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DSPlayer (DirectShow Player for XBMC) Eden build available - Printable Version

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- ashlar - 2011-12-26

tiben20 Wrote:This mean not a clean way too add code. I have to skip over important d3d code because madvr is not made to run as a custom presenter like the vmr9 and evr. I have to add a lot of code in the main xbmc process to make it work correctly and if i want to merge with the trunk this is not the kind of thing that the team like. Especially when i started yesterday asking to the team to merge dsplayer after eden release
Hmmm... any way to bribe madshi in making it cleaner? Money offers? Living breathing sacrifices, anything?

What surprises me is that a lot of DSPlayer is really similar to MPC-HC (the detailed playback stats, for example) and that player supports MadVR with no problems.

I still have hope... I can't help it. Smile

- tiben20 - 2011-12-26

ashlar Wrote:Hmmm... any way to bribe madshi in making it cleaner? Money offers? Living breathing sacrifices, anything?

What surprises me is that a lot of DSPlayer is really similar to MPC-HC (the detailed playback stats, for example) and that player supports MadVR with no problems.

I still have hope... I can't help it. Smile
mpc-hc is a very different the application. Xbmc is already using direct3d like if it was a game. Madvr is creating is own direct3d and don't let anything else present the video. I asked him for making it cleaner but it won't be as stable as it is with mpc-hc in the first place and also it means a lot more work from him and it's not in is priorities

- ZERO <ibis> - 2011-12-27

tiben20 Wrote:mpc-hc is a very different the application. Xbmc is already using direct3d like if it was a game. Madvr is creating is own direct3d and don't let anything else present the video. I asked him for making it cleaner but it won't be as stable as it is with mpc-hc in the first place and also it means a lot more work from him and it's not in is priorities

Anyone know how much $$ would cause him to make it a priority. I admit that I have never used Madvr but apparently it is something people that are interested in increasing the quality want and therefore I would be more than willing to toss into a donation drive to get support for it.

On a related note of money is there any way for us to donate money to support this project? I feel I speak for more than myself here when I say that users would be happy to give back monetarily as a thanks for the hard work that has gone into the dsplayer build of xbmc. Wink

- ZERO <ibis> - 2011-12-27

ixnu Wrote:This works for me, create a file in notepad and paste this:

save this file as:


Where "XXX" is your user name.

This is the best resource that I found for getting a functioning install:


Getting started, it was not clear what was included in the Eden DSPlayer branch.

I'm not criticizing, but the the install really does not come ready out of the box. I had to learn more before I realized that I needed to know less to actually get it working.

I wish there were a post-installation menu where you could select from several pre-configured solutions (lav or ffdshow codecs, splitters, and file types) and then a script would configure your filters and xml files as needed.

I have run through several files and this is just about the best Xmas gift ever. Thanks again to the coders.

I think the best way would be to offer 2 packages:
1. Comes with all the codex installers
2. Comes without the codex installers

There should also be links to various options below the packages for where to get the latest version of everything. This would give new users 1 page that contains links to everything they could ever need to install to use dsplayer.

Then in the GUI there should be an option to select and define everything in there. Lets call it "Play Manager" or something. Inside the "Play Manager" you get an option for each format type dsplayer can play. You also get two presets of which you can also give a custom name. The first will be "ffdshow" and the second "lav" for example. When you go into those presets you can change the name and select which filters and splitters you want to use for that preset. Then for each file type you can select between the two presets you created or define a custom configuration for that file type.

I could try to make a simple example pic in paint or something if this is a bit confusing. However, I think such a simple GUI would enable new and inexperienced users to access advanced configuration options with ease.

- steelman1991 - 2011-12-27

tiben20 Wrote:how do you set this option in dvdplayer?
No option to set - if subtitle option in GUI is left unchecked, subtitles with the 'forced flag' set in mkv's are automatically loaded and displayed,

- leviathan18 - 2011-12-27

ixnu Wrote:This works for me, create a file in notepad and paste this:

save this file as:


Where "XXX" is your user name.

