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OS X ViMediaManager - Media Manager for Mac OS X! - Printable Version

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- MariusTh86 - 2011-10-15

I'm assuming you were fetching metadata with the 'Anime' button selected?
TMDB or The MovieDB's ID is only for movies, so i'm not sure where you got that from, you should be using the TVDB's ID for long anime like the get backers.

you can use the AnimeDatabase ID in the search field if you prefix it with "AniDB:", and add either an TMDB/IMDB's ID for movies, or TVDB's ID for Longer shows and OVA's in the bottom text field depending on .

- prophetizer - 2011-10-15

oh, ok, i only entered it because it had a popup recommending that i do.

ok, so now i just hit fetch metadata, left the ID blank and once it started to download images i got the same error again, but only for this show so far

- MariusTh86 - 2011-10-15

It is highly recommended to add a TVDB ID, since the AniDB doesn't offer an episode guide url, and the current ViMM doesn't allow adding your own episodes yet.

I'll look into the error message as soon as possible.

- prophetizer - 2011-10-15

ok no rush, i appreciate this app so much u don't even know.

have you thought to adding in TVTunes as an extra download as well?

what about creating keyboard shortcuts for downloading clearart and logos and whatnot?

- MariusTh86 - 2011-10-15

I've thought about downloading TVTunes, but i don't believe the site that the XBMC extension uses has an API, which i've been making heavy use of to scrape data from various sites.

I'll be adding the download extra items to the menubar in the 0.6 version release, so i'll likely be adding keyboard shortcuts for them while i'm at it. Wink

- prophetizer - 2011-10-16

great news, thanks.

is there any way to just rename the selected item, instead of batch renaming everything?

- MariusTh86 - 2011-10-16

Sure there is, just open the selected item in the finder and rename it manually. Tongue

In my limited tests, batch renaming goes pretty quickly, so unless you want some items to keep their old names I think it should go over well even when you just want to rename one item.

- prophetizer - 2011-10-16

my issue is i don't want it renaming TV shows at all, can i have it just rename movies?

- MariusTh86 - 2011-10-16

It'll only rename the section which you have selected in ViMM.

So if you've got the "Movies" section selected and you choose to rename your files, it'll only rename movies.
If you're in the "TV Shows" section, it'll only rename those.

- prophetizer - 2011-10-16

ok, that will work, thanks again

- prophetizer - 2011-10-18

what about TV Season Posters?

- MariusTh86 - 2011-10-18

prophetizer Wrote:what about TV Season Posters?

There is some unfinished code in ViMM for season posters, but since my app can't know which seasons you have since it doesn't scan for episodes yet, it was a bit useless.

- prophetizer - 2011-10-18

gotcha, well it could just be an option to grab them all or none to make it easy, it's just an image so its small in size and if it's not needed xbmc won't display it anyways. not very important for myself i was just wondering

- MariusTh86 - 2011-10-18

The URL's for the season posters are set in the NFO file, so XBMC should download the thumbnail on it's own and display them, so there's at least that for now.

- prophetizer - 2011-10-18

oh, ok cool thanks