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Movie Info Plus - Manage Icons, Posters, FanArt, .NFO's & more for Movies & TV Shows - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Movie Info Plus - Manage Icons, Posters, FanArt, .NFO's & more for Movies & TV Shows (/showthread.php?tid=41129)

- fekker - 2009-01-18

azido Wrote:still no luck on this. and you can be absolutely sure i did not use the same directory as MIP.

here is what i got when trying to start the program:

and what comes further down:

seems like vista x64 does not like your program.
I'm wondering if it's working under any OS, it works for me under xp and 2003, but those machines have had so many different versions of MIP installed that I may have missed something..

Can anyone confirm that the stand alone Image Tagger is working on a machine that does not have MIP installed on it?

- fekker - 2009-01-18

hotzenpl0tz Wrote:Hm, I think I have to revoke that statement that posters are working under wine. In the Current Movie Tab I can see the posters that I already had for my movies before MIP did anything, same for the fanart tab - but the ones that MIP downloads don't seem to show up.

Edit: Hm, scratch that - at least for fanart. That works, posters don't.

That's good news, well it's in that it means for sure that I have a glitch in the app that is causing it to fail, which means I can fix it Big Grin

- fekker - 2009-01-18

parena Wrote:I seem to have run into a slight bug, perhaps. The TV show "24" doesn't get fetched properly. First, after "Load TV Shows", it says it found multiple matches. I select the correct one, continue, and then it just skips the rest of the process. It doesn't get listed in the TV shows listing at the top left of MIP. It has downloaded season thumbnails and everything, but the rest is missing. This is the dir structure:

24/Season 7/
24/Season 7/24 - S07E01.avi
24/Season 7/24 - S07E02.avi

In the 24 directory I did get the fan art and season thumbs, but no tvshow.nfo. I don't have any of the other seasons on there. I tried making empty Season 1-6 directories, but doesn't help. All my other TV shows work fine.

Can you shoot me a debug log, you'll need to create a 0k file and it will output the log file to the install directory after scanning..

How to enable TV Show debugging.
Exit Movie Info Plus (MIP)
Create a 0k text file named "debugtvshows" in the root folder (install directory, by default c:\program files\movieinfoplus\)
---  This file tell's MIP that it needs to enable addtional show scanning output for debugging.
Start up MIP - under the Current TV Show Tab you'll see a new button called Debugger - Load TV Shows (the button is below near the top of the fanart image for tv shows)..
-- This will display a dialog with details and it will output the debug log data.

It will take longer (3 to 4 times longer) to scan as it's logging everything it can.

Focus/Screen draw/video tags - JiveTalker - 2009-01-18

parena Wrote:I seem to have run into a slight bug, perhaps. The TV show "24" doesn't get fetched properly...
The first 4 episodes of 24 Season 7 worked fine for me, NFO and screenshot images generated.

Hi Fekker, I've been using rev 2400 for a few days now and Im really impressed with the recent changes. I have some questions/issues:

On installation the screen that asks for the movie and tv show paths still isn't focussed so all that appears is the main screen with the splash screen sitting in front of it. After a while it is apparanet that nothing is going to happen and there must be another screen somewhere that can only be accessed by Alt-Tab! :-)

Now that the wgets are gone, my screen appears to be having epileptic fits redrawing itself everytime it goes off the get data. I'm running XP MCE 32bit with ATI graphics card. Is this normal or do the status bars refresh nicely or your computer?

I really like the function that gets the movie file attributes and writes them to the NFO file. Will I need to wait until the Aeon Stark skin is finished before that information is visible in XBMC? Is there an easy way to get MIP to add the video attributes for all my movies without going to the web and getting all my other content again? I deleted my cache before the last install and don't really need to retrieve 1Gb of images for the stuff already in my library again. I saw elsewhere a suggestion of a tag that gets the source (e.g. HDTV, DVDRip, Bluray etc.) from the filename, is that something that you are thinking of adding?

Also, in rev 2400 is it possible to get MIP to write video attributes to the NFO files for TV episodes or is that a future feature?

When you list "missing episodes" in red it might be helpful for episodes with airdates in the future to change the text from "EPISODE MISSING etc." to "FUTURE BROADCAST" or similar and change the text colour in the bottom left box to dark gray.

It might be nice to be able to have a button or tab that listed all of the "missing episodes for a collection in airdate order. That way each time I ran MIP and refeshed my content I could easily find out if a (US) show had suddenly returned to air in the last few days after a random hiatus period. (It's so much easier to keep up with British shows - they air at the same time every week without any breaks until the season is finished!).

