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MythTV front-end client built-into to XBMC - Printable Version

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- Anaerin - 2008-05-07

nizzeh Wrote:17:37:19 M: 39256064 ERROR: DNS lookup for TVSERVER failed: 10060

There's your problem. You need some kind of local DNS server set up so your XBox can find your Myth box.

That, or you need to find out a way to get a hosts file on an XBox (Not possible at the moment)

- nizzeh - 2008-05-07

Anaerin Wrote:There's your problem. You need some kind of local DNS server set up so your XBox can find your Myth box.

That, or you need to find out a way to get a hosts file on an XBox (Not possible at the moment)


Wel it seems to me a little strange how so many other can have this working .
But i will set up an DHCP server in my TVSERVER and se if that will do the thing.

// Nizze

- nizzeh - 2008-05-07

Hi again

Are u sure thats the problem ??

If i look at the logs in Xbox :
21:38:07 M: 38711296 ERROR: Playlist Player: skipping unplayable item: 0, path [myth://mythtv:[email protected]/channels/6.ts

Where does "/channels/6.ts come from ??

I dont have that folder in myth dir .

In mythbackend i have this when i select channels

// Nizze

- topfs2 - 2008-05-07

/channel/6.ts is a virtual directory which XBMC recognise. Doesn't reflect mythbackend stuff at all.

small notice: channel/6.ts is for livetv though. not recordings

- nizzeh - 2008-05-08

Topfs2 Wrote:/channel/6.ts is a virtual directory which XBMC recognise. Doesn't reflect mythbackend stuff at all.

small notice: channel/6.ts is for livetv though. not recordings

By default Mythtv saves live tv in recordings folder.

I have not set up any other specific folders .

// Nizze

- wyild1 - 2008-05-09

Anaerin Wrote:There's your problem. You need some kind of local DNS server set up so your XBox can find your Myth box.

That, or you need to find out a way to get a hosts file on an XBox (Not possible at the moment)

That is a bit incorrect. You can setup the host in the advancedsettings.xml file.


Tried to find the post with this information, but it was easier to find it in the wiki


- ptipton - 2008-05-14

One suggestion for small improvement. Would it be possible to make the LiveTV screen automatically refresh so that it keeps updated if it is left for long periods. ( Or is it only my family that leaves the TV on whether they are watching or not?). Thanks.

- elupus - 2008-05-15

i've been planning to fix that. thou haven't gotten anywhere yet.

- ptipton - 2008-05-16

Just updated to the latest t3ch svn 2008:05:04 and livetv doesn't work, just freezes when you select a channel. log here http://pastebin.com/m13b6e57a
Strange thing is when I restore a copy of on my previous working version livetv no longer works either. Thought it might be backend problem but linux xbmc frontend works perfectly. Have double checked the host settings in advancedsettings.xml to make sure not the old DNS issue. Confused and wondering what Ive done! Thanks

- elupus - 2008-05-16

need a debug log, not standard log.

- ptipton - 2008-05-17

elupus sorry- debug log here http://pastebin.ca/1020921

- elupus - 2008-05-17

that log looks truncated. or xbmc totally stalled for some unkown reason

for those of you that are experiencing buffering issues, could you guys test this dll file: http://xbmc.org/upload/libcmyth.rar put it in the system dir.

- ptipton - 2008-05-17

Elupus, your correct xbmc totally stalls.

- dteirney - 2008-05-18

I just tried that libcmyth.dll with the REPACK version of T3CH and playback still freezes when fastforwarding. Not sure if it is the same as the buffering issues, but I did see "Buffering" show up on screen a few times.


I started XBMC, went to recordings, started a recording, immediately set to fastforward at 4x and left running. It eventually froze after perhaps 5 seconds. Waited a few seconds and then tried to pause/play and nothing seemed to happen - just a static picture on screen. Eventually pressed Stop and that worked immediately.

Live TV is working fine for me after rolling back from the latest version of T3CH to the REPACK version.

When I update XBMC, I use a completely new folder and update the evox config file to point to that so rolling back is as easy as changing back the evox config file to the old known "good" copy.

- lingenfr_xbmc - 2008-05-18

I am using T3Ch 0504 and I get some intermittent buffering and after a few minutes the xbox freezes. I will pull a debug log if someone will tell me how/where. Thanks.