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Movie Info Plus - Manage Icons, Posters, FanArt, .NFO's & more for Movies & TV Shows - Printable Version

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Auto Pilot - jetskijoe - 2009-01-25

It doesn't look like Auto Pilot auto renames the files. I have to click on each movie to get it to rename.

Great job on the program.


- fekker - 2009-01-25

hotzenpl0tz Wrote:Regression under wine: I can't complete the precaching anymore because the downloader at some point just hangs. I have 5 threads open that are supposedly downloading from tmdb but they just sit there and hang atm.

when they are "hung" what number item are they on? for each thread.

- fekker - 2009-01-25

kizer Wrote:I agree. I was trying to do something and I had to keep clicking on the active window so I could see.

There is still a few to "hide", but those should all be before the actual downloads of files start. Does the download dialog take focus? (it shouldn't).. I know the wget windows do and those will be redirected into a dialog box or just hidden from view completely.

- fekker - 2009-01-25

hotzenpl0tz Wrote:Tried the new version and it seems to work quite nicely except that the posters still don't show up for me - and that would be the most important feature for me. And it is still very slow under wine.

Things that media companion does that I find quite nice:

- It renames existing "scene" .nfo files to .info and uses the imdb link in those files to get the right movie
- It is alot faster when it comes to downloading. Precaching my 400 movies took the whole night or so Big Grin

Other than that I am quite satisfied with the movie part and will go on to test the tv show part next Smile

The speed of pre-cache now is based on your internet speed. If you want it to download faster, disable some of the options for what it's downloading, but overall MIP downloads a metric crap ton of data, way more then other apps. I could expand the threads to more then 5, but I already had to handle race conditions and don't know If I can keep it stable for general use, I've personally done it with over 100 rocking along downloading, but that takes tremendous resources and connection speeds to pull that off, it is very fast though.

This ones easy, existing .nfo's will be renamed now in MIP and it does use the imdb title from that file .. that was added post rev 2400 .. if this isn't working, please do let me know.

Those posters not showing up under wine are really getting to me, I had them working by changning something else, then it vanished again, then they worked.. those worked before the final compile so i'll get them working again.

- fekker - 2009-01-25

dbone1026 Wrote:Just downloaded the rev 2434 Wine Build. Everything looks great. Couple comments:

MIP does not allow you to browse for a folder in folder selection, you have to manually type in the address

When you select a movie and the dos prompt comes up, if you have any other windows open, you have to tab back to get to MIP

For TV Shows, MIP will download the info for the base TV Show folder, but still shows 0 movies loaded (i.e. my tv shows are box sets so they are in Video_TS folders). I knew this didn't work before, wasn't sure if it was supposed to be fixed in this build.

I will keep playing around, but I must say I really like this program.
i'll have the dos prompt thing fixed up soon.. i'm still working on VIDEO_TS, I thought I had it working, but it's just not ready yet. I got some ideas from billyad (media companions creator) on how to handle them that I am going to try.

- fekker - 2009-01-25

dbone1026 Wrote:Still going through my movies, and a few other items I noticed (not sure if it is me or MIP):

- After the download is done for a movie, what do those numbers represent in () for Icons, Fanart, Posters, etc...? I assume it was the number of images downloaded, but if I do that math it doesn't add up. For instance, MIP is showing Posters (14), but I only count 7. For Icons and Box Shots it shows 1334, but there are 0.
- It appears now that no box shots are bing downloaded
- When MIP brings in a box cover for the main Current Movie screen, it is generally the back cover of a dvd?

I broke the counters good in this version, thanks for pointing that out, I totally missed it.

i'll look into the box shot not showing up, please try with a few different shows.

To enable the browse button and other gui features that are turned off for wine
Exit MIP, open up the config.xml and change the following item
change it to

There is a long delay (16 seconds) after all downloads have been completed. I will address this is the next patch. This was put into place when I was trying to get the threads working with safe delegates, a method I no longer use.

- bobrap - 2009-01-25

fekker Wrote:There is still a few to "hide", but those should all be before the actual downloads of files start. Does the download dialog take focus? (it shouldn't).. I know the wget windows do and those will be redirected into a dialog box or just hidden from view completely.

For me it's the wget. Just tried to add a path and the browse button isn't respondingHuh

- kizer - 2009-01-25

I've been noticing lately when I run and I have 2 files for a movie say

The folder sometimes doesn't show even thou its listed in the folder. Is it because there are two avi files and I need to have two folder images or something. Kinda doesn't make sense.

- fekker - 2009-01-25

bobrap Wrote:For me it's the wget. Just tried to add a path and the browse button isn't respondingHuh

I've isolated what I think is going on there and I'm debugging a patch to fix that

Quote:I've been noticing lately when I run and I have 2 files for a movie say

The folder sometimes doesn't show even thou its listed in the folder. Is it because there are two avi files and I need to have two folder images or something. Kinda doesn't make sense.
That has to do with movie stacking, you'll prob need to update your XBMC version to use the new stacking code that they have in place and/or the other files (movie.tbn, movie.nfo, fanart.jpg) so that it will show up correctly.

I'll have a patch up within the hour for the wine side of things, the errors dont' seem to occur as much under windows, but in wine it's getting stuck all the time.. I've added a 3 retry max, 60 second timeout value to the wget command that I'm using, the default was 15 minutes and 3 retry's.. (so 45min per file.. that's way too high for me). I've also changed it so that it moniors wgets output again, so it's going to use some more cpu horsepower, but it's better then before as I'm not using as many invokes per thread.

New Patch(s) are Available on sourceforge - pick the one you need
What is a manual patch, how do i use that?
- A manual patch means you will need to extract the zip file and move the .exe file to your install directory, replacing the existing file.