Things are really coming along nicely. thanks for all your hard work :-)


- parena - 2009-01-18

Doesn't seem to work properly. The debug window just sits there (never closes), after showing some output, and the debugtvshows logfile doesn't get filled. I copied what was in the debug window here (I created a copy so it didn't start scanning all my tv shows, just this one):

TV Show Loading / Status Logging...
Reading Folder Data

Processing: 24
Checking Fanart Items: fanart\original\76290-1.jpg
Checking Fanart Items: fanart\original\76290-3.jpg
Checking Fanart Items: fanart\original\76290-6.jpg
Checking Fanart Items: fanart\original\76290-8.jpg
Checking Fanart Items: fanart\original\76290-7.jpg
Checking Fanart Items: fanart\original\76290-4.jpg
Checking Fanart Items: fanart\original\76290-2.jpg
Checking Fanart Items: fanart\original\76290-5.jpg
Checking Poster Items: posters\76290-4.jpg
Checking Poster Items: posters\76290-1.jpg
Checking Poster Items: posters\76290-3.jpg
Checking Poster Items: posters\76290-5.jpg
Checking Poster Items: posters\76290-2.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\76290-7.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\76290-6-3.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\76290-1.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\76290-6-4.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\76290-0-2.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\3866-5.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\3866-3.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\76290-3.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\76290-2.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\76290-6.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\76290-4-2.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\76290-5-3.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\76290-6-2.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\3866-1.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\76290-5.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\3866-4.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\3866-2.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\76290-0.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasonswide\76290-1-2.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasonswide\76290-3.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasonswide\76290-4.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasonswide\76290-6.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasonswide\76290-5.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasonswide\76290-1.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasonswide\76290-4-2.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasonswide\76290-6-2.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasonswide\76290-2-2.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasonswide\76290-5-2.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasonswide\76290-3-2.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasonswide\76290-2.jpg
Checking Series Items: graphical\76290-g3.jpg
Checking Series Items: graphical\76290-g4.jpg
Checking Series Items: graphical\3866-g5.jpg
Checking Series Items: graphical\3866-g4.jpg
Checking Series Items: graphical\3866-g.jpg
Checking Series Items: graphical\76290-g.jpg
Checking Series Items: graphical\3866-g2.jpg
Checking Series Items: graphical\3866-g3.jpg
Checking Series Items: text\3866.jpg
Checking Series Items: blank\76290.jpg
Done with Banners Fanart and Posters
Processing Actors Data
Scanning / Update tv shows started
------------ 591----------------

Does seem to show some kind of (error?) code.

edit: hmmm, did another scan with another tv show in it and it seems that the 591 simply appears at the end of the log anyway. Still didn't get outputted to the file, though. But the info in the log window doesn't include an other 24 information than what I've shown above.

edit2: I copied the nfo file, changed some information (title, id, tvdbid) to those that belong to 24, set movieinfoplus to overwrite series nfo files, opened up MIP, hit update tv shows: no 24. I hit load tv shows: no 24. I'll try a scan with more than 1 show and debugging while the nfo file is there.

edit3: Well, when I add another tv show, it jumps to this after scanning for fanart and stuff:
Attempting to read: X:\video\series\Medea\tvshow.nfo

It simply skips 24. Perhaps it's a "folder with numbers only" or "folder starting with numbers" issue?

edit4: well, after finding and removing every trace of 24 in the cache, it's now working. Don't know what happened before, but it's good now. Smile

- digitalhigh - 2009-01-18


Howabout if, in the IMDB ID entry box, pressing the "enter" key would automatically reload the IMDB Info? I was working on the wiki entry for this in the FAQ, and I thought that instead explaining the workaround, maybe you could just add the enter function. Would probably save a bit of head-scratching for new users. I know it took me a minute to figure it out the first time I tried to change an ID.

Oh, and under the "folder selection" tab...can you enable auto-highlighting for the path entry box? I mean where one click in the box selects all of "Enter the path and click add or click...". I'm not sure who else does it, but I typically just type my paths...faster than the browse button.

- fekker - 2009-01-18

digitalhigh Wrote:@fekker

Howabout if, in the IMDB ID entry box, pressing the "enter" key would automatically reload the IMDB Info? I was working on the wiki entry for this in the FAQ, and I thought that instead explaining the workaround, maybe you could just add the enter function. Would probably save a bit of head-scratching for new users. I know it took me a minute to figure it out the first time I tried to change an ID.

Oh, and under the "folder selection" tab...can you enable auto-highlighting for the path entry box? I mean where one click in the box selects all of "Enter the path and click add or click...". I'm not sure who else does it, but I typically just type my paths...faster than the browse button.
I'll add a little refresh icon to the right of it, so you can click on that and it will do the save and reload options automatically, hows that sound?

wiki is coming along nicely, thanks for all the work your putting into that part.

