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[MOD] Cirrus Extended 1.0 - Printable Version

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- PatrickBateman - 2011-04-19


They are not very pretty and could be removed completly im my opinion :-)

I like things very clean and light and slim and this skin suits those needs perfectly. no clutter and no mess, except in a few places here and there... one being the home screen "Now playing Icon" is massiv :-)

Even an option to slim it down would be nice or to remove the icon and display only the text in a slim line box would be lovely.

Still i cant fault what youve done so far, its an amazing skin ... its much cleaner without the now playing icon so its not like its a major show stopper, but id just love to see it as sleek as the rssfeed or the the time and date section etc.

Thanks again for making this skin as its changed my media viewing completely :-)

Ohh, 1 last thing...

In TV Series, i pretty much default to rightlistview (as i do in movies) as it gives me all the info at a glance, is it possible to have the tv series info/plot/synopsis shown in rightlist view exactly as it is for movies ... Please ... :-)

- butchabay - 2011-04-19

Hey Pat,
An option could be to have a button in Settings: Clean Now playing on Home

About tv shows in rightlist view have to think about, i really like it as it is ... Smile

- PatrickBateman - 2011-04-20


Yea "clean" would work perfectly, just as you have done with the home screen "clean" button, as that looks and works wonderfully. Great idea and i sincerely hope you have the time to add such an option. Ive set this skin up so sleek and light weight and minimalistic that it would look sublime with a "clean" option for the now playing section. Even better would be a clean/sleek option with basic controlls available too pause, play, stor, prev, next. Now that would be very exciting.

As for the rightlistview, i dont mean change anything in how it looks (as it looks just fine) just to add the tv series info "Drama based on the..." "Comedy Starring David..." etc etc etc into the transparent black box at the bottom of the screen (exacty where it is in rightlistview for movies).

The text is visible in the fanart view and is visible for movies in rightlistview... It means when scrolling through movies i can see the following:

Art Work,
iMDB Rating,

But when i switch to my TV Series, i get the same info and the same view... minus the description? and for the new stuff that i am yet to watch, i sometimes dont know what they are about... and to be able to view the description at a glance (just like in rightlistview for movies) would be fantastic. There is plenty room to pop it in and slam an auto scroll on it ... again just exactly like it is in the rightlistview for movies :-)

It wouldnt change the appearence, it would just add text to the space available... Big Grin

Id be well chuffed if TV Series and Movies (rightlistview) provided exactly the same info (even if added as options), as now adays most TVSeries are like mini movies,and, to have ratings, descritpions and info beside the posters etc would be (for me) the icing on the cake Big Grin

Thanks again and as i have said before, this is a fantastic piece of work and im very happy to have found your skin.

- htpc guy - 2011-04-20

butchabay Wrote:Hi mate, that would be awesome ... There are 3 default icons i would replace, Music, Video and Folder ... what do you think ? If possible not transparent or semi transparent! It looks ugly when you have cdart spinning without a cover. A nice new default cdart would be great too by the way Smile

I'll add this to my to do list.Wink
And I'm with you on the non transparent stuff. It looks out of place with the borders.

- TerranQ - 2011-04-20

Quick question. I'm finding the plot in tv and movies too small to read comfortably. How can I increase the size slightly?

- butchabay - 2011-04-20

TerranQ Wrote:Quick question. I'm finding the plot in tv and movies too small to read comfortably. How can I increase the size slightly?

Search for "plot" in the respective xml of the view you're using and increase the font size.

Example for ViewsVideoFanart.xml:

PHP Code:
<control type="textbox"> <!-- Plotoutline Mod -->
description>Movie Plot</description>
autoscroll time="2000" delay="3000" repeat="5000">Skin.HasSetting(AutoScroll)</autoscroll>
control type="textbox">
description>Movie PlotOutline</description>
autoscroll time="2000" delay="3000" repeat="5000">Skin.HasSetting(AutoScroll)</autoscroll>


for example to:

try to find out which size fits your needs.

- TerranQ - 2011-04-20

Great! Thanks, I'll give it a shot

Edit: Worked perfectly, 20 is the perfect size for me. Thanks again!

- butchabay - 2011-04-20

PatrickBateman Wrote:Hey,

Yea "clean" would work perfectly, just as you have done with the home screen "clean" button, as that looks and works wonderfully. Great idea and i sincerely hope you have the time to add such an option. Ive set this skin up so sleek and light weight and minimalistic that it would look sublime with a "clean" option for the now playing section. Even better would be a clean/sleek option with basic controlls available too pause, play, stor, prev, next. Now that would be very exciting.

