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Ember Media Manager NFO/Poster/FanArt Manager for Movies (Open Source VB.NET) - Printable Version

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- Batemann - 2009-05-28

Just wanted to thank you for the hard work, regular updates, and acting fast on bugs and requests. very nice. Thanks again for this great application.

- phil65 - 2009-05-28

New version crashes when I download fanart (by assistant or manual)

EDIT: problem solved by restarting the computer :/

EDIT 2: Problem reappeared, app only creates 0 kb files

- MrDVD - 2009-05-28

nul7 Wrote:I hope you mean "Movies"->"File Types". lol The "Clean Files" section is for selecting which file types to DELETE when you run the Clean Files Tool.

I realy dont know whats happen here, at the same time as i ticked this "clean files" i updated to r183 where you added Genre Support from OFDB. "Movies -> File Types -> <movie>.nfo" was ticked from the first time i used your tool.
Did you maybe some rework @ the OFDB part while adding the Genre Support ? But maybe simply my combination of using imdb with ofdb didnt work before r183 ?

Quote:It should be pretty easy to figure out, but if you have any questions, let me know.

Yes its not that hard to edit the xml file, after i edited it over the weekend i will upload my new xml somewhere so that you can use it inside your extra rar paket.

Quote:In the next update I'll be doing some changes to the current updaters. I plan to add 2 more main updaters: "New Movies Only" and "Marked Movies Only". Then splitting out some of them into "Posters Only", "Fanart Only", "NFO Only".

After that it shouldn't be a problem any more to have tons of movies because you can narrow down to exactly what you want to update and have it done automatically.

This sounds cool and save me a lot of time Smile

- nul7 - 2009-05-28

pmontanari Wrote:It seems that the Imdb Id has no longer the "tt" prefix before the digits....

Moreover, I've dowloaded the latest version r183 but the splash screen displays r181...

Storing the "tt" in the IMDB ID was actually a bug.

You must have been one of the 2 people that downloaded r181 before I got r183 uploaded. Re-read the post where I announced r183 is in the first post. Wink

empty Wrote:First, thank you very much I'm so appreciative!
Feature Request: A nice feature would be searching for imdb-ids in present NFO files.

It already does that. Wink

empty Wrote:
I Could do this on my own with importing all my media in xbmc and could export all these file with the "new" (for me) internal extract function Smile
Some months ago I created my whole library with the internal Scraper (OFDB) from xbmc in combination with the "XBMC-DB - seperate nfo files 2.23" (http://billyad2000.co.uk/), and my nfofiles looks like this example but they won't be accepted by your tool. Can I fix it in a quicker way instead of rescraping all the movies again?

        <title>TMNT - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles</title>
        <outline>Leonardo, älteste Schildkröte der Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles und ihr Anführer, ist seit langem im südamerikanischen Dschungel verschwunden, wohin...</outline>
        <plot>Leonardo, älteste Schildkröte der Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles und ihr Anführer, ist seit langem im südamerikanischen Dschungel verschwunden, wohin er von seinem Meister Splinter zum Training und zur Selbstbesinnung geschickt wurde. &#x0D;&#x0A; &#x0D;&#x0A;Doch leider ist ihm in der Ferne die Lust abhanden gekommen, wieder zurückzukehren, so daß die alleingelassenen Brüder inzwischen in New York merkwürdigen Beschäftigungen nachgehen wie das Veranstalten von Kindergeburtstagen. Außerdem hat inzwischen der "Nightwatcher", ein martialisch aussehender Motorrad-Superheld, die Aufgabe übernommen, um die sich normalerweise die Turtles kümmerten - den Schutz der New Yorker Bevölkerung vor dem Verbrechen. &#x0D;&#x0A; &#x0D;&#x0A;Doch über New York braut sich eine Gefahr zusammen, die nur von einem starken Team besiegt werden kann. Kehrt Leonardo rechtzeitig wieder zurück und kann er die Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles wieder vereinigen ?</plot>
        <mpaa>(Kino) FSK 6</mpaa>
        <genre>Abenteuer / Action / Animation / Fantasy / Komödie</genre>
        <director>Kevin Munroe</director>
            <name>Andreana Weiner</name>
            <role>Background Voices (Wallah) (voice)</role>

Just from glancing over it, it seems that should work. I'll copy/paste that into an .nfo file and do some tests to see why it's not loading properly.