- fekker - 2009-01-18

parena Wrote:Doesn't seem to work properly. The debug window just sits there (never closes), after showing some output, and the debugtvshows logfile doesn't get filled. I copied what was in the debug window here (I created a copy so it didn't start scanning all my tv shows, just this one):

TV Show Loading / Status Logging...
Reading Folder Data

Processing: 24
Checking Fanart Items: fanart\original\76290-1.jpg
Checking Fanart Items: fanart\original\76290-3.jpg
Checking Fanart Items: fanart\original\76290-6.jpg
Checking Fanart Items: fanart\original\76290-8.jpg
Checking Fanart Items: fanart\original\76290-7.jpg
Checking Fanart Items: fanart\original\76290-4.jpg
Checking Fanart Items: fanart\original\76290-2.jpg
Checking Fanart Items: fanart\original\76290-5.jpg
Checking Poster Items: posters\76290-4.jpg
Checking Poster Items: posters\76290-1.jpg
Checking Poster Items: posters\76290-3.jpg
Checking Poster Items: posters\76290-5.jpg
Checking Poster Items: posters\76290-2.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\76290-7.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\76290-6-3.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\76290-1.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\76290-6-4.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\76290-0-2.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\3866-5.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\3866-3.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\76290-3.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\76290-2.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\76290-6.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\76290-4-2.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\76290-5-3.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\76290-6-2.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\3866-1.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\76290-5.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\3866-4.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\3866-2.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasons\76290-0.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasonswide\76290-1-2.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasonswide\76290-3.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasonswide\76290-4.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasonswide\76290-6.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasonswide\76290-5.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasonswide\76290-1.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasonswide\76290-4-2.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasonswide\76290-6-2.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasonswide\76290-2-2.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasonswide\76290-5-2.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasonswide\76290-3-2.jpg
Checking Season Items: seasonswide\76290-2.jpg
Checking Series Items: graphical\76290-g3.jpg
Checking Series Items: graphical\76290-g4.jpg
Checking Series Items: graphical\3866-g5.jpg
Checking Series Items: graphical\3866-g4.jpg
Checking Series Items: graphical\3866-g.jpg
Checking Series Items: graphical\76290-g.jpg
Checking Series Items: graphical\3866-g2.jpg
Checking Series Items: graphical\3866-g3.jpg
Checking Series Items: text\3866.jpg
Checking Series Items: blank\76290.jpg
Done with Banners Fanart and Posters
Processing Actors Data
Scanning / Update tv shows started
------------ 591----------------

Does seem to show some kind of (error?) code.

edit: hmmm, did another scan with another tv show in it and it seems that the 591 simply appears at the end of the log anyway. Still didn't get outputted to the file, though. But the info in the log window doesn't include an other 24 information than what I've shown above.

edit2: I copied the nfo file, changed some information (title, id, tvdbid) to those that belong to 24, set movieinfoplus to overwrite series nfo files, opened up MIP, hit update tv shows: no 24. I hit load tv shows: no 24. I'll try a scan with more than 1 show and debugging while the nfo file is there.

edit3: Well, when I add another tv show, it jumps to this after scanning for fanart and stuff:
Attempting to read: X:\video\series\Medea\tvshow.nfo

It simply skips 24. Perhaps it's a "folder with numbers only" or "folder starting with numbers" issue?

edit4: well, after finding and removing every trace of 24 in the cache, it's now working. Don't know what happened before, but it's good now. Smile

The 591 is simple a visual to give me some idea where it was at in the code, there's a few different ones that pop up after certain actions completed, and some that repeat many times (and it's normal)

I'm guessing the issue was the .nfo file that was already in there, i've made changes to that in the next release, it's just been waiting to get approval for another scraper addition before commiting it to svn or releasing it. If it doesn't get approved, I'll disable it and finish up the other areas to release without it. In the meantime I've been working through the feature requests and adding some stuff that I wanted to MIP's insides. One thing I've been working on is the folder and file mode, there's an additional section to add in the folders that contain just movies in the folder, and the one that is there now that is standard usage.

the splashscreen always seems to work the way I don't want it to, i'll fix it again or just remove the darn thing, i swear it's got a mind of it's own.

the downloader will be getting an update and no longer do the crazy stuff to the form display like it does now, it freaks out for everyone.

i'll see about the tv shows for missing episodes, i like the idea for display additional info on them in the panel.. i'm not sure i can output a full list, but i might be able to inject that, please add it to the feature requests so i don't forget it.

- digitalhigh - 2009-01-18

fekker Wrote:I'll add a little refresh icon to the right of it, so you can click on that and it will do the save and reload options automatically, hows that sound?

wiki is coming along nicely, thanks for all the work your putting into that part.