As for the rightlistview, i dont mean change anything in how it looks (as it looks just fine) just to add the tv series info "Drama based on the..." "Comedy Starring David..." etc etc etc into the transparent black box at the bottom of the screen (exacty where it is in rightlistview for movies).

The text is visible in the fanart view and is visible for movies in rightlistview... It means when scrolling through movies i can see the following:

Art Work,
iMDB Rating,

But when i switch to my TV Series, i get the same info and the same view... minus the description? and for the new stuff that i am yet to watch, i sometimes dont know what they are about... and to be able to view the description at a glance (just like in rightlistview for movies) would be fantastic. There is plenty room to pop it in and slam an auto scroll on it ... again just exactly like it is in the rightlistview for movies :-)

It wouldnt change the appearence, it would just add text to the space available... Big Grin

Id be well chuffed if TV Series and Movies (rightlistview) provided exactly the same info (even if added as options), as now adays most TVSeries are like mini movies,and, to have ratings, descritpions and info beside the posters etc would be (for me) the icing on the cake Big Grin

Thanks again and as i have said before, this is a fantastic piece of work and im very happy to have found your skin.

I really don't know where to put all the requested infos for tv shows:


- PatrickBateman - 2011-04-20

butchabay Wrote:I really don't know where to put all the requested infos for tv shows:


It is tight, but here are my suggestions...


Pop "Genre" above where "first aired" currently is,
Then move "Episodes" up to where "Genre" was...
This would leave a big black space below...

And in here we can add the scrolling text description of the show...


Have the layout exactly like movies rightlistview:

"Genre" >>> Above where "first aired" currently is
"Scrolling movie text plot"

"Episodes" and "First aired" where the "Date" and "runtime" and "tags" are for rightlistview movies.


"Episodes" >>> Moved up to above "First Aired"
Remove first aired and genre completley and replace them with...
"Scrolling movie text plot" which begins with the "Genre" and the "First aired date" data.


"First Aired" >>> Moved up to the top of the black bar (above where it is now)
"Episodes" >>> Moved up to where "first Aired" was...
"Scrolling Text"
And pop the "Genre" info in with the scrolling text...

It woirks for movies rightlistview and i honestly think it would be a fantastic "option" ...

I hope you can, if would really make a difference for me anyway Big Grin

- butchabay - 2011-04-20

Above first aired, is the place for next aired mate. As LOST is already finished there is no next aired, but that place is reserved.

INFO: Changes for nightly builds pre-eden - butchabay - 2011-04-21

You surely noticed and heard about future changes reguarding XBMC Eden Build,
that will ofcourse affect all Dharma Skins outhere ...
As i really want to keep cirrus.extended up to date with improvements, changes, bugfixes and ofcourse keeping in consideration your requests, i decided to begin all necessary changes to make cirrus.extended an Eden compatible skin.

The Idea is to bring out the latest Update as soon as possible (1.2.7), then this will be the last release for Dharma.

I'm going to keep all of you informed what's going on, all requests and suggestions that are on my todo list will be ported to the nightly build release if possible.

So far ... stay tuned Wink

- cd492 - 2011-04-21

good decision, waiting for the 1.2.7.

- FACENC - 2011-04-21

Any plans to implement the Simplicity-style TV Guide option on the home screen? This would make this skin perfect.

- PatrickBateman - 2011-04-21

butchabay Wrote:You surely noticed and heard about future changes reguarding XBMC Eden Build,
that will ofcourse affect all Dharma Skins outhere ...
As i really want to keep cirrus.extended up to date with improvements, changes, bugfixes and ofcourse keeping in consideration your requests, i decided to begin all necessary changes to make cirrus.extended an Eden compatible skin.

The Idea is to bring out the latest Update as soon as possible (1.2.7), then this will be the last release for Dharma.

I'm going to keep all of you informed what's going on, all requests and suggestions that are on my todo list will be ported to the nightly build release if possible.

So far ... stay tuned Wink

Great stuff,

There is a bug in the "BigPosterView" that would be nice to see fixed if you get the chance.

Any/all movies that get a red HD-DVD box when "Show Cases" is enabled, seems to fit the poster incorrectly.

Any chance that can be fixed? It just looks like the HD-DVD box is slimmer than the other cases and therefore leaves the poster hanging out (by about 1cm) on the right hand side of the box.

If it were the same width as the the DVD and Blu-Ray box i assume it would work perfectly.

Thanks again, looking forward to the next update :-)

- branlr - 2011-04-21

FACENC Wrote:Any plans to implement the Simplicity-style TV Guide option on the home screen? This would make this skin perfect.

I am working on porting the exact TV-Guide from simplicity. It's quite a simple process, but they recently updated it and I would like to use the updated version, and life is busy right now, but I will upload to the forum this a couple other things very soon.