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MP3 audio (PCM) playing too fast over HDMI/SPDIF - Printable Version

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+---- Thread: MP3 audio (PCM) playing too fast over HDMI/SPDIF (/showthread.php?tid=43938)

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- BLKMGK - 2009-01-24

Okay, will try that this evening!

- BLKMGK - 2009-01-24

Topfs2 Wrote:According to log its quite clear that your HDMI device wants 48khz. So you definatly should have an advancedsettings.xml converting it into that. if that doesnt work then a new Debug Log is in order.


Nope, plays at about 4x speed - I cannot even make out words at this speed...

http://pastebin.com/m7ce1fe41 for my debug log. Hope there's some help in there - doesn't crash just SCREAMS, the clock ticks VERY fast as well No

- peenhammer - 2009-01-25

Are you sure you tried my asoundrc and settings?

I have the p5n7a board and that combo should resample mp3 playback to 48000khz.

- BLKMGK - 2009-01-25

peenhammer Wrote:Are you sure you tried my asoundrc and settings?

I have the p5n7a board and that combo should resample mp3 playback to 48000khz.

No I used the advanced settings.xml file as instructed


I can try yet another .asoundrc file but unless you have working navigation sounds, working stereo MP3 audio, and working surround sound it will be a step backwards. Also, when attempting to play an FLV trailer I got a pop-up stating no sound device was available <sigh>

This really shouldn't be so hard....

- topfs2 - 2009-01-25

one more zero for 48khz Wink

CALSADirectSound::CALSADirectSound - requested samplerate (4800) not supported by hardware, using 48000 instead


should be


- fasteddy - 2009-01-25

Well, I switched to analog sound (over hdmi) and that solved my mp3 playback issues. Of course, if you're looking to use DTS then this won't help you. Anyway, check out this thread if you're interested.

- BLKMGK - 2009-01-26

Topfs2 Wrote:one more zero for 48khz Wink

CALSADirectSound::CALSADirectSound - requested samplerate (4800) not supported by hardware, using 48000 instead


should be


Oh geez and that's from the log too isn't it? No way it's a typo here I'll have to look at this tomorrow night. Argh! I hope this works, thanks for the patience!

- BLKMGK - 2009-01-29

Just wanted to touch base back on this - thanks to topfs2 this box now has working NAV sounds, working 5.1 (apparently, is hooked to a TV), and working MP3 stereo sound! At the correct speed too Big Grin

I did see an error trying to play a .FLV trailer file - a pop-up at the bottom to the effect that no sound device was available. I will try to duplicate that when time permits and post a log but for now I seem to have very well working H
DMI audio on this box. I will duplicate this on my home system for verification when time permits (time, I need more of it) to ensure it works there too and is easily repeatable.

Thanks for the assist folks!

P.S. Pulseaudio is still on this box and not giving me issues near as I can tell - I'm just not using it. <shrug>

- KRavEN - 2009-01-30

on the latest SVN I am able to fix music with the advancedsettings resample at 48000.

Hulu streams played back using the Hulu plugin are still playing too fast. Anyone know how to resolve the playback of flash streams?

- KRavEN - 2009-01-30

I'm also seeing similar too fast audio with Apple Movie Trailers II streams

- BLKMGK - 2009-01-30

Apple Move Trailers using the AMT II plug-in play great on the box I've been working with Sad Not tried an FLI or flash based video yet as the Google plug-in isn't working for me and I've not yet found a YouTube one.

- topfs2 - 2009-01-30

KRavEN Wrote:on the latest SVN I am able to fix music with the advancedsettings resample at 48000.

Hulu streams played back using the Hulu plugin are still playing too fast. Anyone know how to resolve the playback of flash streams?

As always, provide a Debug Log...

The advancedsettings tag for resample only affects paplayer atm so that be why your experiencing weird speeds, but all would be verified with a log.