Batemann Wrote:Just wanted to thank you for the hard work, regular updates, and acting fast on bugs and requests. very nice. Thanks again for this great application.

Thank you very much!

temmi2000 Wrote:New version crashes when I download fanart (by assistant or manual)

EDIT: problem solved by restarting the computer :/

EDIT 2: Problem reappeared, app only creates 0 kb files

Is there an error log created? Is this for one particular movie or all movies? Is it fully crashing or just not working right? Downloading fanart works perfectly for me so I need a bit more information to try to find out why it's not working for you.

MrDVD Wrote:I realy dont know whats happen here, at the same time as i ticked this "clean files" i updated to r183 where you added Genre Support from OFDB. "Movies -> File Types -> <movie>.nfo" was ticked from the first time i used your tool.
Did you maybe some rework @ the OFDB part while adding the Genre Support ? But maybe simply my combination of using imdb with ofdb didnt work before r183 ?

All your files that did not have DVD9 or CDD in the file name should have worked before, and now the ones that do should work as well. That's about the only thing I can think of. lol OFDB and Genres won't have any affect on saving the nfo.

MrDVD Wrote:Yes its not that hard to edit the xml file, after i edited it over the weekend i will upload my new xml somewhere so that you can use it inside your extra rar paket.

That would be great. Thanks!

MrDVD Wrote:This sounds cool and save me a lot of time Smile

Excellent. That's what it's all about, after all. lol

- nul7 - 2009-05-28

empty Wrote:Can I fix it in a quicker way instead of rescraping all the movies again?

        <title>TMNT - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles</title>
        <outline>Leonardo, älteste Schildkröte der Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles und ihr Anführer, ist seit langem im südamerikanischen Dschungel verschwunden, wohin...</outline>
        <plot>Leonardo, älteste Schildkröte der Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles und ihr Anführer, ist seit langem im südamerikanischen Dschungel verschwunden, wohin er von seinem Meister Splinter zum Training und zur Selbstbesinnung geschickt wurde. &#x0D;&#x0A; &#x0D;&#x0A;Doch leider ist ihm in der Ferne die Lust abhanden gekommen, wieder zurückzukehren, so daß die alleingelassenen Brüder inzwischen in New York merkwürdigen Beschäftigungen nachgehen wie das Veranstalten von Kindergeburtstagen. Außerdem hat inzwischen der "Nightwatcher", ein martialisch aussehender Motorrad-Superheld, die Aufgabe übernommen, um die sich normalerweise die Turtles kümmerten - den Schutz der New Yorker Bevölkerung vor dem Verbrechen. &#x0D;&#x0A; &#x0D;&#x0A;Doch über New York braut sich eine Gefahr zusammen, die nur von einem starken Team besiegt werden kann. Kehrt Leonardo rechtzeitig wieder zurück und kann er die Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles wieder vereinigen ?</plot>
        <mpaa>(Kino) FSK 6</mpaa>
        <genre>Abenteuer / Action / Animation / Fantasy / Komödie</genre>
        <director>Kevin Munroe</director>
            <name>Andreana Weiner</name>
            <role>Background Voices (Wallah) (voice)</role>

It's because of the <thumb> section. I'll add support for nfo thumbs in the next version, but the implementation in that file is not correct. It should be:

Single thumb:

Multiple thumbs:

Does XBMC even recognize the thumbs in that nfo? Have you noticed how weird the word "thumb" is when you type it multiple types? lol

- vism - 2009-05-29

I noticed the <credits> field only gets populated when Full Crew is selected. However for the xbmc skin I use, this field is used for the writers, and I don't want all the crew listed here. Can we get an option for this to grab just the main writers separated by '/', or make it the default action when Full Crew is not selected?

