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[RELEASE] NVIDIA ION optimized XBMC Live 9.11 Live CD / Live USB version - Printable Version

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+---- Thread: [RELEASE] NVIDIA ION optimized XBMC Live 9.11 Live CD / Live USB version (/showthread.php?tid=66388)

- cowfodder - 2010-05-25

Roelio Wrote:Erhnam thanks for this great Live CD !! It's working like a charm. Do you have plan to build in multi channel support over hdmi?

If there is someone that got multi channel working in combination with this optimized XBMC live version please let me know.

Try the new Beta NVIDIA drivers. A few people are reporting proper multichannel support in them.


And check this thread. There's a post about channel mapping being a bit off, and a fix.


- cowfodder - 2010-05-25

Fixed Samba on v.14

Followed instructions found here.

Only difference is that the smb.conf file you need is located in /usr/share/samba. Format for the smbusers file is
Quote:system_username = "samba_username"
not bracketed like the guide says.

- manekineko - 2010-05-26

How can I update the version of XBMC installed to newer versions?

I'm running XBMC 9.11 r26018 (compiled Dec 24 2009), which I believe is the latest version of this nVidia ION optimized version.

However, there's some bugs that are driving me crazy, like instability where browsing certain directories consistently crashes the GUI, and the fast forward and rewind buttons in playback being glitchy. I'm hoping a newer version would resolve some of these for me.

- Methanoid - 2010-05-28

Is there a 10.04 based XBMCFreak install for Nvidia? Havent spotted it but it strikes me as something we should have when 10.04 boots faster than 9.10 ?!??!

- barrygordon - 2010-05-28

I am a Linux Noobie, but getting smarter. I have a brand new Asrock ion-330 Pro. The HD has been partitioned into three partitions
1) Windows XP 64 bit SP2
2) Ubuntu without XBMC
3) xbmc-911-Live-repack.

The asrock system with only a connection to the A/V Processor over HDMI brings up its initial splash screen and Bios if entered and Grub loader at 1280x720p 60 hz.

The grub loader then allows me to boot any one of the three systems.

If I boot to windows, windows gets started and changes the resolution to 1920x1080p @ 59.974. I am not happy with the perormance of XBMC under windows XP, too much jerkiness in the video and it looks like it is running in slowmotion. Ergo I have decided to abandon that path.

If I boot to Ubuntu (9.04) or to the XBMC Live (9.11) it stays at 720p I have not yet added XBMC to the ubuntu partition so I am concentrating on the XBMC Live partition.

If I play a movie on XBMCLive The A/V Processor states it is receiving a 1280x720P video transmission over HDMI and it reports that multichannel audio (not True HD or Master Audio, but 5.1 HD multichannel) is the audio stream. The A/V processor converts the 1280x720p to 1920x1080p and puts it on the screen and decodes the audio and plays it. Looks good and sounds good.

My question is how do I get the XBMC/ASrock ION330 system to directly put out 1920x1080 @ 60 or 24 FPS if that is what is recorded, or whatever the original media was (Blu Ray disk, DVD movie, or DVD TV Show)? When I rip the original I do not do any transcoding, but keep the audio and video files as they were recorded after removing trailers and menus.

The re-scaled 1280x720 image does not look bad, but I would really like to feed the PJ its native resolution with out the A/V processor scaling it first if that is at all possible.

I have a Dune player and if I feed the exact same movie (from the NAS) to the Dune player and then to the A/V processor, the A/V processor reports it is getting a 1920x1080p signal.

Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated

- Hyralak - 2010-05-28

Barry check out http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=70068
If you follow the steps and run the script you will get perfect playback on xbmc-live.

- barrygordon - 2010-05-29

Thank you for posting that. Right now it is greek to me but I will muddle through it. It seems to be mostly concerned with the 59.xx vs 60 and the 23.xx vs 24 issues, that is frame rates as opposed to resolutions. My issue right now is that XBMC thinks it only has 720p as the highest resolution it has seen, I assume when looking at the EDID. I know the EDID has all of the others also since windows sees them with no issues and shows all of the possible reolutions of my system. I have also checked them with an EDID inspection tool.

- DrMedia - 2010-06-04

Quote:Is there a 10.04 based XBMCFreak install for Nvidia? Havent spotted it but it strikes me as something we should have when 10.04 boots faster than 9.10 ?!??!

Is this what youre after?


- Vladimir - 2010-06-04

When release XBMCFreak Live CD /on Ubuntu lucid 10.04 ?

- cowfodder - 2010-06-05

Vladimir Wrote:When release XBMCFreak Live CD /on Ubuntu lucid 10.04 ?

DrMedia Wrote:Is this what youre after?


One post above you.

- Vladimir - 2010-06-05

To me it is necessary Live CD version. I now use XBMCFreak v.14 r26018( karmic 9.10). How to update this version to lucid ?
Here http://xbmc.org/download/ Live CD http://sourceforge.net/projects/xbmc/files/XBMC%20Live/Camelot%20-%209.11/xbmc-9.11-live-repack.zip/download - ---- this Ubuntu 10.04 mini+XBMC ?

- Hannes The Hun - 2010-06-05

there will be a new XBMC major release in the coming months that will fully support 10.04 ubuntu and also come in an official live flavor based on minimal 10.04

until then just stick with the current xbmcfreak CD if you're not able or willing to install 10.04 via the XBMCbuntu guide

- Vladimir - 2010-06-05

Hannes The Hun Wrote:there will be a new XBMC major release in the coming months that will fully support 10.04 ubuntu and also come in an official live flavor based on minimal 10.04

until then just stick with the current xbmcfreak CD if you're not able or willing to install 10.04 via the XBMCbuntu guide

Link on 10.04 installation?

- Hannes The Hun - 2010-06-05

because you asked so politely I googled the guide for you:

just download the ubuntu 10.04 minimal image (google knows where to download it) and boot from that one. afterwards it's pretty straight forward when you follow the guide. some things you'll have to look up in the forums, but you seem to desperately want a 10.04-based installation so go for it.

- Vladimir - 2010-06-05

Hannes The Hun
Many thanks for link.
Step-by-Step Guides
1. minimal image iso 10.04 here http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/mini.iso.

2. This guide http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/minimal

and here:
3. http://wiki.xbmc.org/?title=XBMCbuntu

I badly know English, therefore so not correctly I write.