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SiliconDust HDHomeRun Networked Digital Cable TV / HDTV Tuner support built-into XBMC - Printable Version

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- SandmanCL - 2007-03-28

Ah, man, this was disappointing :-( I already ordered one of these guys myself, hoping to become an early tester... once I get mine hooked up, please let me know if there is anything I can do to facilitate the development.
Elupus: Just move to the U.S. and bring the HDHR. Then it'll work ;-)
Trust me, California is much more fun than Scandinavia :-D

Takk for fortsatt glimrende utvikler-innsats !

- elupus - 2007-04-02

hehe, thanx. Yea, i know. lived in near fresno for a year a while back. If i find a job (and visa) I'll probably move over Smile

- SandmanCL - 2007-04-14

I've played around a little with HDHomerun now and it's definetily a promising little piece of hardware. I'm struggling with getting it to work under MediaPortal, but if I'm suggessful I'm eager to test out some of the controller scripts available for XBMC.

A configuration utility source code is available through the forums. It's all c++ and from the looks of it very cross-platform.

- elupus - 2007-04-14

right.. I can commit som helper stuff if you guys are interested. ie a url handler so you can play hdhomerum://deviceid/tuner0?tune=24234&program=1 then it will tune to that url and play it.

- SandmanCL - 2007-04-14

"you guys" better speak up ! I'm just a lone individual here :-) In case there's a doubt -- I'm definitely interested.

Having the handler would allow us to create files like CNN.strm and then we could have a "Live TV" folder with streams and navigate the HDHomeRun channels through the xbmc file manager.

- elupus - 2007-04-14

exactly my thought. Smile right, will commit it as soons as I have some time.

- jarod71 - 2007-04-14

im interested as well...

- Livin - 2007-04-14

I'd love to see this too

- SandmanCL - 2007-04-16

elupus, do you still want streams for debugging ? let me know and I can get some your way.

- elupus - 2007-04-16

if you think there are any issues with the stream then yes. asfar as i've been able to tell it works just fine.. dvdplayer is worth trying on streams too since it is generally quite fast.

btw, the hdhomerun support is in svn now.

- Livin - 2007-04-16

So how well does streaming HD resolutions work?
Any chance we will see a complete control interface (i.e. channel controls, etc)?

- SandmanCL - 2007-04-16

elupus, great news ! Which revision contains the support ? I see that T3CH built based on rev 8519 on 2007-07-15.

Can't wait to test this out ! I've already created a "LIVE TV" folder with 12 .strm files, one per channel I selected out of 49 unencrypted channels that are available through the HDHomeRun. If I get my [url=href="http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=25844]wish[/url] and we get a preview mode, we already have a cruel but functional way to switch channels Big Grin

- SandmanCL - 2007-04-16

Argh, I really wish you could edit your own posts with this forum :-(
This is the link I mean to include in the previous post:


- elupus - 2007-04-16

sadly no, i commited the stuff after that revision

Can't wait for the next SVN build - SandmanCL - 2007-04-17

I think I'm all set for Live tv on my xbox now Nod


Each file here is a .strm file contained in a "Live TV" folder in my Videos section. Each strm has a corresponding .tbn. There's 59 channels available for me through the HDHomeRun but these 12 more than cover my television needs.

Does xbmc support video information stored in individual files now ? If so I was thinking I could set up a cron tab to automatically fetch information about the current program on that channel, stored as "02 KTVU.xml" or "02 KTVU.nfo". If this works, does anyone have a recommendation as to where this information could be retrieved easily ?

Please let me know if you want any of these icons and I can rar/tar them up.

example .strm contents (02 KTVU.strm):
