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Ember Media Manager NFO/Poster/FanArt Manager for Movies (Open Source VB.NET) - Printable Version

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+---- Thread: Ember Media Manager NFO/Poster/FanArt Manager for Movies (Open Source VB.NET) (/showthread.php?tid=50348)

- jbrillo1126 - 2010-07-20

First let me start by saying that i love this app. This is the first issue ive ever had with it. I had to move my video library and some how some of the fan art and covers got deleted. So i tried to re-scrape the from the TMDB and most of them came up blank after the scrape. I went to TMDb and checked a few of them to see if they had fan art and covers available. They all did. I think this is more of an issue with TMDB than ember but I'm not sure and wanted to bring it to everyone's attention to see if anyone is having a similar issue.

- xeonicxpression - 2010-07-20

jbrillo1126 Wrote:First let me start by saying that i love this app. This is the first issue ive ever had with it. I had to move my video library and some how some of the fan art and covers got deleted. So i tried to re-scrape the from the TMDB and most of them came up blank after the scrape. I went to TMDb and checked a few of them to see if they had fan art and covers available. They all did. I think this is more of an issue with TMDB than ember but I'm not sure and wanted to bring it to everyone's attention to see if anyone is having a similar issue.
Yea, there must be some issue with TMDB. I'm going through and cleaning up all of my movies and when I rescrape them most of my movies come up with no cover and fanart.

- YodaEXE - 2010-07-20

I have a request. Could you please make it so that the Ember load screen/logo/whatever you want to call it does not appear on top of everything else? It's quite obnoxious when I run the program in preparation for using it, and then have to stop everything I'm doing while I wait for the popup to go away. The big issue I have is that, due to the size of my library (over 200 movies and about 4000 TV episodes), and the fact that I have a few modules installed, it takes a bit to start the program, so I have to sit there with that display in the center of my screen, blocking everything else.

- RockDawg - 2010-07-20

isamu.dragon Wrote:try re-scrapping the individual episode, or if the episode aired that day wait about 2hrs. and re-scrap (since newly added information and thumbs take about that time to reach the api)

I tried re-scraping episodes individually. The episodes are weeks old and there are thumbnails already showing at thetvdb.com. I never gave it much thought until XBMC scraped thumbs for some episodes I had just run through Ember and it said there were no thumbs available.

Since then I've done some playing around and it keeps doing this.

- Nuno - 2010-07-20

RockDawg Wrote:I tried re-scraping episodes individually. The episodes are weeks old and there are thumbnails already showing at thetvdb.com. I never gave it much thought until XBMC scraped thumbs for some episodes I had just run through Ember and it said there were no thumbs available.

Since then I've done some playing around and it keeps doing this.

Do you have "Edit->Settings->Tv shows-> Scraper -Data -> Re-download show information every:" set to always?
If not set it and try again please

Export to CSV - MediaBox - 2010-07-21

I see in this closed issue that it should be possible to use the html-export-module to export the EMM database to a CSV file.

How would I go about creating a template to export to CSV?


- kees667 - 2010-07-22

I like this tool so far. Nice clean interface and seems to do the job. Just one problem I can't seem to solve is resizing the scaped images. I use an asrock 330 and to keep it snappy I prefer not to use large fanart or posters.

I setup poster to automatically resize and only entered a width of 480. Then When I scrape I can manually select images, with sizes up to 680x1000 ( I assume I can select those and Ember will resize). However many images are still that original size when I view them later in explorer. What am I doing wrong?

- RockDawg - 2010-07-27

Nuno Wrote:Do you have "Edit->Settings->Tv shows-> Scraper -Data -> Re-download show information every:" set to always?
If not set it and try again please

I'm sorry I'm so late getting back to you on this. I changed that setting and I still have the problem. What's weird is that some shows get the episode thumbs while others don't. Like right now I scraped True Blood s03e06 and it says there is no thumb available, but if you go to thetvdb.com there is one there for it. Meanwhile, Haven s01e01 downloaded it's thumb just fine.

- stefan1983 - 2010-07-27

Hey there,

I´m also using this software to organize my movies and tv shows.
It´s really nice and fast. Before Ember, I had MyMovies, which was also quite okay (running the WHS Edition on it), but it was only free without fanarts etc.., which you have to pay for (100 €!). This was the reason to use another software. Than I found Ember and I'm still happy with its functions.

