

That sounds great. I was just looking at yavdr the other day and knew there was not vdr support for the atsc Hdhomerun. I'll probably mess around (live install on spare hardisk) with it this weekend and see how smoothly it goes.

Changing channels takes 1-2 seconds with Mythtv frontend. Also 1-2 with WMC7.

tool to create strm files from the scan information - lafa - 2010-07-07


Small utility to create my channel data to use with xbmc.

==Pre Reqs==
sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk hdhomerun-config

==Run with the command==
java -jar hdhomeruntoolbox.jar

It use tuner 1 to perform a scan, ouput is stored under "$HOME/.hdhomerun/".
Using the scan data, creates a folder "$HOME/Videos/Live TV" and creates all the strm files with the channel name. Just add this folder to XMBC Video sources.

- iainmacleod - 2010-07-07

I get the following errors using this tool:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1
at java.lang.String.substring(String.java:1949)
at com.lafaspot.hdhomerun.XBMC.PROGRAM.number(Unknown Source)
at com.lafaspot.hdhomerun.XBMC.SCANNING.toSTRM(Unknown Source)
at com.lafaspot.hdhomerun.XBMC.HDHomeRunTunner.createSTRMFile(Unknown Source)
at com.lafaspot.hdhomerun.CreateSTRM.main(Unknown Source)

- lafa - 2010-07-08

Can you send the ouput from
ls -la $HOME/.hdhomerun folder

and send me attach the file scan_tuner1.txt.

MacLeod_1980 Wrote:I get the following errors using this tool:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1
at java.lang.String.substring(String.java:1949)
at com.lafaspot.hdhomerun.XBMC.PROGRAM.number(Unknown Source)
at com.lafaspot.hdhomerun.XBMC.SCANNING.toSTRM(Unknown Source)
at com.lafaspot.hdhomerun.XBMC.HDHomeRunTunner.createSTRMFile(Unknown Source)
at com.lafaspot.hdhomerun.CreateSTRM.main(Unknown Source)

- lafa - 2010-07-08

I updated the tool to print more debug info for that case.

Please attach .hdhomerun/scan_tuner1.txt, so that I can take a look at your channels scan file.

MacLeod_1980 Wrote:I get the following errors using this tool:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1
at java.lang.String.substring(String.java:1949)
at com.lafaspot.hdhomerun.XBMC.PROGRAM.number(Unknown Source)
at com.lafaspot.hdhomerun.XBMC.SCANNING.toSTRM(Unknown Source)
at com.lafaspot.hdhomerun.XBMC.HDHomeRunTunner.createSTRMFile(Unknown Source)
at com.lafaspot.hdhomerun.CreateSTRM.main(Unknown Source)

- iainmacleod - 2010-07-08

drwxr-xr-x 2 xbmc xbmc 4096 2010-07-07 13:47 .
drwxr-xr-x 53 xbmc xbmc 20480 2010-07-07 18:02 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 xbmc xbmc 33686 2010-07-07 14:02 scan_tuner1.txt



- iainmacleod - 2010-07-08

I never updated, updated now. No content in scan_tunner.txt - I get this though:

Jul 8, 2010 12:56:04 PM com.lafaspot.hdhomerun.xmbc.HDHomeRunTunner exec
INFO: hdhomerun_config discover
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1
at java.lang.String.substring(String.java:1949)
at com.lafaspot.hdhomerun.xmbc.PROGRAM.number(PROGRAM.java:35)
at com.lafaspot.hdhomerun.xmbc.SCANNING.toSTRM(SCANNING.java:37)
at com.lafaspot.hdhomerun.xmbc.HDHomeRunTunner.createSTRMFile(HDHomeRunTunner.java:91)
at com.lafaspot.hdhomerun.CreateSTRM.main(CreateSTRM.java:15)

- lafa - 2010-07-08

Your scan file syntax is diff than mine.
so I think this is related to the hdhomerun_config version

I'll update the code to be able to parse your version, later today.

My version is, can you send me yours:

dpkg -l |grep homerun
hdhomerun-config 20100213-2
Or the firmware version,
my hdhomerun Firmware is 20100213

MacLeod_1980 Wrote:I never updated, updated now. No content in scan_tunner.txt - I get this though:

Jul 8, 2010 12:56:04 PM com.lafaspot.hdhomerun.XBMC.HDHomeRunTunner exec
INFO: hdhomerun_config discover
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1
at java.lang.String.substring(String.java:1949)
at com.lafaspot.hdhomerun.XBMC.PROGRAM.number(PROGRAM.java:35)
at com.lafaspot.hdhomerun.XBMC.SCANNING.toSTRM(SCANNING.java:37)
at com.lafaspot.hdhomerun.XBMC.HDHomeRunTunner.createSTRMFile(HDHomeRunTunner.java:91)
at com.lafaspot.hdhomerun.CreateSTRM.main(CreateSTRM.java:15)

- iainmacleod - 2010-07-08

I do not have the latest, and I am having problems building and installing it...