That sounds good. Eventually, making stuff a bit more keyboarder-friendly prolly wouldn't be a bad idea. Wink

And thanks about the wiki. I'm holding off on doing the rest of the "settings" info until I get the build with the additions you said you were making. Didn't see a lot of sense in writing documentation if it was just going to be changed in a day or two neways.

On that note...I can't wait to play with the new goodies. How goes progress?

Edit: Thuggish...wiki now has imagemaps for the settings info. I'll prolly have to re-do everything in a few days anyway...but the groundwork is there. Big Grin

- JiveTalker - 2009-01-18

fekker Wrote:the downloader will be getting an update and no longer do the crazy stuff to the form display like it does now, it freaks out for everyone.

i'll see about the tv shows for missing episodes, i like the idea for display additional info on them in the panel.. i'm not sure i can output a full list, but i might be able to inject that, please add it to the feature requests so i don't forget it.

I've added a couple of feature requests - more info on status bars and also the missing episodes list, cheers.

- digitalhigh - 2009-01-19

Somebody check out the WIKI, give me some feedback. There's still stuff missing and stuff that needs to be cleaned up, but you can still get a general feel as to what it's gonna look like when I'm all done. Big Grin

- fekker - 2009-01-19

digitalhigh Wrote:Somebody check out the WIKI, give me some feedback. There's still stuff missing and stuff that needs to be cleaned up, but you can still get a general feel as to what it's gonna look like when I'm all done. Big Grin

Wiki is looking awesome! -- I'll try to get you a build compiled tonight with the new options and settings, less the new site data as approval is still pending.

- digitalhigh - 2009-01-19

fekker Wrote:Wiki is looking awesome! -- I'll try to get you a build compiled tonight with the new options and settings, less the new site data as approval is still pending.

Sounds great. I set everything up knowing that you were changing a bunch of stuff, so it shouldn't be too difficult at all to update everything as soon as I get the changed version.

You'll have to give me a thorough explanation of how autopilot works after everything is said and done. I'm still pretty fuzzy on that one.

- dbone1026 - 2009-01-20

First off, I want to say what a great program Movie Info is. I've tried reading through as much of the thread as possible and the wiki, but am still having problems with TV Shows. All my tv shows are box set dvd rips (Video_TS). My folder structure is as follows:

X:\Videos\TV Shows\Show\Season\Disc#

For example:

X:\Videos\TV Shows\Supernatural\Season 1\Disc 1
X:\Videos\TV Shows\Supernatural\Season 1\Disc 2
X:\Videos\TV Shows\Supernatural\Season 1\Disc 3

When I select "Load TV Shows" I get the "Movie Info Plus - File Download In Progress" pop up, but it just hangs there. Hitting cancel does nothing, so I have to x out. When I x out, I get a message "Error in banner read"

Any ideas what I am missing? Thanks

- fekker - 2009-01-20

dbone1026 Wrote:First off, I want to say what a great program Movie Info is. I've tried reading through as much of the thread as possible and the wiki, but am still having problems with TV Shows. All my tv shows are box set dvd rips (Video_TS). My folder structure is as follows:

X:\Videos\TV Shows\Show\Season\Disc#

For example:

X:\Videos\TV Shows\Supernatural\Season 1\Disc 1
X:\Videos\TV Shows\Supernatural\Season 1\Disc 2
X:\Videos\TV Shows\Supernatural\Season 1\Disc 3

When I select "Load TV Shows" I get the "Movie Info Plus - File Download In Progress" pop up, but it just hangs there. Hitting cancel does nothing, so I have to x out. When I x out, I get a message "Error in banner read"

Any ideas what I am missing? Thanks
it sounds like it's not downloading the file from tvdb
see if there are any files in the temp folder for tvdb data
C:\Program Files\movieinfoplus\temp\tvdb\everything (by default)

If you could, run the load tv shows in debug mode and shoot me the log file, it'll tell me what's failing.
(there's a thread within the last page or two on debugging tv shows)

On a side note, it's going to be hard to detect multiple episodes if they are in dvd format (ie VIDEO_TS folders).. an .iso image is much easier to work with in that the name of the iso doesn't matter for the dvd structure itself. example supernatural.s01e01-e02-e03-e04.iso would be a 4 episode dvd image file, with season 1, episodes 1 thru 4 in it. There's no way to jump to a specific .vob when going to play it in xbmc, but it would show the episode data. single renamed vob's would also work, but not in a dvd structure (i.e. VTS_01_01.vob is dvd structure, but to name it with episode specifc data would break that naming convention (i.e. can't burn it without renaming the files))