Would be nice to have a tool like Ember for all kinds of music.
Anyone know something?

- ClayM - 2010-07-27

Something I've noticed. I use EMM to manage movies on a shared drive that exists on another PC. The disk is set to go into standby mode.

If I hit the EMM "Update" button while that disk is in standby, EMM's library disappears from the screen and you can't do anything except go to the settings. If you remove the source in the settings and then re-add it, things seem to work.

compiling EMM in windows - PBoD - 2010-07-28

So... it looks like a few of the original developers are taking a short break from EMM. Also, the original compiling instructions are out of date.

If you're looking to compile EMM in Windows, perhaps this will help.
Do the "Preparation", "Downloading EMM Source Code from GoogleCode", and steps 1 through 4 of "Compile the source code with VB Express" from the original compiling instructions. (Only takes a few minutes)
After that, copy and paste the following code into a text file and save it as yourchoice.bat in the root folder of the EMM source code (same directory as file "Ember Media Manager - ALL.sln"):

::This copies all of the files necessary to build EMM with VS Basic 2008 according to
@ECHO off
ECHO Prep for EMM Build
ECHO Place this file in the root of the EMM source code
ECHO (same folder as file "Ember Media Manager - ALL.sln")
ECHO 1. x86 Build
ECHO 2. x64 Build
SET choice=
SET /p choice=Enter selection:
if not '%choice%'=='' set choice=%choice:~0,1%
if '%choice%'=='1' GOTO x86
if '%choice%'=='2' GOTO x64
ECHO "%choice%" is not valid please try again
GOTO start

ECHO x64 Build Prep...
XCOPY ".\Release Files\Langs" ".\Build\x64\Release\Langs\" /E /Y
XCOPY ".\Release Files\Images" ".\Build\x64\Release\Images\" /E /Y
XCOPY ".\Release Files\Themes" ".\Build\x64\Release\Themes\" /E /Y
XCOPY ".\Release Files\x64" ".\Build\x64\Release\" /E /Y
XCOPY ".\Build\x64\Release\ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll" ".\Build\x64\Release\Modules" /Y

ECHO x86 Build Pre...
XCOPY ".\Release Files\Langs" ".\Build\x86\Release\Langs\" /E /Y
XCOPY ".\Release Files\Images" ".\Build\x86\Release\Images\" /E /Y
XCOPY ".\Release Files\Themes" ".\Build\x86\Release\Themes\" /E /Y
XCOPY ".\Release Files\x86" ".\Build\x86\Release\" /E /Y
XCOPY ".\Build\x86\Release\ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll" ".\Build\x86\Release\Modules" /Y



Run this yourchoice.bat file, select your build type, and it'll copy everything for you. From there, all you have to do is select Build->Build Solution in VB Express.
Enjoy the most recent version of EMM!

- Nuno - 2010-07-28

PBoD Wrote:So... it looks like a few of the [url="http://www.embermm.com/boards/1/topics/1484"]original developers are taking a short break from EMM[/URL

There are only 2 Developer, me and nul7, and as been like this from the beginning,. A few tried to join in, but unfortunately give up.
Nul7 is a little busy with personal life, but will hopefully be back soon.
Olynpia was our Official Tester, and Documentation Coordinator, and also (as everybody) helped on support. For personal reasons Olympia decide to retired form Ember Team. He will still be a honorary member of the Team.

- smilenkovski - 2010-07-28

Just to say big THANK YOU to the Ember team. I'm new to XBMC (I'm using Plex on Mac) but, with your software I've made the biggest improvement to my library. I'm running it with vmware on my MAC (fusion) and it works flawless. The only thing I miss is downloading trailer in my movies folder from different sources like hdtorrent apple trailers or so..
Thanks again an I hope you will keep with good work on EMM.

- kri kri - 2010-07-28

A bunch of my movies have a runtime of 1 minute - is there a way to fix this?

- gareth108 - 2010-07-28

kri kri Wrote:A bunch of my movies have a runtime of 1 minute - is there a way to fix this?

get longer movies