This is the best resource that I found for getting a functioning install:


Getting started, it was not clear what was included in the Eden DSPlayer branch.

I'm not criticizing, but the the install really does not come ready out of the box. I had to learn more before I realized that I needed to know less to actually get it working.

I wish there were a post-installation menu where you could select from several pre-configured solutions (lav or ffdshow codecs, splitters, and file types) and then a script would configure your filters and xml files as needed.

I have run through several files and this is just about the best Xmas gift ever. Thanks again to the coders.

thanks for the detailed help Laugh

- ashlar - 2011-12-27

ZERO <ibis>' Wrote:Anyone know how much $$ would cause him to make it a priority. I admit that I have never used Madvr but apparently it is something people that are interested in increasing the quality want and therefore I would be more than willing to toss into a donation drive to get support for it.
This the point I was trying to make. If it could be done by MadVR being "cleaner", it might "just" be a matter of making this worth for madshi.
Quote:On a related note of money is there any way for us to donate money to support this project? I feel I speak for more than myself here when I say that users would be happy to give back monetarily as a thanks for the hard work that has gone into the dsplayer build of xbmc. Wink
I've asked repeatedly. Tiben doesn't seem willing to give indications about his PayPal account... Smile

- vicmanpergar - 2011-12-27

Well guys, i know u are all speaking from the heart with this thing about the money, and i would be one ready to donate, like many of u, but, don't forget that money is not the only thing for ppl to decide what they do or why. May be their priorities have nothing to do with how much donations they will get, or might be this is even getting them uncomfy, if u understand me.
It's a real pity we won't be able to have madvr directly into Dsplayer but hey, look always the bright side: i'm happy with what we have, and both have all my respects for it. I like madvr very much, and i love DsPlayer and i'm not gonna stop using it as long as ppl will keep on working on it (for the sake of the 72 pages of this thread, i'm sure more ppl think the same)

- ashlar - 2011-12-27

For sure. And in fact this is all in good spirit and intention Smile no whining or anything even remotely similar.

- Waven - 2011-12-27

LAV source/splitter is able recognize the forced flag in subtitles.
Look at http://1f0.de/lav-splitter/lav-splitter-stream-selection/ under section subtitles the advanced method.

- gav1577 - 2011-12-27

Tiben, Thanks for trying Wink

- apgood - 2011-12-27

Hi tiben. Any chance of getting blu ray iso's to run like they do with dvdplayer? I think that and bluray title switching (like jriver's media center does) would be great.

Thanks in advance for your response.

- ZERO &lt;ibis&gt; - 2011-12-27

I wanted to point out that maybe it is time to start thinking about dsplayer getting a subforum so that it is easier for new users to find information or ask for help. Currently having everything in one thread causes people to ask about the same things multiple times when if this was all in its own section it may be easier to organize information and point users to the answers.

- michmetz - 2011-12-27

Hello Tiben,
wish you a wonderfull christmas. Here now the links to the m2ts files we
have spoken about:

the file 'onlyAudio.m2ts' has one short dts-hd file,which is played fine by
VLC+FFdvideodec+ffdaudiodec or also with the new XBMC AudioEngine.
(in the new AudioEngine there are some bugs and drop-outs,so i won't use it)
It was played fine by DSPlayer in the last Version before 33619.
Since 33619 there's no chance to play it cause the file will not open.
The file'Video+Audio.m2ts' includes a very little Video + the same dts-hd Audio
file . It plays fine in the new DSPlayer in the same configuration like VLC.
The Receiver shows me DTS-Ma.
So i have ca. 2 TB HD-Audiofiles in m2ts Containers without any Video in it,
i hope that you can make me a big Christmas Present by changing the Code
or giving me a tip.
I wish you a very good time and a lot of thanks
PS Excuse the bad english

- s3verian - 2011-12-27

hi, thanks for this! bittreamed dts-ma, truehd, and flac are all working!

only thing is my harmony remote with imon doesn't work in dsplayer. I've been searching as I'm sure it's been asked, but no joy. help