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[LINUX] HOW-TO install XBMC for Linux on Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy) and 8.10 (Intrepid) - Printable Version

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crashes - piotr - 2009-04-09

Followed the guide but XBMC crashes on startup. I have Intel GMA 950 graphics, do i have to disable VDPAU or something ? Older svn's work fine.

- pyrates - 2009-04-09

piotr Wrote:Followed the guide but XBMC crashes on startup. I have Intel GMA 950 graphics, do i have to disable VDPAU or something ? Older svn's work fine.

VDPAU is only for nvidia graphics cards.

- piotr - 2009-04-09

pyrates Wrote:VDPAU is only for nvidia graphics cards.

Yes, I am aware of that. Hence the question: do I have to disable VDPAU when configuring ? Thnx.

- The-Boxhead - 2009-04-09

i remember seeing a post that said you had to actually install nvidia driver
even if you have intel or ati. But i think this bug is fixed in latest SVN...

- piotr - 2009-04-09

The-Boxhead Wrote:i remember seeing a post that said you had to actually install nvidia driver
even if you have intel or ati. But i think this bug is fixed in latest SVN...

I've read that post, wasn't me. With "latest SVN" you mean today ? 'cause i tried with last night's svn. Will give it another try tonight.

- molesza - 2009-04-09

I've been following the "smoothvideo" progress. Is there anyway to merge this into xbmc before compiling xbmc as per the guide? I hope I am making sense.

- BritBloke - 2009-04-09

Just want to say a big thanks to Olympia for the guide. Although I haven't actually finished the install yet (man, it takes a long time!) but I'm 100% complete n00b at anything Linux, so your guide has been fantastic.

molesza Wrote:I've been following the "smoothvideo" progress. Is there anyway to merge this into xbmc before compiling xbmc as per the guide? I hope I am making sense.
I was previously running the Win version of XBMC and I stopped using it cos of the jerky video. I'd be interested to see if this could be added to your guide too Smile

- olympia - 2009-04-09

Guys, for smoothvideo, you only need to change the svn checkout part to:

# svn checkout https://xbmc.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/xbmc/branches/smoothvideo/XBMC/

that's all.

If you already installed linuxport, then:

sudo make uninstall
cd ..
rm -r XBMC/
svn checkout https://xbmc.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/xbmc/branches/smoothvideo/XBMC/
./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-pulse
sudo make install

- supernoman - 2009-04-09

I finally read through everything and got it working properly. I had to use a different hard drive for the minimal install to work.
I currently have my system hooked via DVI for testing before I move it to the tv. Is it normal for XBMC to run at 30FPS? Also, I'm getting video corruption when using VDPAU and slower framerates than I get using software decoding. CPU is of course low when using VDPAU.

nvidia 8300 IGP and 2GB RAM (dual channel).
nvidia 185.13 driver

- xnappo - 2009-04-09

PainToad Wrote:Thanks, that was what I was thinking, however, for emulators you generally have to pass the rom name to the script, eg. znes mariokart. Would that work? Can you daisy chain parameters? My Bash skills are rather limited sorry Blush

Sure, just put a $1 after the call to the emulator, and the argument to the script file will pass through to the emulator.


- molesza - 2009-04-09

Thanks olympia for the smootvideo advise.

Unfortunately ./configure command fails and says I need to read readme.linux for dependencies. I did this and found the command I needed. That being

sudo apt-get install subversion make g++ gcc gawk pmount libtool nasm automake cmake gperf unzip bison libsdl-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev libsdl-gfx1.2-dev libsdl-mixer1.2-dev libsdl-sound1.2-dev libsdl-stretch-dev libfribidi-dev liblzo-dev libfreetype6-dev libsqlite3-dev libogg-dev libasound-dev python-sqlite libglew-dev libcurl4-dev x11proto-xinerama-dev libxinerama-dev libxrandr-dev libxrender-dev libmad0-dev libogg-dev libvorbis-dev libmysqlclient-dev libpcre3-dev libdbus-1-dev libhal-dev libhal-storage-dev libjasper-dev libfontconfig-dev libbz2-dev libboost-dev libfaac-dev libenca-dev libxt-dev libxmu-dev libpng-dev libjpeg-dev libpulse-dev mesa-utils libcdio-dev

but it fails and says the following -

Pacakage libcurl4-dev is a virtual package provided by:
libcurl4-gnutls-dev 7.18.2-1ubuntu4.3
You should explicitly select one to install.
E: Package libcurl4-dev has no installation candidate

Any ideas?

I feel a total noob. Pretty effecient with MS products but linux is a huge learning curve for me!

- Asswipe44 - 2009-04-10

olympia Wrote:No, definitely not. It should be done in the way you did.
Then I have no clue what can be the bottleneck. (network maybe)

Hey olympia, once again thank you so much!!!! for the guide and I got it to work by tweaking my resolution settings. Now everything runs smooth as butter with VDPAU, finally!! Thanks to xnappo's tip, I was able to get everything up and running. For anybody wondering why VDPAU plays jerky/stutters and how to fix it, check this out:

You are likely suffering from this problem:


There are a couple of work-arounds in that thread. Starting in 'auto' then switching to 1080p, or just running in 1080i (which seems to really be 1080p anyway).


- olympia - 2009-04-10

molesza Wrote:Thanks olympia for the smootvideo advise.

Unfortunately ./configure command fails and says I need to read readme.linux for dependencies. I did this and found the command I needed.

Yes, I forgot about that one, you also need a:

sudo apt-get install libsamplerate-dev

- xnappo - 2009-04-10

So I have a question about using application launcher with the min-install.

I am using the method I mentioned earlier of launching metacity in the background, then the application, then killing the window manager.

However, the menu/titlebar fonts are way too small.

Since this is a min-install - I can't figure out how to change the font size. Since this is an unusual install, google isn't being very helpful due to all the results for the question on a 'normal' install where you have the full GDM GUI.



- Ticko - 2009-04-12

Thanks again Olympia!
Now i upgraded to 11march version and with smoothmotion. And it is GREAT!