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- nicoli_k - 2009-07-08

Could you upload the original Home.xml somewhere? I was a dope and deleted it after installing the .27a Home.xml which added the Recently seen stuff. I want to use the original since I'm on the xbox and noticed that I had several errors that were due to the new feature. I've already renamed the recently_added.py so that it no longer runs. I checked my debug log when trying to pinpoint a problem with something else and there were still references to the recently added feature.

I tried to edit the file and erase everything that was tagged Recently seen and I was unable to load the skin after that. I guess I erased too many things. The skin is still working since I backed up my working home.xml and am still using it.

I feel it would be a waste of bandwidth for you if I downloaded the whole package again just for a file that's not even 1mb.

As I was writing this, I realized I had the skin on a jump drive when I updated my dad's box and it had the original home.xml

In case anyone else wants to switch back and didn't save their old file, here's the original. It removes the gray rectangles an word New from the Movies and Music screens.

ronie, if you don't want me to have this posted, I'll erase it or you can.

- ronie - 2009-07-08

nicoli_k Wrote:ronie, if you don't want me to have this posted, I'll erase it or you can.

no problem, but i'd be interested to know which problems you experienced with the recently added feature. ;-)

- nicoli_k - 2009-07-08

ronie Wrote:no problem, but i'd be interested to know which problems you experienced with the recently added feature. ;-)

I'm not sure if there is a problem or not, but when we were trying to figure out why the home screen turned black and realized it was something to do with having Lastfm as a source, we both saw some memory leaks that looked like they were pointing to the recently added feature so I renamed the .py file and thought that would remove any extra burden on the xbox.

I had justin.tv lock up on me and was looking through the debug log and saw that there were references to the recently added list even though the python script was disabled. It wasn't the cause of the lock up, but I noticed it in the log. I'm just trying to free up as much memory as possible since I've only got 64MB on the xbox. It's a great feature, but I noticed a slight lag at the start-up and just wanted to minimize any extra load on the xbox.

thanks again for the great skin!

- lipo - 2009-07-08

hi there
as you can see i'm new to this forum & this is my first post
transparency replace mc360 & pm3 as my favorite skin, i love it because it leaves more space for backdrop displayBig Grin
i have a couple question :
1.on home window (horizontal menu ) i only use 5 menu : games, seting,pic,music and tv show.
its there a way to get fixed menu, not scrolling?
2.is theres an option to add new menu on home window? i want to add comic menu Big Grin

thanks, looking forward for the next updateSmile

- ronie - 2009-07-08

lipo Wrote:i have a couple question :
1.on home window (horizontal menu ) i only use 5 menu : games, seting,pic,music and tv show.
its there a way to get fixed menu, not scrolling?
it can be done, start by making these changes in Home.xml
<control type="[b]wraplist[/b]" id="5041">
<control type="[b]list[/b]" id="5041">
this would work best if you use 6 buttons, as it will exactly match the screen width.

in case you're using wide home menu buttons,
<control type="[b]wraplist[/b]" id="5042">
<control type="[b]list[/b]" id="5042">

this would also involve some manual tweaking of the button sizes to exactly fill the screen.

lipo Wrote:2.is theres an option to add new menu on home window? i want to add comic menu Big Grin
i'm thinking of adding an 'empty' button, that allows you to fill in the text on the button and the action the button should take when selected.
that way everyone can add whatever they like to the home menu.

- ronie - 2009-07-08

nicoli_k Wrote:I'm not sure if there is a problem or not, but when we were trying to figure out why the home screen turned black and realized it was something to do with having Lastfm as a source, we both saw some memory leaks that looked like they were pointing to the recently added feature so I renamed the .py file and thought that would remove any extra burden on the xbox.

I had justin.tv lock up on me and was looking through the debug log and saw that there were references to the recently added list even though the python script was disabled. It wasn't the cause of the lock up, but I noticed it in the log. I'm just trying to free up as much memory as possible since I've only got 64MB on the xbox. It's a great feature, but I noticed a slight lag at the start-up and just wanted to minimize any extra load on the xbox.

cheers. i did some searching on the forum on those memory leaks, but found little info on it. a few posts mentioned it was nothing to worry about.
i haven't tested the recently added script on the xbox myself, but i can image it would slow things down a bit. it may also depend on the size of your video/music library i think.
as a reference, running the script on my htpc (250 videos, 10 tv shows/400 episodes, 550 albums) causes no delay at all.

- Justcop - 2009-07-09

that probably explains the delay on mine then, only 512mb ram

Cd Art for singles Music - pang - 2009-07-11


First of all your skin is great, its my default skin now.

I need to make cd art for my singles music, i don't have albums, is that possible?. all music have the album image inside their tag, so if i add the cd art to each single music it would be great, all music are in one folder. Also would it be possible to add fanart to singles music too?

Secondly, the only thing that sucks a bit in your skin are the images, if you could change them would be great, some are nice but most are horrible.