For Windows Users (if using wine, please do try this version as well, same base code, turned off text based updates for wget, but still reading them)
To enable the browse button and other gui features that are turned off for wine
Exit MIP, open up the config.xml and change the following item
change it to

- Fixes download getting stuck under, add close dialog option for forcefully close those threads. (not recommended, unless stuck)
- Fixes the icon counters being completely off there rocker.. i.e. they should now count correctly for the number of items in the tab
- Fixes posters not showing up under wine
- Fixes a duplicate call to cache items that where already called in the previous command
- Address the focus being lost by hiding all wget windows from the interface, this does mean in some areas you'll see a pause while it's downloading items.

For Wine Users
- Starting MIP from a terminal window will show you a ton more about what's going on within the app, as well as a bunch of wine fixeme: and not implemented items.
- Give the windows version a try, it should work as well, if not, use this one.
Do not use this patch under windows, the application will tell you it's stopped responding.
- Fixes download getting stuck under wine (could also happen under windows), does introduce a lack of text updates when downloading, however the progress bars are displayed and downloads function.. function before fashion right? Big Grin
- Fixes the icon counters being completely off there rocker.. i.e. they should now count correctly for the number of items in the tab
- Fixes posters not showing up under wine
- Fixes a duplicate call to cache items that where already called in the previous command
- Does not address the focus being lost as this does not occur under wine, it's a windows side i'll address with another patch

- kizer - 2009-01-25

I'm running the latest version for windows and xbox.

I'm also uploading all of the files that MIP generates unless of course I'm not supposed to. Wink

- fekker - 2009-01-25

kizer Wrote:I'm running the latest version for windows and xbox.

I'm also uploading all of the files that MIP generates unless of course I'm not supposed to. Wink

Are you running 8.10 or post 8.10 builds from the svn..

if your running svn builds, after 16500(ish) it should be picking up on the movie.nfo file and stacking the other two.

Can you send me a list of all files in that folder, I'd like to run some tests against it.

In addition, do you know which svn build your running off of?


- antalm - 2009-01-25

Hi. First I want to thank you for this nice application. It's working pretty well, but I have two issues. Not sure it's a bug or not.

1/ Autopilot function deletes my own existing folder.jpg when no poster is found.

2/ I have some issues with movie.tbn:
- Selecting a movie creates movie.nfo, folder.jpg, fanart.jpg, but never movie.tbn. To create this file, I have to manually select a poster.
- Same for the auto pilot function
- Adding manually my own folder.jpg does not movie.tbn

ps1 : I have the options "Create fanart.jpg" "Create folder.jpg" "Use Folder.jpg for TBN files" "Create movie.tbn"
ps2 : Sorry for my poor English

- parena - 2009-01-25

I can confirm the wine version working under wine 1.1.9 btw. Smile Nice. Though it is slowish. Smile

In the download screen you can see the text (Connecting... etc) appear character by character on my machine and it's not a very slow machine (AMD dual core 1800, 3GiB of RAM).

But it's great to see such progress!

- Clumsy - 2009-01-25

So - I just tried the new version and until now I haven't had any hangs and the posters work - nice !

The movie part is now almost working perfectly for me, the only things I personally would like to see:

- While caching add already existing fanart/posters to the cache so they also show up in the posters tab. That way you can switch to a new poster (found by MIP) but also switch back if you liked your old one (I have several from pre-MIP time that I got with media companion or made myself).

- Combine the poster subtabs into one big tab - probably slower (so maybe optional?) but most of the time there are only 4 or 5 posters for the whole movie so why should I have to click on the tabs to see them all and chose.

Maybe seperate the sources for the posters in one tab by some kind of seperator line:

TMDB Posters:

IMP Awart Posters:

I greatly increased the speed of downloading by unchecking all those things like Icons and Box Shots I don't use anyway - so thanks for the tip. If at some point the "How many of whatever should I download" button works under wine I can probably find a nice compromise just in case I want those things at some point. Great work and thanks for sharing !

edit: Oh, and a bug I just noticed under wine:

- The add your own fanart button doesn't work. I get the file open dialog and can select a picture - but after that nothing happens. I just took a random picture from the web here: http://media.outnow.ch/movies/images/2008/WaltzWithBashir/movie.fs/01.jpg
Do I have to resize that or should it just work ?

- hal2100 - 2009-01-25


first of all, I tried this app and it is really great.
There are still some issues with speed, but this may be my local network. I access my Linux server over Samba and use MIP to generate all the info.

I noticed that MIP creates the
<episodeguideurl />
tag, but it doesn't fill in the url. Is this planned for the future? Because there are some troubles with new episodes if there is no corresponding nfo.

Is it possible that your scraper has problems with Episodes which have numbers in the title?
Lexx-S04xE13-769 doesn't get recognized even when I modify the custom regex to match. All other Episodes (with same name pattern but without 769) are recognized.

-------------- Done episode processing of single item, movie to next or end --------------
parser for : Y:\1_Filme\TV shows2\Lexx\Season 4\Lexx-S04xE13-769.avi : Result was : Lexx-S04xE13-769.avi
Regex1 season resulted in :13
check to see if it's a multipart episode
Regex1 episode resulted in :13:769
-------------- Regex Completed --------------
Multipart Episode Found
get espisode data
error pulling episode from array theshows
get espisode data
error pulling episode from array theshows
Writing .nfo file: Y:\1_Filme\TV shows2\Lexx\Season 4\Lexx-S04xE13-769.nfo
-------------- Done episode processing of single item, movie to next or end --------------