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WIP Stereoscopic 3D support for half/full SBS, over/under, etc - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: WIP Stereoscopic 3D support for half/full SBS, over/under, etc (/showthread.php?tid=147285)

RE: Stereoscopic 3D support for half/full SBS, over/under, etc - xbmcuser123 - 2013-08-27

Any idea of the tool that could convert to FULL SBS without quality loss ?

RE: Stereoscopic 3D support for half/full SBS, over/under, etc - afedchin - 2013-08-27

Edit: refresh thread before reply.

RE: Stereoscopic 3D support for half/full SBS, over/under, etc - baijuxavior - 2013-08-27

I have a problem not related to 3D. When I try to build a setup file the build succeeds, but the setup file is not created. This is the error shown:

Quote:Build Succeeded
Generating installer includes...
File Not Found
Creating installer XBMCSetup-20130827-d6d7519-3d.exe...
File: "D:\xbmc-3d-new\project\Win32BuildSetup\BUILD_WIN32\Xbmc\addons\skin.touch
ed\*.*" -> no files found.
Usage: File [/nonfatal] [/a] ([/r] [/x filespec [...]] filespec [...] |
/oname=outfile one_file_only)
!include: error in script: "skins.nsi" on line 4
Error in script "XBMC for Windows.nsi" on line 195 -- aborting creation process
ERROR: Failed to create XBMCSetup-20130827-d6d7519-3d.exe. NSIS installed?
View the build log in your HTML browser? [y/n]y
Press any key to exit...

NSIS is installed. I also tried reverting to older commits that worked previously, but still the same error.

RE: Stereoscopic 3D support for half/full SBS, over/under, etc - afedchin - 2013-08-27

as temporal solution execute this in the root folder of the repo:
git submodule update --init addons/skin.touched

RE: Stereoscopic 3D support for half/full SBS, over/under, etc - baijuxavior - 2013-08-27

Thanks. I removed the lines referring skin.touched and the setup compiled successfully.

RE: Stereoscopic 3D support for half/full SBS, over/under, etc - da-anda - 2013-08-27

please don't get OT.

RE: Stereoscopic 3D support for half/full SBS, over/under, etc - Saner - 2013-08-30

Its been mentioned a couple of times in this thread, so apologies if I have missed it (I have searched)

but what's the flag for the advancesettings.xml ( http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=147285&pid=1478503#pid1478503 ) to set the 3d filename, values.

I have most of mine with everything but 3dSBS / 3DTAB etc... and it would be easier for me to be able to specify my own flag for it if its still possible.

Cheers for any hints.



Also is there a keymap that can be mapped to a remote button to cycle modes ?

RE: Stereoscopic 3D support for half/full SBS, over/under, etc - afedchin - 2013-08-30

You can use ToggleStereoMode and StereoMode macros
(2013-08-30, 15:54)Saner Wrote: Also is there a keymap that can be mapped to a remote button to cycle modes ?

RE: Stereoscopic 3D support for half/full SBS, over/under, etc - Saner - 2013-08-30

Thank you

(I presume that will work with all video files so it solves the first problem, albeit indirectly)


RE: Stereoscopic 3D support for half/full SBS, over/under, etc - baijuxavior - 2013-08-30

(2013-08-30, 15:54)Saner Wrote: but what's the flag for the advancesettings.xml ( http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=147285&pid=1478503#pid1478503 ) to set the 3d filename, values.

    <stereoscopicflagssbs>your flag</stereoscopicflagssbs>
    <stereoscopicflagstab>your flag</stereoscopicflagstab>

RE: Stereoscopic 3D support for half/full SBS, over/under, etc - Saner - 2013-08-30

Thanks again


Re: Stereoscopic 3D support for half/full SBS, over/under, etc - nickr - 2013-09-01

I am subscribed to this thread but to be honest haven't been following every post. Is there somewhere I can find a summary of what works on which os and code version? A wiki page perhaps.

RE: Stereoscopic 3D support for half/full SBS, over/under, etc - Skank - 2013-09-03

I've read that gotham will ask what to play once you hit play button for a 3d movie
is that correct?

Now i have some movies in 2d and the same in 3d
It takes a lot of space though

Can every 3d movie (3d bluray) be played as a 2d movie?
IS it true that xbmc will auto ask if you want to play it in 2d or 3d?

And since xbmc cannot do 3d bluray yet..
can i do the following

Keep my 3d bluray movies
Let xbmc ask if i want to play 2d or 3d movie->
if 2d movie -> let xbmc play it
if 3d movie -> let TMT play it.

that would rock

RE: Stereoscopic 3D support for half/full SBS, over/under, etc - afedchin - 2013-09-03

You can play any 3d movie in 2d, just select Mono in the stereo mode selection dialog. Any way 3d bluray plays only in 2d with xbmc.

RE: Stereoscopic 3D support for half/full SBS, over/under, etc - Skank - 2013-09-03

(2013-09-03, 12:40)afedchin Wrote: You can play any 3d movie in 2d, just select Mono in the stereo mode selection dialog. Any way 3d bluray plays only in 2d with xbmc.

But do you get quality loss then , A bluray 3d playing as 2d compared to a bluray 2d?

And so you don't get a question to play 2d or 3d? You have to manually set it?
Someone here on the forum said you are begin asked... (i can look up the post if you want)