- michfive - 2009-06-22

for me this


work fine with audio player , but no effect on video player , i use optical audio output and with optical output sound card could accept only 48000 , even rate 48000 on asoundrc do nothing
so sound on video work fine only if sound track is at 48000 Sad

- res0nat0r - 2009-07-22

this looks to be matching up to what topfs2 is saying above.

i am using hdmi and had issues with my mp3 playback being too quick until i added the advancedsettings resample config above. my mp3s play back fine now, but my apple trailers are still a bit too fast.

i can see via the video options that the audio is 44.1, but my receiver wants 48, it looks like the <resample> option only works for paplayer as my debug log shows:

3:53:02 T:2764475280 M:1578577920   DEBUG: CDVDPlayerVideo - CDVDMsg::GENERAL_SYNCHRONIZE
23:53:02 T:2799680400 M:1578577920 WARNING: CDVDPlayer::CheckContinuity - wrapback of stream:2, prev:83416.750083, curr:41708.375042, diff:-41708.375042
23:53:02 T:2764475280 M:1578577920   DEBUG: CDVDPlayerVideo - CDVDMsg::GENERAL_RESYNC(0.000000, 1)
23:53:02 T:2756082576 M:1578577920   DEBUG: CDVDPlayerAudio - CDVDMsg::GENERAL_DELAY(23219.954649)
23:53:02 T:2873355152 M:1578577920   DEBUG: Thread 2873355152 terminating (autodelete)
23:53:02 T:2756082576 M:1578577920   DEBUG: CDVDPlayerAudio - CDVDMsg::GENERAL_RESYNC(23219.954649, 0)
23:53:02 T:2756082576 M:1578577920  NOTICE: Creating audio device with codec id: 86018, channels: 2, sample rate: 44100, no pass-through
23:53:02 T:2756082576 M:1578577920   DEBUG: PulseAudio: Opening Channels: 2 - SampleRate: 44100 - SampleBit: 16 - Resample false - Codec AAC - IsMusic false
- IsPassthrough false - audioHost: default - audioDevice: hdmi
23:53:02 T:2764475280 M:1577349120  NOTICE: screenWidth:1920 widWidth:1280
23:53:02 T:2756082576 M:1577463808   DEBUG: PulseAudio: Context failed
23:53:02 T:2756082576 M:1577463808   ERROR: PulseAudio: Waited for the Context but it failed
23:53:02 T:2756082576 M:1566093312   DEBUG: CALSADirectSound::CALSADirectSound - Channels: 2 - SampleRate: 44100 - SampleBit: 16 - Resample false - Codec AAC
- IsMusic false - IsPassthrough false - audioDevice: hdmi
23:53:02 T:2756082576 M:1552470016   DEBUG: Initialize - using alsa device hdmi
23:53:02 T:2756082576 M:1552265216   DEBUG: CALSADirectSound::Initialize - packet size:2048, packet count:16, buffer size:8192
23:53:02 T:2756082576 M:1552265216 WARNING: CALSADirectSound::CALSADirectSound - requested samplerate (44100) not supported by hardware, using 48000 instead
23:53:02 T:2756082576 M:1552265216   DEBUG: CDVDPlayerAudio:: Discontinuty - was:270978.055000, should be:25170.629192, error:-245807.425808
23:53:02 T:2764475280 M:1552060416  NOTICE: VDPAU Decoder capabilities:

but it doesnt look like it is getting resampled, probably due to what is mentioned above

- topfs2 - 2009-07-22

res0nat0r Wrote:this looks to be matching up to what topfs2 is saying above.

i am using hdmi and had issues with my mp3 playback being too quick until i added the advancedsettings resample config above. my mp3s play back fine now, but my apple trailers are still a bit too fast.

i can see via the video options that the audio is 44.1, but my receiver wants 48, it looks like the <resample> option only works for paplayer as my debug log shows:

but it doesnt look like it is getting resampled, probably due to what is mentioned above

You could change the output device in settings from default to plug:hdmi, this should work on most systems.