- phil65 - 2009-05-29

Found the problem, drive is full (and Windows 7 didn´t report it :/)
Perhaps you could implement a disk space check.
One other thing: I saw a scraper application some weeks or months ago which was able to scrape several films at the same time. It was damn fast.
Something to think about?

- steve1977 - 2009-05-29

pmontanari Wrote:It seems that the Imdb Id has no longer the "tt" prefix before the digits....

Moreover, I've dowloaded the latest version r183 but the splash screen displays r181...

Having the same prob. I have downloaded r183, but it still shows 181 on the spash screen.

- nul7 - 2009-05-29

vism Wrote:I noticed the <credits> field only gets populated when Full Crew is selected. However for the xbmc skin I use, this field is used for the writers, and I don't want all the crew listed here. Can we get an option for this to grab just the main writers separated by '/', or make it the default action when Full Crew is not selected?

Sure, I can do that. Please add an enhancement request to the google code page or I'm likely to forget about it. lol

temmi2000 Wrote:Found the problem, drive is full (and Windows 7 didn´t report it :/)
Perhaps you could implement a disk space check.
One other thing: I saw a scraper application some weeks or months ago which was able to scrape several films at the same time. It was damn fast.
Something to think about?

Well, at least it wasn't a bug in Ember. lol I'll look into checking if there is available disk space.

Pretty good idea. Maybe have a selectable amount of threads to start for downloading. Please add that as an enhancement request on the google code page and I'll work on that later.

steve1977 Wrote:Having the same prob. I have downloaded r183, but it still shows 181 on the spash screen.

Ah, sorry guys.... the x86 version does still report as r181.

- themugger - 2009-05-29

Just wanted to say how great this app is! loving the interface and how functional the app is all ready in this early stage. good work nul.

- pmontanari - 2009-05-29

nul7 Wrote:Ah, sorry guys.... the x86 version does still report as r181.

Not only it reports to be r181 but it seems that it's still this version.

Just test it : Open a movie with correct id (tt123456) and press OK to close the edit mode.
Then re-open the same movie and you will notice that the "tt" has disapeared...

- nul7 - 2009-05-29

themugger Wrote:Just wanted to say how great this app is! loving the interface and how functional the app is all ready in this early stage. good work nul.

Thanks... it's getting there.... slowly, but surely. lol

pmontanari Wrote:Not only it reports to be r181 but it seems that it's still this version.

Just test it : Open a movie with correct id (tt123456) and press OK to close the edit mode.
Then re-open the same movie and you will notice that the "tt" has disapeared...

That's not a bug... storing the "tt" was a bug and was fixed earlier than r181. The difference between r181 and r183 is that fanart wouldn't load if the movie was multi-part and it was named <movie>-fanart.jpg... nothing more. Wink

- pmontanari - 2009-05-29

nul7 Wrote:That's not a bug... storing the "tt" was a bug and was fixed earlier than r181. The difference between r181 and r183 is that fanart wouldn't load if the movie was multi-part and it was named <movie>-fanart.jpg... nothing more. Wink

Sorry to insist.... but why do you say it was a bug to have the leading "tt" as it seems to be specification of the XBMC nfo file (http://wiki.xbmc.org/?title=Import_-_Export_Library#Video_nfo_Files) ?

Otherwise, is it possible to have it as an option ? Thanks.

- Beatzeps08 - 2009-05-29

Nice changes.
BUT^^, the OFdb scraper doesn't load the german informations while the "automatic update".

- steve1977 - 2009-05-29

Facing a bug here. Anyone else with the same problem?

I am using "update media->movie missing->ask" to scrape new movies. Unfortunately, it only appears to be scraping. Neither poster nor artwork are scraped. Also the NFO appars to have scraped, but the NFO is empty except the media flags. If I later "rescrape " the movie manually, everything works fine.

Thanks a lot!!!