EDveryone concentrates on music and video but forget about pictures, if you could add some cool views for pictures. I saw a program which had some great views, it was like horizontal rectangles, with the tite being the folder name, usually the album description and pictures that can be browed horizontally or you can select the album, and you can browse all albums moving vertically through the horizonal recxtangles.

i saw this in j river media centre, whcih has some good ideas which would be nice if implemented in xbmc.


and keep up great work


- bidossessi - 2009-07-11

hi ronie.
been away for a while (1 week), but i'm back now Smile)
say, any intention of implementing reaven's clearart mod in transparency?

- ronie - 2009-07-11

bidossessi Wrote:hi ronie.
been away for a while (1 week), but i'm back now Smile)
say, any intention of implementing reaven's clearart mod in transparency?

it's been there ever since the release of v0.27 ;-)

You can enable this feature in this way: Settings > Skin Settings > General > Enable ClearArt for TV Show Episodes
Also enter the path to your main TV Shows folder below.
(e.g. /home/xbmc/Media/TV Shows)
Put a semi-transparent image of a certain TV Show in the folder of that TV Show. The filename of the image should be: clearart.png
(e.g. /home/xbmc/Media/TV Shows/House/clearart.png)

- bidossessi - 2009-07-11

damn ronie, i think you nailed that baby!
using folder level sorting is just what needed to be done, and plain logical, if you think about how everything else is being handled. did you talk with reaven about that? it even solves the multi-language issue as well!
would love to see a preview, though.

now what else could i badger you with today? :p

- ronie - 2009-07-11

bidossessi Wrote:damn ronie, i think you nailed that baby!
using folder level sorting is just what needed to be done, and plain logical, if you think about how everything else is being handled. did you talk with reaven about that? it even solves the multi-language issue as well!

yes, i mentioned it to reaven, i think in his cdart thread...
i also think this way is best, specially if you want some kinda cross-skin support for it.
if you store all images in some Aeon subfolder, like reaven is doing, then it won't work anymore as soon as you switch to a different skin.

bidossessi Wrote:would love to see a preview, though.


bidossessi Wrote:now what else could i badger you with today? :p

don't bother, there's already more ideas in my head then i can possibly ever implement ;-)
currently i'm working on a fanart view for games.
now there's not really much to display since there's currently no games library in xbmc, but it does look nice imo.
since i'm no gamer, let me know if someone's got some ideas one what else to display in this view.


- bidossessi - 2009-07-11

yeah, i think a strong support for pvr and a games library is what xbmc is missing right now to become the do-it-all in the living room.
I think there's a thread going on about a game library, talking about what should be in, which site to scrape, and how to handle native (windows/linux/mac/xbox) and emulated games (mame/zsnes/whatever else). worth a watch.
but the pvr branch is probably the next "big" thing that's gonna hit the screens.

- ronie - 2009-07-11

pang Wrote:I need to make cd art for my singles music, i don't have albums, is that possible?. all music have the album image inside their tag, so if i add the cd art to each single music it would be great, all music are in one folder.

i haven't tried it myself, but i think it should be possible. You'll have to modify some code though. In MusicVisualisation.xml change this line:
<texture diffuse="disc_mask.png">$INFO[Skin.String(Music_Folder_Path)]$INFO[MusicPlayer.Artist]/$INFO[MusicPlayer.Album]/cdart.png</texture>
<texture diffuse="disc_mask.png">$INFO[Skin.String(Music_Folder_Path)]$INFO[MusicPlayer.Artist] - $INFO[MusicPlayer.Title].png</texture>

then create your cdart images with this name: Artist - Title.png and store them all in one directory.

pang Wrote:Also would it be possible to add fanart to singles music too?

since you keep all your music in one folder, it will not work in filemode.
it may work in library mode, but you'll have to test it yourself.
scan all your music using one of the build-in scrapers and see if it works.
maybe you'll have to manually add the fanart for each artist using the artist info menu in xbmc.

pang Wrote:Secondly, the only thing that sucks a bit in your skin are the images, if you could change them would be great, some are nice but most are horrible.

there all gone now, the next release will come with a new set of background images.
you can also select your own backgrounds if you go to Settings > Skin Settings > Backgrounds

pang Wrote:EDveryone concentrates on music and video but forget about pictures, if you could add some cool views for pictures. I saw a program which had some great views, it was like horizontal rectangles, with the tite being the folder name, usually the album description and pictures that can be browed horizontally or you can select the album, and you can browse all albums moving vertically through the horizonal recxtangles.

i saw this in j river media centre, whcih has some good ideas which would be nice if implemented in xbmc.

certainly agree with you there. i've got one or two ideas for new picture views already,
but if you can provide a link or screenshot of what you're looking, for i'll see if i can add that one too.

Wide Buttons + Horizontal Home = crash - Kryspy - 2009-07-12


As stated using the horizontal menu and wide buttons gives a crash to desktop when trying to enter the programs menu.

As soon as I go back to standard buttons and horizontal menu everything is fine.
