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[RELEASE] Pneumatic - Printable Version

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- Popeye - 2012-01-20

ursli Wrote:My Cart is not empty though, if I try and access it with plugin.video.nzbsu-0.0.6 it shows my cart just fine.
I wish I could provide more infos but I don't seem to have more then I already posted here.

I'll look at it tonight. Got some other bugs found by simon_rb ;D

- woodg8 - 2012-01-20

Finally managed to get it to work!

Thanks all for your help, quality plugin

- Popeye - 2012-01-20

woodg8 Wrote:Finally managed to get it to work!

Thanks all for your help, quality plugin

Do you mind writing a n00b guide? Big Grin

- woodg8 - 2012-01-20

Popeye Wrote:Do you mind writing a n00b guide? Big Grin

Sure, how's this

1. Download and install Sabnzb
2. At the end of the installation wizard screen, it’ll show the addresses that sabnzb can be accessed from (eg, http://localhost:8080/sabnzbd/ and ); take note of them
3. Install the two plugins into xbmc (NZBS: https://github.com/TsUPeR/xbmc-nzbs and Newznab: https://github.com/TsUPeR/xbmc-newznab/downloads )
4. On nzb.su or whatever site you’re using, create an rss feed for anything and in the URL, it’ll show i=5 digits and r=32 digits
5. R= indicates the site key for the site and I= indicates the site ID
6. Input these two items into newznab addon settings in xbmc
7. In sabnzb, go to config -> general and copy the Full API key into the addon settings for NZBS in xbmc under ‘Sabnzb API ‘
8. Under IP, input the IP address you noted earlier when you installed sabnzb ( and the port (8080) as per the example in step 2
9. Untick 'nzbs.org' in the addon settings if you're not registered on there
10. That’s it, happy streaming

- dr99 - 2012-01-20

The option to add and remove downloads from my cart from the context menu would be a good addition one day. This add-on is amazing and it just keeps getting better and better.

- Popeye - 2012-01-21

dr99 Wrote:The option to add and remove downloads from my cart from the context menu would be a good addition one day. This add-on is amazing and it just keeps getting better and better.

Good idea!

- woodg8 - 2012-01-21

How do you get it to continue streaming after the downloads complete?

- Popeye - 2012-01-21

woodg8 Wrote:How do you get it to continue streaming after the downloads complete?

You haven't read the first post have you? allow_streaming = 1

- woodg8 - 2012-01-21

Popeye Wrote:You haven't read the first post have you? allow_streaming = 1

I have, it streams just fine until the download completes, at which point the vid just stops

- Bstrdsmkr - 2012-01-21

woodg8 Wrote:I have, it streams just fine until the download completes, at which point the vid just stops

I had the same problem. Go to the SABNZBD config and disable unzip and unrar under Switches->Post Processing and Enable folder rename under Switches->Naming

That fixed it for me at least

- Popeye - 2012-01-21

woodg8 Wrote:I have, it streams just fine until the download completes, at which point the vid just stops

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p85xwZ_OLX0 Big Grin

- Popeye - 2012-01-21

Saturday release
0.0.20 Minor bug fix for archives with multiple files.

0.1.2 Add and remove from My Cart. (not supported by beta.nzbs.org, yet.?)
0.1.1 Encoding and MyCart bug (never released)

Thanks for all the great feed back! You veterans, can you help out with supporting beginners, please Big Grin ?

- ursli - 2012-01-21

My Cart works just fine with newznab and nzb.su now, thanks a lot. (Also tested removing items from the cart) Smile

- woodg8 - 2012-01-21

I'm having a problem with nzb.su on newznab

Can't access certain links, like 'Movies' or 'Movies - HD'. Just me?

- Popeye - 2012-01-21

dr99 Wrote:The option to add and remove downloads from my cart from the context menu would be a good addition one day. This add-on is amazing and it just keeps getting better and better.

You got it in the context menu now :-D